Commit 1150dc1e authored by James Laver's avatar James Laver

G.U.Reactix - useLayoutRef, usePositionRef

parent c105f106
......@@ -7,7 +7,9 @@ import Data.Nullable ( Nullable, null, toMaybe )
import Data.Traversable ( traverse_ )
import Data.Tuple ( Tuple(..) )
import Data.Tuple.Nested ( (/\) )
import DOM.Simple.Element as Element
import DOM.Simple.Event as DE
import DOM.Simple as DOM
import Effect (Effect)
import FFI.Simple ( (...), defineProperty )
import React ( ReactElement )
......@@ -40,3 +42,13 @@ useLayoutEffect1' :: forall a. a -> (Unit -> Effect Unit) -> R.Hooks Unit
useLayoutEffect1' a f = R.useLayoutEffect1 a $ \_ ->
do f unit
pure $ \_ -> pure unit
useLayoutRef :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> b -> R.Ref a -> R.Hooks (R.Ref b)
useLayoutRef fn init ref = do
new <- R.useRef init
let old = R.readRef ref
useLayoutEffect1' old $ \_ -> R.setRef new (fn old)
pure new
usePositionRef :: R.Ref (Nullable DOM.Element) -> R.Hooks (R.Ref (Maybe DOM.DOMRect))
usePositionRef = useLayoutRef (map Element.boundingRect <<< toMaybe) Nothing
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