Commit d9231d17 authored by stepshal's avatar stepshal

Fix whitespaces

parent baab6bcb
categories = ['general'] # optional
categories = ['general'] # optional
def request(query, params):
......@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ def init():
sudo('git clone')
sudo('chown -R {user}:{user} {searx_dir}'.format(user=current_user, searx_dir=searx_dir))
put(StringIO(uwsgi_file), searx_dir+'/uwsgi.ini')
put(StringIO(uwsgi_file), searx_dir + '/uwsgi.ini')
sudo('ln -s {0}/uwsgi.ini /etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled/searx.ini'.format(searx_dir))
run('virtualenv {0}'.format(searx_ve_dir))
......@@ -10,17 +10,17 @@ languages = {'de', 'en', 'es', 'fr', 'hu', 'it', 'nl', 'jp'}
url_template = '{query}&props=labels%7Cdatatype%7Cclaims%7Caliases&languages=' + '|'.join(languages)
url_wmflabs_template = ''
url_wikidata_search_template = '{query}'
wmflabs_queries = [
'CLAIM[31:8142]', # all devise
'CLAIM[31:8142]', # all devise
db = {
'iso4217' : {
'names' : {
'iso4217': {
'names': {
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ def remove_accents(data):
def normalize_name(name):
return re.sub(' +',' ', remove_accents(name.lower()).replace('-', ' '))
return re.sub(' +', ' ', remove_accents(name.lower()).replace('-', ' '))
def add_currency_name(name, iso4217):
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ def add_currency_name(name, iso4217):
if iso4217_set is not None and iso4217 not in iso4217_set:
db_names[name] = [ iso4217 ]
db_names[name] = [iso4217]
def add_currency_label(label, iso4217, language):
......@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ def parse_currency(data):
def fetch_data(wikidata_ids):
url = url_template.format(query=urlencode({'ids' : '|'.join(wikidata_ids)}))
url = url_template.format(query=urlencode({'ids': '|'.join(wikidata_ids)}))
htmlresponse = get(url)
jsonresponse = json.loads(htmlresponse.content)
entities = jsonresponse.get('entities', {})
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