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module Gargantext.Hooks.FormValidation.Boxed
  ( class Equals, equals
  , class NonEmpty, nonEmpty
  , class Minimum, minimum
  , class Maximum, maximum
  , lowercase, uppercase, email, date, number, int
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  ) where

import Gargantext.Prelude

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import Data.Int as Int
import Data.Maybe (isNothing)
import Data.Number as Number
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import Data.String (toLower, toUpper)
import Data.String.CodeUnits (length)
import Data.String.Regex (test)
import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\))
import Data.Validation.Semigroup (invalid)
import Effect (Effect)
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import Gargantext.Hooks.FormValidation.Types (Field, VForm, emailPattern, datePattern)
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import Toestand as T

class Eq a <= Equals a where
  equals :: Field -> T.Box a -> T.Box a -> Effect VForm

class NonEmpty a where
  nonEmpty :: Field -> T.Box a -> Effect VForm

class Ord a <= Minimum a where
  minimum :: Field -> T.Box a -> Int -> Effect VForm

class Ord a <= Maximum a where
  maximum :: Field -> T.Box a -> Int -> Effect VForm

-- Regarding String field value

instance equalsString :: Equals String where
  equals field box box' = do
    input  <- box
    input' <- box'
    case unit of
        | (not eq input input') -> pure $ invalid [ field /\ "equals" ]
        | otherwise             -> pure $ pure unit

instance nonEmptyString :: NonEmpty String where
  nonEmpty field = >=> case _ of
      | input == "" -> pure $ invalid [ field /\ "nonEmpty" ]
      | otherwise   -> pure $ pure unit

instance minimumString :: Minimum String where
  minimum field box min = box >>= case _ of
      | (length input) < min -> pure $ invalid [ field /\ "minimum" ]
      | otherwise            -> pure $ pure unit

instance maximumString :: Maximum String where
  maximum field box max = box >>= case _ of
      | (length input) > max -> pure $ invalid [ field /\ "maximum" ]
      | otherwise            -> pure $ pure unit

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-- Regarding Boolean field value

instance equalsBoolean :: Equals Boolean where
  equals field box box' = do
    input  <- box
    input' <- box'
    case unit of
        | (not eq input input') -> pure $ invalid [ field /\ "equals" ]
        | otherwise             -> pure $ pure unit

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uppercase :: Field -> T.Box String -> Effect VForm
uppercase field = >=> case _ of
    | (toLower input) == input -> pure $ invalid [ field /\ "uppercase" ]
    | otherwise                -> pure $ pure unit

lowercase :: Field -> T.Box String -> Effect VForm
lowercase field = >=> case _ of
    | (toUpper input) == input -> pure $ invalid [ field /\ "lowercase" ]
    | otherwise                -> pure $ pure unit

email :: Field -> T.Box String -> Effect VForm
email field = >=> case _ of
    | (not $ test emailPattern input) -> pure $ invalid [ field /\ "email" ]
    | otherwise                       -> pure $ pure unit
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date :: Field -> T.Box String -> Effect VForm
date field = >=> case _ of
    | (not $ test datePattern input) -> pure $ invalid [ field /\ "date" ]
    | otherwise                      -> pure $ pure unit
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number :: Field -> T.Box String -> Effect VForm
number field = >=> case _ of
    | (isNothing $ Number.fromString input) -> pure $ invalid [ field /\ "number "]
    | otherwise                             -> pure $ pure unit

int :: Field -> T.Box String -> Effect VForm
int field = >=> case _ of
    | (isNothing $ Int.fromString input) -> pure $ invalid [ field /\ "int" ]
    | otherwise                          -> pure $ pure unit