Commit 15801a80 authored by Przemyslaw Kaminski's avatar Przemyslaw Kaminski

[Dashboard] comment remaining charts which are unused for now

parent bd6ef8a3
......@@ -63,15 +63,15 @@ dashboardLayoutLoadedCpt = R.hooksComponent "G.P.C.D.dashboardLayoutLoaded" cpt
H.h1 {} [ H.text "DashBoard" ]
, H.div {className: "row"} [
--H.div {className: "col-md-9 content"} [ chart globalPublis ]
H.div {className: "col-md-9 content"} [ histo (globalPublisParams props) ]
, H.div {className: "col-md-3 content"} [ chart naturePublis ]
H.div {className: "col-md-12 content"} [ histo (globalPublisParams props) ]
--, H.div {className: "col-md-3 content"} [ chart naturePublis ]
--, chart distriBySchool
, pie (authorsParams props)
, H.div {className: "row"} (aSchool <$> schools)
--, H.div {className: "row"} (aSchool <$> schools)
--, chart scatterEx
, metrics (termsParams props)
, chart sankeyEx
--, chart sankeyEx
, tree (institutesParams props)
--, chart treeMapEx
--, chart treeEx
......@@ -118,25 +118,25 @@ dashboardLayoutLoadedCpt = R.hooksComponent "G.P.C.D.dashboardLayoutLoaded" cpt
naturePublis_x :: Array String
naturePublis_x = ["Com","Articles","Thèses","Reports"]
-- naturePublis_x :: Array String
-- naturePublis_x = ["Com","Articles","Thèses","Reports"]
naturePublis_y' :: Array Int
naturePublis_y' = [23901,17417,1188,1176]
-- naturePublis_y' :: Array Int
-- naturePublis_y' = [23901,17417,1188,1176]
naturePublis_y :: Array DataD1
naturePublis_y = zipWith (\n v -> dataSerie {name: n, value: toNumber v }) naturePublis_x naturePublis_y'
-- naturePublis_y :: Array DataD1
-- naturePublis_y = zipWith (\n v -> dataSerie {name: n, value: toNumber v }) naturePublis_x naturePublis_y'
naturePublis :: Options
naturePublis = Options
{ mainTitle : "Nature of publications"
, subTitle : "Distribution by type"
, xAxis : xAxis' []
, yAxis : yAxis' { position: "left", show: false, min:0}
, series : [seriesFunnelD1 { name: "Funnel Data" } naturePublis_y]
, addZoom : false
, tooltip : tooltipTriggerAxis -- Necessary?
-- naturePublis :: Options
-- naturePublis = Options
-- { mainTitle : "Nature of publications"
-- , subTitle : "Distribution by type"
-- , xAxis : xAxis' []
-- , yAxis : yAxis' { position: "left", show: false, min:0}
-- , series : [seriesFunnelD1 { name: "Funnel Data" } naturePublis_y]
-- , addZoom : false
-- , tooltip : tooltipTriggerAxis -- Necessary?
-- }
......@@ -188,29 +188,29 @@ naturePublis = Options
-- , tooltip : tooltipTriggerAxis -- Necessary?
-- }
sankeyEx :: Options
sankeyEx = Options
{ mainTitle : ""
, subTitle : ""
, xAxis : xAxis' []
, yAxis : yAxis' { position: "", show: false, min:0}
, series :
[ seriesSankey
{ "data":
[ {name : "a"}, {name : "b"}
, {name:"c"}, {name:"d"} ]
, links:
[ {source : "a", target : "b", value :2.0}
, {source : "a", target : "c", value :1.0}
, {source : "b", target : "c", value :1.0}
, {source : "b", target : "d", value :3.0}
, layout: "none"
, tooltip : tooltipTriggerAxis -- Necessary?
, addZoom : false
-- sankeyEx :: Options
-- sankeyEx = Options
-- { mainTitle : ""
-- , subTitle : ""
-- , xAxis : xAxis' []
-- , yAxis : yAxis' { position: "", show: false, min:0}
-- , series :
-- [ seriesSankey
-- { "data":
-- [ {name : "a"}, {name : "b"}
-- , {name:"c"}, {name:"d"} ]
-- , links:
-- [ {source : "a", target : "b", value :2.0}
-- , {source : "a", target : "c", value :1.0}
-- , {source : "b", target : "c", value :1.0}
-- , {source : "b", target : "d", value :3.0}
-- ]
-- , layout: "none"
-- }
-- ]
-- , tooltip : tooltipTriggerAxis -- Necessary?
-- , addZoom : false
-- }
-- treeData :: Array TreeNode
-- treeData =
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