Commit 1ce81014 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[Fix] navbar.

parent 11d6995a
......@@ -306,21 +306,20 @@ divSearchBar = simpleSpec performAction render
searchbar' = ul [ className "nav navbar-nav col-md-6 col-md-offset-3"
, style { "marginLeft" : "15%"}
] [ div [className "navbar-form"]
[ input [ className "search-query"
[ input [ {-className "search-query"
, placeholder "Query, URL or FILE (works with Firefox or Chromium browsers)"
, _type "text"
, style { height: "35px"
, width: "400px"
, onChange \e -> dispatch $ Search (unsafeCoerce e).target.value
-- , button [onClick \e -> dispatch Go, className "btn btn-primary"] [text "Enter"]
, span [onClick \e -> dispatch Go, style {color : "#039BE5"}]
i [className "material-icons md-36"] [text "control_point"]
, span []--onClick \e -> dispatch Go, style {color : "#039BE5"}]
[ i [className "material-icons md-36"] [text "control_point"]]
divDropdownRight :: (Action -> Effect Unit) -> AppState -> ReactElement
divDropdownRight d s =
......@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ searchSpec = simpleSpec performAction render
[ div [className "col-md-10" ]
[ br'
, br'
, div [ className "form-group"]
[ input [ className "form-control"
, div [ className "form-group"][]
{-[ input [ className "form-control"
, _id "id_password"
, name "query"
, placeholder "Query, URL or FILE (works best with Firefox or Chromium browsers)"
......@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ searchSpec = simpleSpec performAction render
, br'
, div [ className "col-md-2"]
[ br'
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