Commit fbf92edd authored by Przemyslaw Kaminski's avatar Przemyslaw Kaminski

[utils] generic renormalization using lens

parent c469647a
Pipeline #3268 canceled with stage
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import Gargantext.Prelude
import Data.Array as A
import Data.Foldable (maximum, minimum)
import Data.Lens (lens)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Newtype (wrap)
import Data.Sequence as Seq
......@@ -15,6 +16,7 @@ import Gargantext.Components.GraphExplorer.GraphTypes as GEGT
import Gargantext.Components.GraphExplorer.Types as GET
import Gargantext.Hooks.Sigmax.Types as ST
import Gargantext.Utils (getter)
import Gargantext.Utils.Lens as GUL
import Gargantext.Utils.Seq as GUS
stEdgeToGET :: Record ST.Edge -> GEGT.Edge
......@@ -34,31 +36,37 @@ stNodeToGET { id, label, x, y, _original: GEGT.Node { attributes, size, type_ }
-- | Normalize nodes, i.e. set their {x, y} values so that they are in
-- | range [0, 1].
normalizeNodes :: Seq.Seq GEGT.Node -> Seq.Seq GEGT.Node
normalizeNodes ns = normalizeNode ns
normalizeNodes ns = GUL.normalizeLens xLens $ GUL.normalizeLens yLens ns
xs = map (\(GEGT.Node { x }) -> x) ns
ys = map (\(GEGT.Node { y }) -> y) ns
mMinx = minimum xs
mMaxx = maximum xs
mMiny = minimum ys
mMaxy = maximum ys
mXrange = do
minx <- mMinx
maxx <- mMaxx
pure $ maxx - minx
mYrange = do
miny <- mMiny
maxy <- mMaxy
pure $ maxy - miny
xdivisor = case mXrange of
Nothing -> 1.0
Just xdiv -> 1.0 / xdiv
ydivisor = case mYrange of
Nothing -> 1.0
Just ydiv -> 1.0 / ydiv
normalizeNode (GEGT.Node n@{ x, y }) = GEGT.Node $ n { x = x * xdivisor
, y = y * ydivisor }
xLens = lens (\(GEGT.Node { x }) -> x) $ (\(GEGT.Node n) val -> GEGT.Node (n { x = val }))
yLens = lens (\(GEGT.Node { y }) -> y) $ (\(GEGT.Node n) val -> GEGT.Node (n { y = val }))
-- normalizeNodes ns = normalizeNode ns
-- where
-- xs = map (\(GEGT.Node { x }) -> x) ns
-- ys = map (\(GEGT.Node { y }) -> y) ns
-- mMinx = minimum xs
-- mMaxx = maximum xs
-- mMiny = minimum ys
-- mMaxy = maximum ys
-- mXrange = do
-- minx <- mMinx
-- maxx <- mMaxx
-- pure $ maxx - minx
-- mYrange = do
-- miny <- mMiny
-- maxy <- mMaxy
-- pure $ maxy - miny
-- xdivisor = case mXrange of
-- Nothing -> 1.0
-- Just xdiv -> 1.0 / xdiv
-- ydivisor = case mYrange of
-- Nothing -> 1.0
-- Just ydiv -> 1.0 / ydiv
-- normalizeNode (GEGT.Node n@{ x, y }) = GEGT.Node $ n { x = x * xdivisor
-- , y = y * ydivisor }
module Gargantext.Utils.Lens where
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Data.Foldable (maximum, minimum)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Lens
import Data.Traversable
-- | Given a Traversable of entities and a lens for them, normalize
-- | over lens getter so that the value of lens setter is in range [0,
-- | 1].
normalizeLens :: forall a t. Traversable t => Lens' a Number -> t a -> t a
normalizeLens l ns = over traversed normalize' ns
values = over traversed (_ ^. l) ns
vMin = minimum values
vMax = maximum values
vRange = do
minv <- vMin
maxv <- vMax
pure $ maxv - minv
divisor = case vRange of
Nothing -> 1.0
Just d -> 1.0 / d
normalize' n = over l (_ * divisor) n
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