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module Gargantext.Components.Frame.Layout
  ( layout
  ) where

import DOM.Simple (document, querySelector)
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import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
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import Gargantext.Components.Bootstrap as B
import Gargantext.Components.Bootstrap.Types (Variant(..))
import Gargantext.Components.Frame.Types (Base, Hyperdata(..), FrameId)
import Gargantext.Components.Node (NodePoly(..))
import Gargantext.Prelude
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import Gargantext.Types (NodeType(..))
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
import Web.URL as WURL

here :: R2.Here
here = "Gargantext.Components.Frame.Layout"

type Props =
  ( frame    :: NodePoly Hyperdata
  , nodeType :: NodeType

layout :: R2.Leaf Props
layout = R2.leaf layoutCpt
layoutCpt :: R.Component Props
layoutCpt = here.component "main" cpt where
  cpt { frame: NodePoly { hyperdata: Hyperdata { base, frame_id } }
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      , nodeType
      } _ = case nodeType of

    -- Visio Node
    NodeFrameVisio ->

      case WURL.fromAbsolute base of

        Nothing  ->

          pure $

            { variant: Warning }
              H.text $ "Wrong base url: " <> base

        Just _url ->
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          -- pure $ nodeFrameVisio' { frame_id, reload, url }
          pure $

              B.h1_ "Visio Room"
              { className : "fa fa-video-camera fa-5x"
              , href : hframeUrl nodeType base frame_id
              , target: "_blank"
              B.p_ "Click on the Camera logo to access to your room"
              B.p_ "This a unique room dedicated to your team"
              B.p_ "Works with Chromium/Chrome only for now."

    -- Other Frame Nodes
    _ -> do

      -- @XXX: reset "main-page__main-route" wrapper margin
      --       see Gargantext.Components.Router) (@TODO?)
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      R.useLayoutEffect1 [] do
        let mEl = querySelector document ".main-page__main-route"
        -- Mount
        mEl >>= maybe R.nothing (flip R2.addClass ["p-0"])
        -- Unmount
        pure $
          mEl >>= maybe R.nothing (flip R2.removeClass ["p-0"])
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      pure $

        { className: "frame-layout"
        , rows: "100%,*"
          -- H.script { src: ""} [],
          { src: hframeUrl nodeType base frame_id
          , width: "100%"
          , height: "100%"


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-- type NodeFrameVisioProps =
--   ( frame_id  :: String
--   , reload    :: T2.ReloadS
--   , url       :: WURL.URL
--   )

-- nodeFrameVisio :: R2.Leaf NodeFrameVisioProps
-- nodeFrameVisio = R2.leaf nodeFrameVisioCpt
-- nodeFrameVisioCpt :: R.Component NodeFrameVisioProps
-- nodeFrameVisioCpt = here.component "nodeFrameVisio" cpt where
--   cpt { frame_id
--       , url
--       } _  = do
--     ref <- R.useRef (null :: Nullable DOM.Element)

--     R.useEffect' $ do
--       here.log2 "[nodeFrameVisio] ref" $ R.readRef ref
--       here.log2 "[nodeFrameVisio] JM.api" JM._api
--       case toMaybe (R.readRef ref) of
--         Nothing -> pure unit
--         Just r  -> do
--           api <- JM.jitsiMeetAPI ( url) { parentNode: r
--                                                   , roomName: frame_id
--                                                   , width: "100%"
--                                                   , height: "100%" }
--           here.log2 "[nodeFrameVisio] api" api

--     pure $ H.div { ref, className: "jitsi-iframe" } [ ]
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hframeUrl :: NodeType -> Base -> FrameId -> String
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hframeUrl NodeFrameNotebook base frame_id = base <> "/" <> frame_id  -- Temp fix : frame_id is currently the whole url created
hframeUrl Calc  base frame_id    = base <> "/" <> frame_id
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hframeUrl NodeFrameVisio base frame_id    = base <> "/" <> frame_id
hframeUrl _ base frame_id                 = base <> "/" <> frame_id <> "?view" -- "?both"