Commit 1df15338 authored by Przemyslaw Kaminski's avatar Przemyslaw Kaminski

[Graph] sigma graph renders now

parent 3408b032
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ graphCpt = R.hooksComponent "Graph" cpt
ref <- R.useRef null
sigma <- useSigma ref props.sigmaSettings
useCanvasRenderer ref sigma
-- useData sigma props.graph
useData sigma props.graph
useForceAtlas2 sigma props.forceAtlas2Settings
pure $ RH.div { ref, style: {height: "95%"} } []
......@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ createSigma settings = do
ret <$ logStatus ret
logStatus (Left err) = log2 "[useSigma] Error during sigma creation:" err
logStatus _ = log "[useSigma] Initialised sigma successfully"
logStatus (Right x) = log2 "[useSigma] Initialised sigma successfully:" x
cleanupSigma :: Sigma -> String -> Effect Unit
cleanupSigma sigma context = traverse_ kill (readSigma sigma)
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