Unverified Commit 826ef3d0 authored by Noémi Ványi's avatar Noémi Ványi Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #1879 from bauruine/fix_startpage_ValueError_on_spanish_datetime

[Fix] Startpage ValueError on Spanish date format
parents 4eddbca8 fcb44c65
......@@ -99,11 +99,14 @@ def response(resp):
if re.match(r"^([1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1]) [A-Z][a-z]{2} [0-9]{4} \.\.\. ", content):
date_pos = content.find('...') + 4
date_string = content[0:date_pos - 5]
published_date = parser.parse(date_string, dayfirst=True)
# fix content string
content = content[date_pos:]
published_date = parser.parse(date_string, dayfirst=True)
except ValueError:
# check if search result starts with something like: "5 days ago ... "
elif re.match(r"^[0-9]+ days? ago \.\.\. ", content):
date_pos = content.find('...') + 4
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