Commit fb73275e authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[FIX] Commenting parameters for Graph gen

parent 6f2fbc48
......@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ updateGraphCpt = here.component "updateGraph" cpt where
, callback: \val -> T.write_ val methodGraphMetric
, print: show } []
, H.text "NodeType 1 ?"
, formChoiceSafe { items: [GT.CTabTerms, GT.CTabSources, GT.CTabAuthors, GT.CTabInstitutes]
, default: methodGraphNodeType1'
......@@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ updateGraphCpt = here.component "updateGraph" cpt where
, default: methodGraphNodeType2'
, callback: \val -> T.write_ val methodGraphNodeType2
, print: show } []
, H.text "Show Strong (expected) links or weak (maybe unexpected) links?"
, formChoiceSafe { items: [Strong, Weak]
, default: methodGraphEdgesStrength'
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