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module Gargantext.Components.Bootstrap.ContextMenu
  ( contextMenu
  , contextMenuItem
  ) where

import Gargantext.Prelude

import DOM.Simple as DOM
import DOM.Simple as Element
import DOM.Simple.Event as DE
import DOM.Simple.Types (DOMRect)
import DOM.Simple.Window (window)
import Data.Foldable (for_, intercalate)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe, maybe)
import Data.Nullable (Nullable, null, toMaybe)
import Data.UUID as UUID
import Effect (Effect)
import FFI.Simple (setProperty', (..))
import Gargantext.Components.Bootstrap.Ripple (ripple)
import Gargantext.Components.Bootstrap.Types (ComponentStatus(..), Variant(..))
import Gargantext.Hooks.Scrollbar (useScrollbar)
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
import Reactix as R
import Reactix as SE
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
import Reactix.SyntheticEvent as RE

type Props =
  ( closeCallback :: Unit -> Effect Unit
  , x             :: Number
  , y             :: Number

contextMenu :: R2.Component Props
contextMenu = R2.component component

componentName :: String
componentName = "b-context-menu"

component :: R.Component Props
component = R.hooksComponent componentName cpt where
  cpt { closeCallback
      , x
      , y
      } children
      = R.unsafeHooksEffect (UUID.genUUID >>= pure <<< UUID.toString)
    >>= \uuid -> do
    -- | States
    -- |
    ref <- R.useRef (null :: Nullable DOM.Element)

    -- | Hooks
    -- |
    { enableScroll, disableScroll } <- useScrollbar

    R.useLayoutEffect1 [] do
      -- Mount
      -- Unmount
      pure enableScroll

    -- /!\ for some reason we have to use the hook's effect with cleanup
    --     function (even if empty)
    R.useLayoutEffect1 (R.readRef ref) do
      for_ (toMaybe $ R.readRef ref) \el -> do

        let rect  = Element.boundingRect el
        let pos   = position { x, y } rect
        let style = el .. "style"

        void $ pure $ setProperty' style "left" [ show pos.left ]
        void $ pure $ setProperty' style "top" [ show ]

      R.nothing # R.thenNothing

    -- | Computed
    -- |
      containerId :: String
      containerId = componentName <> "-" <> uuid

      containerCallback :: forall e. SE.SyntheticEvent e -> Effect Unit
      containerCallback e =
          eventTargetId :: Maybe String
          eventTargetId = SE.unsafeEventTarget e # flip DOM.attr "id"

          hasClickedOnContainer :: Boolean
          hasClickedOnContainer = maybe false (eq containerId) eventTargetId

          when hasClickedOnContainer $ closeCallback unit

    -- | Render
    -- |
        { className: componentName
        , on: { click: containerCallback }
        , key: uuid
        , id: containerId
          { className: componentName <> "__inner"
          , data: { placement: "right", toggle: "popover" }
          , ref
      <$> R2.getPortalHost

position ::
     { x :: Number
     , y :: Number
  -> DOMRect
  -> { left :: Number
     , top  :: Number
position mouse { width: menuWidth, height: menuHeight } = { left, top }
    left = if isRight then mouse.x else mouse.x - menuWidth
    top = if isAbove then mouse.y else mouse.y - menuHeight
    isRight = screenWidth - mouse.x > menuWidth -- is there enough space to show above
    isAbove = screenHeight - mouse.y > menuHeight -- is there enough space to show to the right?
    screenWidth = window .. "innerWidth"
    screenHeight = window .. "innerHeight"


type ItemProps =
  ( callback    :: Unit -> Effect Unit
  | ItemOptions

type ItemOptions =
  ( className   :: String
  , status      :: ComponentStatus

itemOptions :: Record ItemOptions
itemOptions =
  { className   : ""
  , status      : Enabled

contextMenuItem :: forall r. R2.OptComponent ItemOptions ItemProps r
contextMenuItem = R2.optComponent itemCpt itemOptions

itemComponentName :: String
itemComponentName = "b-context-menu-item"

itemCpt :: R.Component ItemProps
itemCpt = R.hooksComponent itemComponentName cpt where
  cpt props@{ callback
            , status
            } children = do
    -- Computed
      className = intercalate " "
        -- provided custom className
        [ props.className
        -- BEM classNames
        , itemComponentName
        , itemComponentName <> "--" <> show status

      click = onClick status callback

    -- Render
    pure $

      { className
      , on: { click }
      } $
        { status
        , variant: Dark

-- | Clicked event will effectively be triggered according to the
-- | component status props
onClick ::
  -> (Unit -> Effect Unit)
  -> RE.SyntheticEvent DE.Event
  -> Effect Unit
onClick status callback event = do
  RE.preventDefault event
  when (status == Enabled) $ callback unit