Commit 16bece62 authored by Alfredo Di Napoli's avatar Alfredo Di Napoli

Slight refactoring of proxy code

parent 4ab1ebbb
......@@ -4,9 +4,6 @@
module Gargantext.MicroServices.ReverseProxy (
-- * Internals
, replaceIt
) where
import Prelude
......@@ -41,6 +38,21 @@ import Text.RE.Replace hiding (Capture)
-- Types
data ProxyDestination =
{ fwdProto :: C8.ByteString
, fwdHost :: C8.ByteString
, fwdPort :: PortNumber
renderProxyDestination :: ProxyDestination -> C8.ByteString
renderProxyDestination ProxyDestination{..}
= fwdProto <> "//" <> fwdHost <> ":" <> C8.pack ( fwdPort)
-- The API
data ReverseProxyAPI mode = ReverseProxyAPI
{ notesProxy :: mode :- "notes-proxy" :> NamedRoutes NotesProxy
, notesSocketIo :: mode :- "" :> NamedRoutes SocketIOProxy
......@@ -48,8 +60,8 @@ data ReverseProxyAPI mode = ReverseProxyAPI
} deriving Generic
data NotesProxy mode = NotesProxy
{ noteProxyEp :: mode :- Capture "frameId" T.Text
:> Raw
{ noteProxyEp :: mode :- Capture "frameId" T.Text :> Raw
, slideEp :: mode :- Capture "frameId" T.Text :> "slide" :> Raw
} deriving Generic
data SocketIOProxy mode = SocketIOProxy
......@@ -57,7 +69,7 @@ data SocketIOProxy mode = SocketIOProxy
} deriving Generic
-- Server
-- The Server
microServicesProxyApp :: Env -> Application
......@@ -67,91 +79,108 @@ server :: Env -> ReverseProxyAPI AsServer
server env = ReverseProxyAPI {
notesProxy = notesProxyImplementation env
, notesSocketIo = socketIOProxyImplementation env
, meEndpoint = forwardServer env
, meEndpoint = proxyPassServer env
notesProxyImplementation :: Env -> NotesProxy AsServer
notesProxyImplementation env = NotesProxy {
noteProxyEp = \_frameId -> forwardServer env
noteProxyEp = \_frameId -> notesProxyServer env
, slideEp = \frameId -> slideProxyServer env frameId
socketIOProxyImplementation :: Env -> SocketIOProxy AsServer
socketIOProxyImplementation env = SocketIOProxy {
socketIoEp = \_noteId -> forwardServer env
socketIoEp = \_noteId -> proxyPassServer env
forwardServer :: Env -> ServerT Raw m
forwardServer env =
Tagged $ waiProxyToSettings forwardRequest proxySettings (env ^. env_manager)
notesProxyServer :: Env -> ServerT Raw m
notesProxyServer env = defaultForwardServer (removeProxyPath "/notes-proxy") env
slideProxyServer :: Env -> T.Text -> ServerT Raw m
slideProxyServer env frameId =
defaultForwardServer (\rq -> rq { rawPathInfo = changePath (rawPathInfo rq) }) env
changePath :: ByteString -> ByteString
changePath _ = TE.encodeUtf8 $ "/p/" <> frameId <> "#/"
microSrvSettings :: MicroServicesSettings
microSrvSettings = env ^. env_settings . microservicesSettings
-- Generic server forwarder
proxyPassServer :: Env -> ServerT Raw m
proxyPassServer env = defaultForwardServer id env
pxyPort :: Int
pxyPort = microSrvSettings ^. msProxyPort
writeFrameURL :: T.Text
writeFrameURL = env ^. hasConfig . gc_frame_write_url
mkProxyDestination :: Env -> ProxyDestination
mkProxyDestination env = fromMaybe (panicTrace "Invalid URI found in the proxied Request.") $ do
URI{..} <- URI.parseURI (T.unpack $ env ^. hasConfig . gc_frame_write_url)
uriAut <- uriAuthority
port <- case uriPort uriAut of
"" -> pure 80
xs -> readMaybe (dropWhile (==':') xs)
pure $ ProxyDestination (C8.pack uriScheme) (C8.pack $ uriRegName uriAut) port
assetPath :: B.ByteString
| snd forwardedHost /= 80
= TE.encodeUtf8 $ writeFrameURL <> ":" <> T.pack ( $ snd forwardedHost)
| otherwise
= TE.encodeUtf8 writeFrameURL
-- Combinators over the input Request
removeProxyPath :: ByteString -> ByteString
removeProxyPath = TE.encodeUtf8
. T.replace "/notes-proxy" ""
. TE.decodeUtf8
removeProxyPath :: T.Text -> Request -> Request
removeProxyPath pth originalRequest =
originalRequest { rawPathInfo = removePath (rawPathInfo originalRequest) }
removePath :: ByteString -> ByteString
removePath = TE.encodeUtf8 . T.replace pth "" . TE.decodeUtf8
proxySettings :: WaiProxySettings
proxySettings = defaultWaiProxySettings { wpsProcessBody = \_req _res -> Just replaceRelativeLinks
, wpsModifyResponseHeaders = \_req _res -> tweakResponseHeaders
replaceRelativeLinks :: ConduitT B.ByteString (Flush Builder) IO ()
replaceRelativeLinks = (flushReplace assetPath)
defaultForwardServer :: (Request -> Request) -> Env -> ServerT Raw m
defaultForwardServer presendModifyRequest env =
Tagged $ waiProxyToSettings forwardRequest (proxySettings $ mkProxyDestination env) (env ^. env_manager)
noCache :: RequestHeaders -> RequestHeaders
noCache hdrs = (hCacheControl, fromString "no-cache") :
filter ((/=) hCacheControl . fst) hdrs
proxyDestination :: ProxyDestination
proxyDestination = mkProxyDestination env
newHost :: RequestHeaders -> RequestHeaders
newHost hdrs =
(hHost, fromString $ fst forwardedHost <> ":" <> (snd forwardedHost)) :
filter ((/=) hHost . fst) hdrs
microSrvSettings :: MicroServicesSettings
microSrvSettings = env ^. env_settings . microservicesSettings
proxyListeningPort :: Int
proxyListeningPort = microSrvSettings ^. msProxyPort
proxySettings :: ProxyDestination -> WaiProxySettings
proxySettings h@ProxyDestination{..} =
defaultWaiProxySettings { wpsProcessBody = \_req _res -> Just $ replaceRelativeLinks assetPath
, wpsModifyResponseHeaders = \_req _res -> tweakResponseHeaders
assetPath :: B.ByteString
| fwdPort /= 80
= renderProxyDestination h
| otherwise
= fwdProto <> "//" <> fwdHost
newHost :: ProxyDestination -> RequestHeaders -> RequestHeaders
newHost hst hdrs = (hHost, renderProxyDestination hst) : filter ((/=) hHost . fst) hdrs
newReferer :: RequestHeaders -> RequestHeaders
newReferer hdrs =
(hReferer, fromString $ "http://localhost:" <> pxyPort) :
(hReferer, fromString $ "http://localhost:" <> proxyListeningPort) :
filter ((/=) hHost . fst) hdrs
forwardedHost :: (String, Int)
forwardedHost = fromMaybe (panicTrace "Invalid URI found in the proxied Request.") $ do
URI{..} <- URI.parseURI (T.unpack writeFrameURL)
uriAut <- uriAuthority
port <- case uriPort uriAut of
"" -> pure 80
xs -> readMaybe (dropWhile (==':') xs)
pure $ (uriRegName uriAut, port)
mkProxyDest :: ProxyDest
mkProxyDest =
let (hst, prt) = forwardedHost
in ProxyDest (C8.pack hst) prt
-- | Forwards the request by substituting back the proxied address into the actual one.
forwardRequest :: Request -> IO WaiProxyResponse
forwardRequest originalRequest = do
let proxiedReq = originalRequest {
rawPathInfo = removeProxyPath (rawPathInfo originalRequest)
, requestHeaders = (newReferer . newHost . noCache $ (requestHeaders originalRequest))
let proxiedReq = presendModifyRequest $ originalRequest {
requestHeaders = (newReferer . newHost proxyDestination . noCache $ (requestHeaders originalRequest))
pure $ WPRModifiedRequest proxiedReq mkProxyDest
pure $ WPRModifiedRequest proxiedReq ProxyDest (fwdHost proxyDestination) (fwdPort proxyDestination))
-- Utility functions
noCache :: RequestHeaders -> RequestHeaders
noCache hdrs = (hCacheControl, fromString "no-cache") : filter ((/=) hCacheControl . fst) hdrs
-- | Tweak the response headers so that they will have a bit more permissive
-- 'Content-Security-Policy'.
tweakResponseHeaders :: ResponseHeaders -> ResponseHeaders
tweakResponseHeaders = tweakHeader
......@@ -161,17 +190,21 @@ tweakResponseHeaders = tweakHeader
| otherwise
= (k,v)
-- | Replaces the relative links in the proxied page content with proper urls.
flushReplace :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> Flush Builder
flushReplace assetPath = Chunk . byteString . replaceIt assetPath
replaceIt :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
replaceIt assetPath htmlBlob =
replaceAllCaptures ALL makeAbsolute $ htmlBlob *=~ [re|src="\/build\/|href="\/build\/|src="\/config|src="\/js\/|]
-- | Replaces the relative links in any HTML blob returned by the proxy.
replaceRelativeLinks :: B.ByteString -> ConduitT B.ByteString (Flush Builder) IO ()
replaceRelativeLinks assetPath = flushReplace
makeAbsolute _ _loc cap = case capturedText cap of
"src=\"/build/" -> Just $ "src=\"" <> assetPath <> "/build/"
"href=\"/build/" -> Just $ "href=\"" <> assetPath <> "/build/"
"src=\"/config" -> Just $ "src=\"" <> assetPath <> "/config"
"src=\"/js/" -> Just $ "src=\"" <> assetPath <> "/js/"
_ -> Just $ assetPath <> capturedText cap
-- Replaces the relative links in the proxied page content with proper urls.
flushReplace :: B.ByteString -> Flush Builder
flushReplace = Chunk . byteString . replaceIt
replaceIt :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
replaceIt htmlBlob =
replaceAllCaptures ALL makeAbsolute $ htmlBlob *=~ [re|src="\/build\/|href="\/build\/|src="\/config|src="\/js\/|]
makeAbsolute _ _loc cap = case capturedText cap of
"src=\"/build/" -> Just $ "src=\"" <> assetPath <> "/build/"
"href=\"/build/" -> Just $ "href=\"" <> assetPath <> "/build/"
"src=\"/config" -> Just $ "src=\"" <> assetPath <> "/config"
"src=\"/js/" -> Just $ "src=\"" <> assetPath <> "/js/"
_ -> Just $ assetPath <> capturedText cap
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