<!-- This rule was automatically generated based on an HSTS preload rule in the Chromium browser. See https://src.chromium.org/viewvc/chrome/trunk/src/net/base/transport_security_state.cc for the list of preloads. Sites are added to the Chromium HSTS preload list on request from their administrators, so HTTPS should work properly everywhere on this site. Because Chromium and derived browsers automatically force HTTPS for every access to this site, this rule applies only to Firefox. --><rulesetname="Googleplex.com (default off)"platform="firefox"default_off="Certificate error"><targethost="googleplex.com"/><securecookiehost="^googleplex\.com$"name=".+"/><rulefrom="^http://googleplex\.com/"to="https://googleplex.com/"/></ruleset>