Commit 8b7ac566 authored by Dalf's avatar Dalf

[fix] google_videos engine: some results don't a thumbnail

parent d44677e2
......@@ -75,15 +75,17 @@ def response(resp):
# get thumbnails
script = str(dom.xpath('//script[contains(., "_setImagesSrc")]')[0].text)
id = result.xpath('.//div[@class="s"]//img/@id')[0]
thumbnails_data = re.findall('s=\'(.*?)(?:\\\\[a-z,1-9,\\\\]+\'|\')\;var ii=\[(?:|[\'vidthumb\d+\',]+)\'' + id,
tmp = []
if len(thumbnails_data) != 0:
tmp = re.findall('(data:image/jpeg;base64,[a-z,A-Z,0-9,/,\+]+)', thumbnails_data[0])
thumbnail = ''
if len(tmp) != 0:
thumbnail = tmp[-1]
ids = result.xpath('.//div[@class="s"]//img/@id')
if len(ids) > 0:
thumbnails_data = \
re.findall('s=\'(.*?)(?:\\\\[a-z,1-9,\\\\]+\'|\')\;var ii=\[(?:|[\'vidthumb\d+\',]+)\'' + ids[0],
tmp = []
if len(thumbnails_data) != 0:
tmp = re.findall('(data:image/jpeg;base64,[a-z,A-Z,0-9,/,\+]+)', thumbnails_data[0])
thumbnail = ''
if len(tmp) != 0:
thumbnail = tmp[-1]
# append result
results.append({'url': url,
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