Commit 1436ec99 authored by Mael NICOLAS's avatar Mael NICOLAS

working on a nea way for the ffi

parent 5bbc4bc6
......@@ -3,3 +3,4 @@
var ReactEcharts = require("echarts-for-react");
exports.eChartsClass = ReactEcharts.default;
exports.eChartsClass2 = ReactEcharts.default;
module Chart where
module Chart
import Prelude
import CSS (Color, white)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Boolean
import React as R
import React.DOM (p)
import React.DOM.Props (Props, className, unsafeFromPropsArray)
......@@ -62,10 +68,10 @@ type Option =
, legend :: Maybe Legend
, tooltip :: Maybe Tooltip
, grid :: Maybe Grid
, xAxis :: Maybe Array XAxis
, yAxis :: Maybe Array YAxis
, series :: Maybe Array Series
, dataZoom :: Maybe Array DataZoom
, xAxis :: Maybe XAxis
, yAxis :: Maybe YAxis
, series :: Maybe (Array Series)
, dataZoom :: Maybe (Array DataZoom)
......@@ -102,7 +108,7 @@ type Legend =
, selectedMode :: Maybe Boolean
, inactiveColor :: Maybe Color
, selected :: Maybe String -- object
, "data" :: Maybe (Array Data)
, "data" :: Array Data
type Data =
......@@ -111,8 +117,6 @@ type Data =
, textStyle :: Maybe {}
type SubtextStyle =
{ color :: Color
, fontStyle :: String
......@@ -144,6 +148,7 @@ type XAxis =
, "type" :: String
, axisTick :: AxisTick
type AxisTick =
alignWithLabel :: Boolean
......@@ -204,13 +209,13 @@ type Rich = {}
foreign import eChartsClass :: forall props. R.ReactClass props
foreign import eChartsClass' :: forall props. R.ReactClass Option
foreign import eChartsClass2 :: R.ReactClass Option
echarts :: forall eff. Array Props -> R.ReactElement
echarts p = R.createElementDynamic eChartsClass (unsafeFromPropsArray p) []
echarts' :: forall eff. Option -> R.ReactElement
echarts' opt = R.createElementDynamic eChartsClass opt []
echarts' opt = R.createElementDynamic eChartsClass2 opt []
-- Props
......@@ -367,8 +372,8 @@ yAxisIndex = unsafeMkProps "yAxisIndex"
-- , p''
-- ]
legend' :: Maybe Legend
legend' = Just $
legend' :: Legend
legend' =
"type": Nothing
,show: Nothing
......@@ -402,33 +407,53 @@ data2 = {name: "Favorites", icon: Nothing, textStyle: Nothing}
data3 :: Data
data3 = {name: "All", icon: Nothing, textStyle: Nothing}
xAxis :: XAxis
xAxis =
xAxis' :: XAxis
xAxis' =
"data": [xData1, xData2, xData3]
, "type": "category"
, axisTick: {alignWithLabel: true}
xData1 :: Data
xData1 = {name: "Jan", icon: Nothing, textStyle: Nothing}
xData2 :: Data
xData2 = {name: "Feb", icon: Nothing, textStyle: Nothing}
xData3 :: Data
xData3 = {name: "Mar", icon: Nothing, textStyle: Nothing}
yData1 :: YAxis
yData1 =
"type": "value"
, name: "Score metric"
, min: 0
, position: "right"
, axisLabel: {formatter: "{value}"}
opt :: Option
opt =
title: title'
,legend: legend'
,legend: Just legend'
,tooltip: tooltip'
,grid: grid'
,xAxis: xAxis'
,yAxis: yAxis'
,xAxis: Just xAxis'
,yAxis: Just yData1
,series: series'
,dataZoom: dataZoom'
,dataZoom: Just [dz1', dz1', dz2', dz2']
where title' = Nothing
tooltip' = Nothing
grid' = Nothing
yAxis' = Nothing
series' = Nothing
dataZoom' = Nothing
histogram' :: R.ReactElement
histogram' = echarts []
histogram2 :: R.ReactElement
histogram2 = echarts' opt
histogram :: R.ReactElement
histogram = echarts
......@@ -461,18 +486,6 @@ type DataZoom =
dataZoom' :: Array DataZoom -> Props
dataZoom' dzs = unsafeMkProps "dataZoom" $ dzToProps <$> dzs
dzToProps :: forall props. DataZoom -> props
dzToProps dz = unsafeFromPropsArray
[ type' dz."type"
, xAxisIndex dz.xAxisIndex
, filterMode dz.filterMode
, start dz.start
, end dz.end
dz1' :: DataZoom
dz1' = {
"type": "slider"
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ performAction :: forall eff props. PerformAction (dom :: DOM | eff) State props
performAction _ _ _ = pure unit
render :: forall props. Render State props Action
render dispatch _ state _ = [text "Dashboard", histogram]
render dispatch _ state _ = [text "Dashboard", histogram2]
layoutDashboard :: forall props eff. Spec (dom :: DOM | eff) State props Action
layoutDashboard = simpleSpec performAction render
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