Commit 02007da2 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[FIX] Demo video of Dev version 4 of Gargantext

parent e309b6c2
......@@ -91,10 +91,11 @@ globalPublis = (Options { mainTitle : "Global Scientific Publications"
distriBySchool_y = [(Tuple "Télécom Bretagne" 17383),(Tuple "Mines Nantes" 11055),(Tuple "Télécom SudParis" 7663),(Tuple "Télécom ParisTech" 3848),(Tuple "Mines Al\232s" 624),(Tuple "Télécom \201cole de Management" 539),(Tuple "IMT Atlantique" 241),(Tuple "Mines Albi-Carmaux" 125)]
distriBySchool_y = [Tuple "Télécom Bretagne" 1150,Tuple "Télécom SudParis" 946,Tuple "Mines Nantes" 547,Tuple "Télécom ParisTech" 429,Tuple "IMT Atlantique" 205,Tuple "Mines Alès" 56
,Tuple "Télécom Ecole de Management" 52,Tuple "Mines Albi-Carmaux" 6]
distriBySchool :: Options
distriBySchool = Options { mainTitle : "School production in 2018"
distriBySchool = Options { mainTitle : "School production in 2017"
, subTitle : "Distribution by school"
, xAxis : xAxis []
, yAxis : [ series Pie "Pie data" (map (\(Tuple n v) -> {name: n, value: toNumber v}) distriBySchool_y)]
......@@ -466,19 +466,19 @@ specOld = simpleSpec performAction render
, li []
[ span [] [text "Projets"]
[ span [] [text "Projects"]
,input [ _type "checkbox"
, className "checkbox"
, checked $ true
, checked $ false
, title "Mark as completed"
-- , onChange $ dispatch <<< ( const $ SetMap $ not (getter _._type state.term == MapTerm))
] []
, li []
[ span [] [text "Brevets"]
[ span [] [text "Patents"]
,input [ _type "checkbox"
, className "checkbox"
, checked $ true
, checked $ false
, title "Mark as completed"
-- , onChange $ dispatch <<< ( const $ SetMap $ not (getter _._type state.term == MapTerm))
] []
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