Commit 2a6b66f6 authored by James Laver's avatar James Laver

x/y coords for Nodes of GraphExplorer

parent 6de0e699
......@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ type SigmaEdgeEvent =
{ node :: SigmaEdge
, captor ::
{ clientX :: Number
, clientY :: Number
, clientY :: Number
......@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ newtype Node = Node
, size :: Int
, type_ :: String
, label :: String
-- , x_coord :: Number ? -- TODO JL add the right records for (x,y) coordinates interpreted by sigma-js
-- , y_coord :: Number ? -- TODO AD add the right records for the backend
, x :: Number
, y :: Number
, attributes :: Cluster
......@@ -78,7 +78,9 @@ instance decodeJsonNode :: DecodeJson Node where
label <- obj .? "label"
size <- obj .? "size"
attributes <- obj .? "attributes"
pure $ Node { id_, type_, size, label, attributes }
x <- obj .? "x_coord"
y <- obj .? "y_coord"
pure $ Node { id_, type_, size, label, attributes, x, y }
instance decodeJsonMetaData :: DecodeJson MetaData where
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