First working version

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# Revision history for servant-xml-conduit
## -- 2023-11-23
* First version. Released on an unsuspecting world.
This diff is collapsed.
# servant-xml-conduit
This is similar to <>,
however we use
instead of [`xmlbf`]( Also,
we only provide a way to serialize
leaving end user to implement his own
An example of using such a typeclass would be:
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Text.XML qualified as XML
import Text.XML.Cursor qualified as XMLCursor
data MyCustomErrors =
ErrorNoElementFound Text XMLCursor.Cursor
| ...
class FromXML a where
fromXML :: (Functor m, Applicative m, MonadError MyCustomErrors m) => XMLCursor.Cursor -> m a
instance FromXML T.Text where
fromXML = pure . T.concat . XMLCursor.content
instance FromXML Int where
fromXML c = do
let txt = (T.concat . XMLCursor.content) c
case readEither txt of
Left err -> throwError $ ErrorParsingInt c $ show err
Right i -> pure i
cabal-version: 3.0
-- The cabal-version field refers to the version of the .cabal specification,
-- and can be different from the cabal-install (the tool) version and the
-- Cabal (the library) version you are using. As such, the Cabal (the library)
-- version used must be equal or greater than the version stated in this field.
-- Starting from the specification version 2.2, the cabal-version field must be
-- the first thing in the cabal file.
-- Initial package description 'servant-xml-conduit' generated by
-- 'cabal init'. For further documentation, see:
-- The name of the package.
name: servant-xml-conduit
-- The package version.
-- See the Haskell package versioning policy (PVP) for standards
-- guiding when and how versions should be incremented.
-- PVP summary: +-+------- breaking API changes
-- | | +----- non-breaking API additions
-- | | | +--- code changes with no API change
-- A short (one-line) description of the package.
-- synopsis:
-- A longer description of the package.
-- description:
-- The license under which the package is released.
license: AGPL-3.0-or-later
-- The file containing the license text.
license-file: LICENSE
-- The package author(s).
author: Gargantext
-- An email address to which users can send suggestions, bug reports, and patches.
-- A copyright notice.
-- copyright:
category: Web
build-type: Simple
-- Extra doc files to be distributed with the package, such as a CHANGELOG or a README.
-- Extra source files to be distributed with the package, such as examples, or a tutorial module.
-- extra-source-files:
common warnings
ghc-options: -Wall
-- Import common warning flags.
import: warnings
-- Modules exported by the library.
exposed-modules: Servant.XML.Conduit
-- Modules included in this library but not exported.
-- other-modules:
-- LANGUAGE extensions used by modules in this package.
-- other-extensions:
-- Other library packages from which modules are imported.
build-depends: base ^>=
, bytestring ^>=
, conduit ^>= 1.3.5
, http-media ^>= 0.8
, servant ^>= 0.19.1
, xml-conduit ^>=
, xml-types ^>= 0.3.8
-- Directories containing source files.
hs-source-dirs: src
-- Base language which the package is written in.
default-language: Haskell2010
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
Module : Servant.XML.Conduit
Description : Servant bindings for XML using xml-conduit
Copyright : (c) CNRS, 2023-present
License : AGPL + CECILL v3
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : POSIX
module Servant.XML.Conduit where
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import Network.HTTP.Media qualified as M
import Servant.API
import Text.XML qualified as XML
data XML
instance Accept XML where
contentType _ = "application" M.// "xml" M./: ("charset", "utf-8")
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} MimeUnrender XML XML.Document where
mimeUnrender _ bs = first show $ XML.parseLBS XML.def bs
instance MimeRender XML XML.Document where
mimeRender _ doc = XML.renderLBS XML.def doc
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