[Branch dev-bdd][NgramsTable] Scores
Please use both dev-bdd branches on the backend and the frontend side (the bug should be in dev too but it will ease the merge)
To create your new database, execute ./devops/postgres/create as postgres user (you need to exec gargantext-init gargantext.ini after) I have just the database name (gargandb1 instead of gargandb so you will not lose your previous data; upgrading scripts are coming)
The main issue is the following: when documents are scored as Trash (just click on the "x" icon to score it in Docs Table view, near from the stars), the ngrams scores are not updated in the frontend whereas the scores are well updated in the database.
To check the scores use the following function; runCmdReplEasy $ getOccByNgramsOnlyFast' (NodeId 88) (NodeId 91) Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.Ngrams.Sources [NgramsTerm "NOT FOUND"] where first NodeId is CorpusId and second NodeId is ListId
(Be careful, for you understanding: the quality of the default map list is not good at start, you need to import more many documents, let's say 1000)