[NGRAMS-TABLE] refactor support for filtering

parent 733b0f61
module Gargantext.Components.NgramsTable
( Props
, PageParams
( PageParams
, PatchMap
, NgramsPatch
, NgramsTable
......@@ -11,6 +10,11 @@ module Gargantext.Components.NgramsTable
, initialPageParams
, initialState
, ngramsTableSpec
, ngramsLoaderClass
, ngramsLoader
, ngramsTableClass
, MainNgramsTableProps
, mainNgramsTableSpec
......@@ -45,22 +49,21 @@ import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Foreign.Object as FO
import React (ReactElement)
import React as React
import React.DOM (a, button, div, h2, i, input, li, option, p, select, span, table, tbody, text, thead, ul)
import React.DOM.Props (_id, _type, checked, className, name, onChange, onClick, onInput, placeholder, style, value)
import React.DOM.Props as DOM
import Thermite (PerformAction, Render, Spec, StateCoTransformer, modifyState_, simpleSpec)
import Thermite (PerformAction, Render, Spec, StateCoTransformer, defaultPerformAction, modifyState_, simpleSpec, createClass)
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
import Gargantext.Types (TermList(..), TermType, readTermList, readTermType, termLists, termTypes)
import Gargantext.Config (toUrl, End(..), Path(..), TabType)
import Gargantext.Config.REST (put)
import Gargantext.Config (toUrl, End(..), Path(..), TabType(..), OrderBy(..))
import Gargantext.Config.REST (get, put)
import Gargantext.Components.AutoUpdate (autoUpdateElt)
import Gargantext.Components.Table as T
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Components.Loader as Loader
type Props a mode = Loader.InnerProps Int a ( mode :: mode )
type PageParams =
{ nodeId :: Int
, listIds :: Array Int
......@@ -617,6 +620,42 @@ ngramsTableSpec = simpleSpec performAction render
, delete: false
loadPage :: PageParams -> Aff VersionedNgramsTable
loadPage { nodeId, listIds, termListFilter, termTypeFilter
, searchQuery, tabType, params: {offset, limit, orderBy}} =
get $ toUrl Back
(GetNgrams { tabType, offset, limit, listIds
, orderBy: convOrderBy <$> orderBy
, termListFilter, termTypeFilter
, searchQuery
(Just nodeId)
convOrderBy _ = DateAsc -- TODO
ngramsLoaderClass :: Loader.LoaderClass PageParams VersionedNgramsTable
ngramsLoaderClass = Loader.createLoaderClass "NgramsTableLoader" loadPage
ngramsLoader :: Loader.Props' PageParams VersionedNgramsTable -> ReactElement
ngramsLoader props = React.createElement ngramsLoaderClass props []
ngramsTableClass :: Loader.InnerClass PageParams VersionedNgramsTable
ngramsTableClass = createClass "NgramsTable" ngramsTableSpec initialState
type MainNgramsTableProps =
Loader.InnerProps Int { defaultListId :: Int }
( tabType :: TabType )
mainNgramsTableSpec :: Spec {} MainNgramsTableProps Void
mainNgramsTableSpec = simpleSpec defaultPerformAction render
render :: Render {} MainNgramsTableProps Void
render _ {path: nodeId, loaded: {defaultListId}, tabType} _ _ =
[ ngramsLoader
{ path: initialPageParams nodeId [defaultListId] tabType
, component: ngramsTableClass
} ]
tree :: { ngramsTable :: NgramsTable
, ngramsStyle :: Array DOM.Props
, ngramsClick :: NgramsTerm -> Maybe (Effect Unit)
......@@ -14,15 +14,17 @@ import Data.Unfoldable (class Unfoldable)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Newtype (unwrap)
import Data.String (joinWith)
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, throwError)
import Effect.Exception (error)
import Thermite (Render, Spec, defaultPerformAction, simpleSpec, createClass)
import React as React
import React (ReactClass, ReactElement)
import React.DOM (div, h3, img, li, span, text, ul, text)
import React.DOM.Props (_id, className, src)
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Config (toUrl, End(..), NodeType(..))
import Gargantext.Config (toUrl, End(..), NodeType(..), Path(..))
import Gargantext.Config.REST (get)
import Gargantext.Components.Node (NodePoly(..), HyperdataList(..))
import Gargantext.Components.Loader as Loader
import Gargantext.Pages.Annuaire.User.Contacts.Types
import Gargantext.Pages.Annuaire.User.Contacts.Tabs.Specs as Tabs
......@@ -171,19 +173,26 @@ layoutUser' = simpleSpec defaultPerformAction render
<> Tabs.pureTabs
render :: Render {} Props Void
render dispatch {loaded: Contact {name, hyperdata}} _ _ =
render dispatch {loaded: {contactNode: Contact {name, hyperdata}}} _ _ =
[ ul [className "col-md-12 list-group"] $
display (fromMaybe "no name" name) (contactInfos hyperdata)
-- | toUrl to get data
getContact :: Int -> Aff Contact
getContact id = get $ toUrl Back Node $ Just id
getContact :: Int -> Aff ContactData
getContact id = do
contactNode <- get $ toUrl Back Node $ Just id
defaultListIds <- get $ toUrl Back (Children NodeList 0 1 Nothing) $ Just id
case (head defaultListIds :: Maybe (NodePoly HyperdataList)) of
Just (NodePoly { id: defaultListId }) ->
pure {contactNode, defaultListId}
Nothing ->
throwError $ error "Missing default list"
-- | Change name for you
contactLoaderClass :: ReactClass (Loader.Props Int Contact)
contactLoaderClass :: ReactClass (Loader.Props Int ContactData)
contactLoaderClass = Loader.createLoaderClass "ContactLoader" getContact
-- | Change type according to what has been loaded
contactLoader :: Loader.Props' Int Contact -> ReactElement
contactLoader :: Loader.Props' Int ContactData -> ReactElement
contactLoader props = React.createElement contactLoaderClass props []
-- TODO copy of Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Tabs.Ngrams.NgramsTable where
module Gargantext.Pages.Annuaire.User.Contacts.Tabs.Ngrams.NgramsTable
(Mode(..), ngramsTableSpec)
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Generic.Rep.Show (genericShow)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import React (ReactElement)
import React as React
import Thermite (Render, Spec, createClass, defaultPerformAction, simpleSpec)
import Gargantext.Components.NgramsTable as NT
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Config (PTabNgramType(..), Offset, Limit, OrderBy(..), End(..), Path(..), TabSubType(..), TabType(..), toUrl)
import Gargantext.Config.REST (get)
import Gargantext.Components.Loader as Loader
import Gargantext.Pages.Annuaire.User.Contacts.Types (Contact)
data Mode = Patents | Books | Communication
derive instance genericMode :: Generic Mode _
instance showMode :: Show Mode where
show = genericShow
derive instance eqMode :: Eq Mode
modeTabType :: Mode -> PTabNgramType
modeTabType Patents = PTabPatents
modeTabType Books = PTabBooks
modeTabType Communication = PTabCommunication
type Props = NT.Props Contact Mode
-- TODO: Move to Components.NgramsTable?
loadPage :: NT.PageParams -> Aff NT.VersionedNgramsTable
loadPage { nodeId, listIds, termListFilter, termTypeFilter
, searchQuery, tabType, params: {offset, limit, orderBy}} =
get $ toUrl Back
(GetNgrams { tabType, offset, limit, listIds
, orderBy: convOrderBy <$> orderBy
, termListFilter, termTypeFilter
, searchQuery
(Just nodeId)
convOrderBy _ = DateAsc -- TODO
-- TODO: Move to Components.NgramsTable?
ngramsLoaderClass :: Loader.LoaderClass NT.PageParams NT.VersionedNgramsTable
ngramsLoaderClass = Loader.createLoaderClass "ContactsNgramsLoader" loadPage
-- TODO: Move to Components.NgramsTable?
ngramsLoader :: Loader.Props' NT.PageParams NT.VersionedNgramsTable -> ReactElement
ngramsLoader props = React.createElement ngramsLoaderClass props []
-- TODO: Move to Components.NgramsTable?
ngramsTableClass :: Loader.InnerClass NT.PageParams NT.VersionedNgramsTable
ngramsTableClass = createClass "ContactsNgramsTable" NT.ngramsTableSpec NT.initialState
ngramsTableSpec :: Spec {} Props Void
ngramsTableSpec = simpleSpec defaultPerformAction render
render :: Render {} Props Void
render _ {path: nodeId, mode} _ _ =
-- TODO: ignored loaded
[ ngramsLoader { path: NT.initialPageParams nodeId [] tabType
, component: ngramsTableClass
} ]
tabType = TabPairing $ TabNgramType $ modeTabType mode
......@@ -3,16 +3,32 @@ module Gargantext.Pages.Annuaire.User.Contacts.Tabs.Specs where
import Prelude hiding (div)
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Generic.Rep.Show (genericShow)
import Data.List (fromFoldable)
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Gargantext.Config (TabType(..), TabSubType(..))
import Gargantext.Config (TabType(..), TabSubType(..), PTabNgramType(..))
import Gargantext.Components.DocsTable as DT
import Gargantext.Components.NgramsTable as NT
import Gargantext.Components.Tab as Tab
import Gargantext.Pages.Annuaire.User.Contacts.Types (Props)
import Gargantext.Pages.Annuaire.User.Contacts.Tabs.Ngrams.NgramsTable as NV
import Thermite (Spec, focus, hideState, noState, cmapProps)
data Mode = Patents | Books | Communication
derive instance genericMode :: Generic Mode _
instance showMode :: Show Mode where
show = genericShow
derive instance eqMode :: Eq Mode
modeTabType :: Mode -> PTabNgramType
modeTabType Patents = PTabPatents
modeTabType Books = PTabBooks
modeTabType Communication = PTabCommunication
pureTabs :: Spec {} Props Void
pureTabs = hideState (const {activeTab: 0}) statefulTabs
......@@ -20,9 +36,9 @@ statefulTabs :: Spec Tab.State Props Tab.Action
statefulTabs =
Tab.tabs identity identity $ fromFoldable
[ Tuple "Documents" $ docs
, Tuple "Patents" $ ngramsViewSpec {mode: NV.Patents}
, Tuple "Books" $ ngramsViewSpec {mode: NV.Books}
, Tuple "Communication" $ ngramsViewSpec {mode: NV.Communication}
, Tuple "Patents" $ ngramsViewSpec {mode: Patents}
, Tuple "Books" $ ngramsViewSpec {mode: Books}
, Tuple "Communication" $ ngramsViewSpec {mode: Communication}
, Tuple "Trash" $ docs -- TODO pass-in trash mode
......@@ -32,7 +48,10 @@ statefulTabs =
{nodeId, chart, tabType: TabPairing TabDocs, totalRecords: 4736}) $
noState DT.docViewSpec
ngramsViewSpec :: {mode :: NV.Mode} -> Spec Tab.State Props Tab.Action
ngramsViewSpec :: {mode :: Mode} -> Spec Tab.State Props Tab.Action
ngramsViewSpec {mode} =
cmapProps (\{loaded, path, dispatch} -> {mode,loaded,path, dispatch})
(noState NV.ngramsTableSpec)
cmapProps (\{loaded: {defaultListId}, path, dispatch} ->
{loaded: {defaultListId}, path, dispatch, tabType})
(noState NT.mainNgramsTableSpec)
tabType = TabPairing $ TabNgramType $ modeTabType mode
......@@ -168,5 +168,7 @@ instance decodeUser :: DecodeJson Contact where
, hyperdata
type PropsRow = Loader.InnerPropsRow Int Contact ()
type ContactData = {contactNode :: Contact, defaultListId :: Int}
type PropsRow = Loader.InnerPropsRow Int ContactData ()
type Props = Record PropsRow
module Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Tabs.Ngrams.NgramsTable
(Mode(..), ngramsTableSpec)
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Generic.Rep.Show (genericShow)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import React (ReactElement)
import React as React
import Thermite (Render, Spec, createClass, defaultPerformAction, simpleSpec)
import Gargantext.Components.Node (NodePoly)
import Gargantext.Components.NgramsTable as NT
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Config (CTabNgramType(..), End(..), Offset, Limit, OrderBy(..), Path(..), TabSubType(..), TabType(..), toUrl)
import Gargantext.Config.REST (get)
import Gargantext.Components.Loader as Loader
import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Tabs.Types (CorpusData)
data Mode = Authors | Sources | Institutes | Terms
derive instance genericMode :: Generic Mode _
instance showMode :: Show Mode where
show = genericShow
derive instance eqMode :: Eq Mode
type Props = NT.Props CorpusData Mode
modeTabType :: Mode -> CTabNgramType
modeTabType Authors = CTabAuthors
modeTabType Sources = CTabSources
modeTabType Institutes = CTabInstitutes
modeTabType Terms = CTabTerms
-- TODO: Move to Components.NgramsTable?
loadPage :: NT.PageParams -> Aff NT.VersionedNgramsTable
loadPage { nodeId, listIds, termListFilter, termTypeFilter
, searchQuery, tabType, params: {offset, limit, orderBy}} =
get $ toUrl Back
(GetNgrams { tabType, offset, limit, listIds
, orderBy: convOrderBy <$> orderBy
, termListFilter, termTypeFilter
, searchQuery
(Just nodeId)
convOrderBy _ = DateAsc -- TODO
-- TODO: Move to Components.NgramsTable?
ngramsLoaderClass :: Loader.LoaderClass NT.PageParams NT.VersionedNgramsTable
ngramsLoaderClass = Loader.createLoaderClass "CorpusNgramsLoader" loadPage
-- TODO: Move to Components.NgramsTable?
ngramsLoader :: Loader.Props' NT.PageParams NT.VersionedNgramsTable -> ReactElement
ngramsLoader props = React.createElement ngramsLoaderClass props []
-- TODO: Move to Components.NgramsTable?
ngramsTableClass :: Loader.InnerClass NT.PageParams NT.VersionedNgramsTable
ngramsTableClass = createClass "CorpusNgramsTable" NT.ngramsTableSpec NT.initialState
ngramsTableSpec :: Spec {} Props Void
ngramsTableSpec = simpleSpec defaultPerformAction render
render :: Render {} Props Void
render _ {path: nodeId, loaded: {defaultListId}, mode} _ _ =
[ ngramsLoader { path: NT.initialPageParams nodeId [defaultListId] tabType
, component: ngramsTableClass
} ]
tabType = TabCorpus $ TabNgramType $ modeTabType mode
......@@ -2,19 +2,37 @@ module Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Tabs.Specs where
import Prelude hiding (div)
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Generic.Rep.Show (genericShow)
import Data.List (fromFoldable)
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Gargantext.Config (TabType(..), TabSubType(..))
import Gargantext.Config (CTabNgramType(..), End(..), Path(..), TabSubType(..), TabType(..), toUrl)
import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Tabs.Types (Props)
import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Tabs.Ngrams.NgramsTable as NV
import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Dashboard (globalPublis)
import Gargantext.Components.NgramsTable as NT
import Gargantext.Components.Charts.Options.ECharts (chart) as ECharts
import Gargantext.Components.DocsTable as DT
import Gargantext.Components.Tab as Tab
import Thermite (Spec, hideState, noState, cmapProps)
data Mode = Authors | Sources | Institutes | Terms
derive instance genericMode :: Generic Mode _
instance showMode :: Show Mode where
show = genericShow
derive instance eqMode :: Eq Mode
modeTabType :: Mode -> CTabNgramType
modeTabType Authors = CTabAuthors
modeTabType Sources = CTabSources
modeTabType Institutes = CTabInstitutes
modeTabType Terms = CTabTerms
pureTabs :: Spec {} Props Void
pureTabs = hideState (const {activeTab: 0}) statefulTabs
......@@ -22,10 +40,10 @@ statefulTabs :: Spec Tab.State Props Tab.Action
statefulTabs =
Tab.tabs identity identity $ fromFoldable
[ Tuple "Documents" $ docs
, Tuple "Authors" $ ngramsViewSpec {mode: NV.Authors}
, Tuple "Sources" $ ngramsViewSpec {mode: NV.Sources}
, Tuple "Institutes" $ ngramsViewSpec {mode: NV.Institutes}
, Tuple "Terms" $ ngramsViewSpec {mode: NV.Terms}
, Tuple "Authors" $ ngramsViewSpec {mode: Authors}
, Tuple "Sources" $ ngramsViewSpec {mode: Sources}
, Tuple "Institutes" $ ngramsViewSpec {mode: Institutes}
, Tuple "Terms" $ ngramsViewSpec {mode: Terms}
, Tuple "Trash" $ docs -- TODO pass-in trash mode
......@@ -35,7 +53,10 @@ statefulTabs =
{nodeId, chart, tabType: TabCorpus TabDocs, totalRecords: 4736}) $
noState DT.docViewSpec
ngramsViewSpec :: {mode :: NV.Mode} -> Spec Tab.State Props Tab.Action
ngramsViewSpec :: {mode :: Mode} -> Spec Tab.State Props Tab.Action
ngramsViewSpec {mode} =
cmapProps (\{loaded, path, dispatch} -> {mode,loaded,path, dispatch})
(noState NV.ngramsTableSpec)
cmapProps (\{loaded: {defaultListId}, path, dispatch} ->
{loaded: {defaultListId}, path, dispatch, tabType})
(noState NT.mainNgramsTableSpec)
tabType = TabCorpus $ TabNgramType $ modeTabType mode
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