• Markus Heiser's avatar
    brands: hardcode ISSUE_URL and some links on the about-page · 3486613a
    Markus Heiser authored
    A *brand* of searx is a fork which might have its own design and some special
    functions which might bee reasonable in a special context.
    In this sense, the fork might have its own documentation but not its own issue
    tracker.  The *upstream* of a brand is always https://github.com/asciimoo from
    where the brand-fork pulls the master branch regularly.  A fork which has its
    own issue tracker is a spin-off and out of the scope of the searx project
    itself.  The conclusion is:
    - hard code ISSUE_URL (in the Makefile)
    - always refer to DOCS_URL
    - links in the about page refer to the *upstream* (searx project)
      except DOCS_URL
    - "fork me on github" ribbons refer to the *upstream*
    Signed-off-by: 's avatarMarkus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>
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