Commit 37e654f2 authored by Sudhir Kumar's avatar Sudhir Kumar

reverted unsafeCoerce

parent 9c650bf5
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module Gargantext.Components.GraphExplorer.Sigmajs where
import Prelude
import Effect (Effect)
import Prim.Row (class Union)
import React (ReactClass, ReactElement, createElement)
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
......@@ -2,18 +2,27 @@ module Gargantext.Components.Login where
import Prelude hiding (div)
import Effect (Effect)
import Affjax (defaultRequest, request)
import Affjax.RequestHeader (RequestHeader(..))
import Data.Argonaut (class DecodeJson, class EncodeJson, decodeJson, encodeJson, jsonEmptyObject, (.?), (:=), (~>))
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.HTTP.Method (Method(..))
import Data.Lens (over)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.MediaType.Common (applicationJSON)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, attempt)
import Effect.Aff.Class (liftAff)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Effect.Console (log)
import Gargantext.Components.Modals.Modal (modalHide)
import React.DOM (a, button, div, h2, h4, h5, i, input, label, p, span, text)
import React.DOM.Props (_data, _id, _type, aria, className, href, maxLength, name, onClick, onInput, placeholder, role, target, value)
import Thermite (PerformAction, Render, Spec, _render, modifyState, simpleSpec)
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
import Web.HTML (window)
import Web.HTML.Window (localStorage)
import Web.Storage.Storage (getItem, setItem)
-- TODO: ask for login (modal) or account creation after 15 mn when user is not logged and has made one search at least
......@@ -44,7 +53,7 @@ data Action
performAction :: forall props. PerformAction State props Action
performAction NoOp _ _ = void do
modifyState id
modifyState identity
performAction (SetUserName usr) _ _ = void do
modifyState \(State state) -> State $ state { username = usr }
......@@ -57,7 +66,7 @@ performAction (SetPassword pwd) _ _ = void do
performAction Login _ (State state) = void do
--lift $ setHash "/search"
liftEff $ modalHide "loginModal"
liftEffect $ modalHide "loginModal"
modifyState \(State state) -> State $ state {loginC = true}
-- res <- lift $ loginReq $ LoginReq { username : state.username, password : state.password }
-- case res of
......@@ -133,13 +142,13 @@ renderSpec = simpleSpec performAction render
[ input [_type "hidden",
name "csrfmiddlewaretoken",
value "Wy52D2nor8kC1r1Y4GrsrSIxQ2eqW8UwkdiQQshMoRwobzU4uldknRUhP0j4WcEM" ]
, div [className "form-group"]
[ p [] [text state.errorMessage]
, input [className "form-control", _id "id_username",maxLength "254", name "username", placeholder "username", _type "text",value state.username, onInput \e -> dispatch (SetUserName (unsafeEventValue e))] []
, input [className "form-control", _id "id_username",maxLength "254", name "username", placeholder "username", _type "text",value state.username, onInput \e -> dispatch (SetUserName (unsafeEventValue e))]
, div [className "form-group"]
[ input [className "form-control", _id "id_password", name "password", placeholder "password", _type "password",value state.password,onInput \e -> dispatch (SetPassword (unsafeEventValue e))] []
[ input [className "form-control", _id "id_password", name "password", placeholder "password", _type "password",value state.password,onInput \e -> dispatch (SetPassword (unsafeEventValue e))]
, div [className "clearfix"] []
, div [className "center"]
......@@ -147,8 +156,6 @@ renderSpec = simpleSpec performAction render
label [] [
div [className "checkbox"]
[ input [_id "terms-accept", _type "checkbox", value "", className "checkbox"]
, text "I accept the terms of uses ",
a [href ""] [text "[Read the terms of use]"]
......@@ -243,7 +250,7 @@ loginReq encodeData =
affResp <- liftAff $ attempt $ affjax setting
affResp <- liftAff $ attempt $ request setting
case affResp of
Left err -> do
liftAff $ log $ show err
......@@ -257,7 +264,7 @@ loginReq encodeData =
Left e ->
liftAff $ log $ "Error Decoding : " <> show e
Right (LoginRes res1) ->
liftEff $ setToken res1.token
liftEffect $ setToken res1.token
pure res
instance decodeLoginRes :: DecodeJson LoginRes where
......@@ -21,10 +21,12 @@ module Gargantext.Components.RandomText where
import Prelude
import Effect (Effect)
import Data.Array (drop, dropEnd, filter, foldl, head, length, tail, take, takeEnd, (!!))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(Nothing, Just), fromJust)
import Data.String (Pattern(..), fromCharArray, split, toCharArray)
import Data.String (Pattern(..), split)
import Data.String.CodeUnits (fromCharArray, toCharArray)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Random (randomInt)
import Partial (crash)
import Partial.Unsafe (unsafePartial)
......@@ -60,7 +62,7 @@ data RandomWheel a = RandomWheel { before :: Array a
, after :: Array a
randomPart :: forall a b. Array b -> Effect (Array b)
randomPart :: forall b. Array b -> Effect (Array b)
randomPart array = randomArrayPoly middle >>= \(middle') -> pure ( start <> middle' <> end)
start = take 2 array
......@@ -68,13 +70,13 @@ randomPart array = randomArrayPoly middle >>= \(middle') -> pure ( start <> midd
end = takeEnd 2 array
randomArrayPoly :: forall a b. Array a -> Effect (Array a)
randomArrayPoly :: forall a. Array a -> Effect (Array a)
randomArrayPoly wheel = case head wheel of
Nothing -> pure []
Just wheel' -> randomWheel (RandomWheel { before:wheel, during:wheel', after:[]})
>>= \(RandomWheel rand) -> (pure rand.after)
randomWheel :: forall a b. RandomWheel b -> Effect (RandomWheel b)
randomWheel :: forall b. RandomWheel b -> Effect (RandomWheel b)
randomWheel (RandomWheel {before:[], during:d, after:a}) =
pure (RandomWheel {before:[], during:d, after:a})
......@@ -83,7 +85,7 @@ randomWheel (RandomWheel {before:b, during:d, after:a}) = do
randomWheel $ RandomWheel {before:b', during:d', after:(a <> [d'])}
randomArray :: forall a b. Array b -> Effect (RandomWheel b)
randomArray :: forall b. Array b -> Effect (RandomWheel b)
randomArray array = unsafePartial $ do
n <- randomInt 0 (length array - 1)
......@@ -2,10 +2,15 @@ module Gargantext.Components.Tree where
import Prelude hiding (div)
import Affjax (defaultRequest, request)
import Data.Argonaut (class DecodeJson, decodeJson, (.?))
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.HTTP.Method (Method(..))
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Effect.Aff (Aff, attempt)
import Effect.Aff.Class (liftAff)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Effect.Console (log)
import React (ReactElement)
import React.DOM (a, div, i, li, text, ul)
import React.DOM.Props (Props, className, href, onClick)
......@@ -27,8 +32,9 @@ type State = FTree
initialState :: State
initialState = NLeaf (Tuple "" "")
performAction :: PerformAction _ State _ Action
performAction (ToggleFolder i) _ _ = void (cotransform (\td -> toggleNode i td))
performAction :: PerformAction State _ Action
performAction (ToggleFolder i) _ _ = void $
cotransform (\td -> toggleNode i td)
toggleNode :: forall t10. Int -> NTree t10 -> NTree t10
toggleNode sid (NNode iid open name ary) =
......@@ -127,19 +133,19 @@ instance decodeJsonLNode :: DecodeJson LNode where
loadDefaultNode :: Aff (Either String (Array LNode))
loadDefaultNode = do
res <- liftAff $ attempt $ affjax defaultRequest
res <- liftAff $ attempt $ request defaultRequest
{ url = "http://localhost:8008/user"
, method = Left GET
case res of
Left err -> do
_ <- liftEff $ log $ show err
_ <- liftEffect $ log $ show err
pure $ Left $ show err
Right a -> do
_ <- liftEff $ log $ show a.status
_ <- liftEff $ log $ show a.headers
_ <- liftEff $ log $ show a.response
let resp = decodeJson a.response
_ <- liftEffect $ log $ show a.status
_ <- liftEffect $ log $ show a.headers
_ <- liftEffect $ log $ show a.body
let resp = decodeJson a.body
pure resp
......@@ -2,15 +2,19 @@ module Gargantext.Config.REST where
import Prelude
import Affjax (defaultRequest, request)
import Affjax.RequestHeader (RequestHeader(..))
import Data.Argonaut (class DecodeJson, decodeJson)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.HTTP.Method (Method(..))
import Data.MediaType.Common (applicationJSON)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, attempt)
import Effect.Aff.Class (liftAff)
get :: forall t2 t31. DecodeJson t31 => String ->
get :: forall t31. DecodeJson t31 => String ->
Aff (Either String t31)
get url = do
affResp <- liftAff $ attempt $ affjax defaultRequest
affResp <- liftAff $ attempt $ request defaultRequest
{ method = Left GET
, url = url
, headers = [ ContentType applicationJSON
......@@ -22,5 +26,5 @@ get url = do
Left err -> do
pure $ Left $ show err
Right a -> do
let res = decodeJson a.response
let res = decodeJson a.body
pure res
......@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ module Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Doc.Annotation where
import Prelude hiding (div)
import React (ReactElement)
import React.DOM (a, button, div, h4, h6, input, li, nav, option, p, select, span, text, ul)
import React.DOM.Props (_data, _id, _type, aria, className, href, name, onChange, onInput, placeholder, role, selected, style, value)
import Thermite (PerformAction, Render, Spec, cotransform, modifyState, simpleSpec)
import React.DOM.Props (_data, _id, _type, aria, className, href, name, onChange, onInput, placeholder, role, style, value)
import Thermite (PerformAction, Render, Spec, modifyState, simpleSpec)
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ data Action
| SetInput String
performAction :: PerformAction State _ Action
performAction :: forall props. PerformAction State props Action
performAction NoOp _ _ = pure unit
performAction (ChangeString ps) _ _ = pure unit
......@@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ performAction (SetInput ps) _ _ = void do
docview :: Spec State _ Action
docview :: forall props. Spec State props Action
docview = simpleSpec performAction render
render :: Render State _ Action
render :: Render State props Action
render dispatch _ state _ =
div [className "container1"]
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ docview = simpleSpec performAction render
h6 [] [text "Add a free term to STOPLIST"]
, div [className "form-group"]
[ input [className "form-control", _id "id_password", name "password", placeholder "Any text", _type "value",value state.inputValue,onInput \e -> dispatch (SetInput (unsafeEventValue e))] []
[ input [className "form-control", _id "id_password", name "password", placeholder "Any text", _type "value",value state.inputValue,onInput \e -> dispatch (SetInput (unsafeEventValue e))]
, div [className "clearfix"] []
, button [className "btn btn-primary", _type "button"] [text "Create and Add"]
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ ngramsItemSpec = simpleSpec performAction render
, checked $ getter _._type state.term == MapTerm
, title "Mark as completed"
, onChange $ dispatch <<< ( const $ SetMap $ not (getter _._type state.term == MapTerm))
] []
checkbox_stop =
[ _type "checkbox"
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ ngramsItemSpec = simpleSpec performAction render
, checked $ getter _._type state.term == StopTerm
, title "Mark as completed"
, onChange $ dispatch <<< ( const $ SetStop $ not (getter _._type state.term == StopTerm))
] []
dispTerm :: String -> TermType -> ReactElement
module Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Doc.Facets.Terms.NgramsTable where
import CSS.TextAlign (center, textAlign)
import Data.Array (filter, fold, toUnfoldable)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Lens (Lens', Prism', lens, over, prism)
import Data.List (List)
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..), uncurry)
import Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Doc.Facets.Terms.NgramsItem as NI
import Prelude (class Eq, class Ord, class Show, Unit, bind, map, not, pure, show, void, ($), (*), (+), (-), (/), (<), (<$>), (<>), (==), (>), (>=), (>>=))
import Prelude (class Eq, class Ord, class Show, map, show, void, ($), (*), (+), (-), (/), (<), (<>), (==), (>), (>=))
import React (ReactElement)
import React.DOM hiding (style)
import React.DOM hiding (style, map)
import React.DOM.Props (_id, _type, className, href, name, onChange, onClick, onInput, placeholder, scope, selected, style, value)
import Thermite (PerformAction, Spec, _render, cotransform, focus, foreach, modifyState, withState)
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
......@@ -52,8 +52,6 @@ _ItemAction = prism (uncurry ItemAction) \ta ->
_ -> Left ta
performAction :: forall props. PerformAction State props Action
performAction _ _ _ = void do
modifyState \(State state) -> State $ state
performAction (ChangePageSize ps) _ _ = void (cotransform (\state -> changePageSize ps state ))
......@@ -69,7 +67,10 @@ performAction (ChangeString c) _ _ = void do
performAction (SetInput s) _ _ = void do
modifyState \(State state) -> State $ state { search = s }
tableSpec :: forall props .Spec State props Action -> Spec eff State props Action
performAction _ _ _ = void do
modifyState \(State state) -> State $ state
tableSpec :: forall props .Spec State props Action -> Spec State props Action
tableSpec = over _render \render dispatch p (State s) c ->
[div [className "container-fluid"]
......@@ -97,7 +98,7 @@ tableSpec = over _render \render dispatch p (State s) c ->
, _type "value"
,onInput \e -> dispatch (SetInput (unsafeEventValue e))
] []
module Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.User.Brevets where
import Prelude (id, void)
import Prelude
import Thermite (PerformAction, Render, Spec, modifyState, simpleSpec)
......@@ -14,8 +13,7 @@ data Action = NoOp
performAction :: forall props. PerformAction State props Action
performAction NoOp _ _ = void do
modifyState id
modifyState identity
brevetsSpec :: forall props. Spec State props Action
brevetsSpec = simpleSpec performAction render
module Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.User.Users.Specs.Documents where
import Prelude (id, void)
import Prelude
import React.DOM (table, tbody, td, text, th, thead, tr)
import React.DOM.Props (className, scope)
import Thermite (PerformAction, Render, Spec, modifyState, simpleSpec)
......@@ -15,9 +15,7 @@ data Action = NoOp
performAction :: forall props. PerformAction State props Action
performAction NoOp _ _ = void do
modifyState id
modifyState identity
publicationSpec :: forall props. Spec State props Action
publicationSpec = simpleSpec performAction render
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Prelude (($), (<<<))
import React (ReactElement)
import React.DOM (div, h3, h1, li, span, text, ul, img)
import React.DOM (div, h3, img, li, span, text, ul)
import React.DOM.Props (_id, className, src)
import Thermite (Render)
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ render dispatch _ state _ =
Nothing -> display "User not found" []
display :: forall props. String -> Array ReactElement -> Array ReactElement
display :: String -> Array ReactElement -> Array ReactElement
display title elems =
[ div [className "container-fluid"]
[ div [className "row", _id "user-page-header"]
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ display title elems =
[ div [className "col-md-12"]
[ div [className "row"]
[ div [className "col-md-2"]
[ img [src "/images/Gargantextuel-212x300.jpg"] [] ]
[ img [src "/images/Gargantextuel-212x300.jpg"] ]
, div [className "col-md-1"] []
, div [className "col-md-8"] elems
......@@ -58,10 +58,10 @@ userInfos (HyperData user) =
checkMaybe (Nothing) = ""
checkMaybe (Just a) = a
listElement :: forall props. Array ReactElement -> ReactElement
listElement :: Array ReactElement -> ReactElement
listElement = li [className "list-group-item justify-content-between"]
infoRender :: forall props. Tuple String String -> Array ReactElement
infoRender :: Tuple String String -> Array ReactElement
infoRender (Tuple title content) =
[ span [] [text title]
, span [className "badge badge-default badge-pill"] [text content]
module Gargantext.Pages.Folder where
import Prelude (id, void)
import Prelude
import Thermite (PerformAction, Render, Spec, modifyState, simpleSpec)
......@@ -14,8 +14,7 @@ data Action = NoOp
performAction :: forall props. PerformAction State props Action
performAction NoOp _ _ = void do
modifyState id
modifyState identity
projets :: forall props. Spec State props Action
projets = simpleSpec performAction render
module Gargantext.Pages.Home.Actions where
import Prelude hiding (div)
import Gargantext.Components.Lang.Landing.EnUS as En
import Gargantext.Components.Lang.Landing.FrFR as Fr
import Gargantext.Components.Data.Landing (BlockText(..), BlockTexts(..), Button(..), LandingData(..))
import Gargantext.Components.Data.Lang (Lang(..))
import Gargantext.Pages.Home.States (State(..))
import React (ReactElement)
import React.DOM (a, div, h3, i, img, p, span, text)
import React.DOM.Props (Props, _id, aria, className, href, src, target, title)
import Thermite (PerformAction, Render, Spec, modifyState, simpleSpec)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Gargantext.Pages.Home.States (State)
import Routing.Hash (setHash)
import Thermite (PerformAction, modifyState)
data Action
= NoOp
......@@ -31,11 +23,11 @@ performAction Documentation _ _ = void do
modifyState \state -> state
performAction Enter _ _ = void do
lift $ setHash "/search"
liftEffect $ setHash "/search"
modifyState \state -> state
performAction Login _ _ = void do
lift $ setHash "/login"
liftEffect $ setHash "/login"
modifyState \state -> state
performAction SignUp _ _ = void do
......@@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ import Gargantext.Components.Lang.Landing.EnUS as En
import Gargantext.Components.Lang.Landing.FrFR as Fr
import Gargantext.Components.Data.Landing (BlockText(..), BlockTexts(..), Button(..), LandingData(..))
import Gargantext.Components.Data.Lang (Lang(..))
import Gargantext.Pages.Home.States (State(..))
import Gargantext.Pages.Home.Actions (Action(..), performAction)
import Gargantext.Pages.Home.States (State)
import Gargantext.Pages.Home.Actions (Action, performAction)
import React (ReactElement)
import React.DOM (a, div, h3, i, img, p, span, text)
import React.DOM.Props (Props, _id, aria, className, href, src, target, title)
import Thermite (PerformAction, Render, Spec, modifyState, simpleSpec)
import Thermite (Render, Spec, simpleSpec)
-- Layout |
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ jumboTitle (LandingData hd) b = div jumbo
[ div [_id "logo-designed" ]
[ img [ src "images/logo.png"
, title hd.logoTitle
] []
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ jumboTitle (LandingData hd) b = div jumbo
, _id "funnyimg"
, title hd.imageTitle
......@@ -99,6 +99,5 @@ imageEnter (LandingData hd) action = div [className "row"]
, title hd.imageTitle
, action
module Gargantext.Pages.Layout.Specs.AddCorpus.Actions where
import Gargantext.Pages.Layout.Specs.AddCorpus.States
import Prelude hiding (div)
import Data.Argonaut (class DecodeJson, class EncodeJson, decodeJson, encodeJson, jsonEmptyObject, (.?), (:=), (~>))
import Affjax (defaultRequest, request)
import Affjax.RequestBody (RequestBody(..))
import Affjax.RequestHeader (RequestHeader(..))
import Control.Monad.Cont.Trans (lift)
import Data.Argonaut (class EncodeJson, decodeJson, encodeJson, jsonEmptyObject, (:=), (~>))
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.HTTP.Method (Method(..))
import Data.Lens (over)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(Just))
import Data.MediaType.Common (applicationJSON)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, attempt)
import Effect.Aff.Class (liftAff)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Effect.Console (log)
import Gargantext.Components.Modals.Modal (modalHide)
import Gargantext.Pages.Layout.Specs.AddCorpus.States
import React (ReactElement)
import React.DOM (button, div, h3, h5, li, span, text, ul)
import React.DOM.Props (_data, _id, _type, aria, className, onClick, role)
import Thermite (PerformAction, Render, Spec, _render, cotransform, modifyState, simpleSpec)
import Routing.Hash (setHash)
import Thermite (PerformAction, modifyState)
data Action
= NoOp
......@@ -26,7 +29,7 @@ data Action
performAction :: forall props. PerformAction State props Action
performAction NoOp _ _ = void do
modifyState id
modifyState identity
performAction (SelectDatabase selected) _ _ = void do
modifyState \( state) -> state { select_database = selected }
......@@ -37,14 +40,14 @@ performAction (UnselectDatabase unselected) _ _ = void do
performAction (LoadDatabaseDetails) _ _ = void do
res <- lift $ getDatabaseDetails $ QueryString { query_query: "string",query_name: ["Pubmed"]}
case res of
Left err -> cotransform $ \(state) -> state
Left err -> modifyState $ \(state) -> state
Right resData -> do
cotransform $ \(state) -> state {response = resData}
modifyState $ \(state) -> state {response = resData}
performAction GO _ _ = void do
lift $ setHash "/corpus"
_ <- liftEff $ modalHide "addCorpus"
modifyState id
_ <- liftEffect $ modalHide "addCorpus"
modifyState identity
newtype QueryString = QueryString
......@@ -74,22 +77,24 @@ instance encodeJsonQueryString :: EncodeJson QueryString where
getDatabaseDetails :: QueryString -> Aff (Either String (Array Response))
getDatabaseDetails reqBody = do
let token = "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOjE1MTk5OTg1ODMsInVzZXJfaWQiOjUsImVtYWlsIjoiYWxleGFuZHJlLmRlbGFub2VAaXNjcGlmLmZyIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJkZXZlbG9wZXIifQ.Os-3wuFNSmRIxCZi98oFNBu2zqGc0McO-dgDayozHJg"
affResp <- liftAff $ attempt $ affjax defaultRequest
affResp <- liftAff $ attempt $ request $ defaultRequest
{ method = Left POST
, url ="http://localhost:8009/count"
, headers = [ ContentType applicationJSON
, Accept applicationJSON
-- , RequestHeader "Authorization" $ "Bearer " <> token
, content = Just $ encodeJson reqBody
, content = Just $ Json $ encodeJson reqBody
case affResp of
Left err -> do
liftAff $ log $ "error" <> show err
liftEffect $ log $ "error" <> show err
pure $ Left $ show err
Right a -> do
liftAff $ log $ "POST method Completed"
liftAff $ log $ "GET /api response: " <> show a.response
let res = decodeJson a.response
liftEffect $ log $ "POST method Completed"
liftEffect $ log $ "GET /api response: " <> show a.body
res <- case a.body of
Left err -> []
Right d -> decodeJson d
pure res
module Gargantext.Pages.Layout.Specs.Search where
import Prelude hiding (div)
import React.DOM (br', button, div, h3, input, text, i, span, img)
import React.DOM.Props (_id, _type, className, name, onClick, onInput, placeholder, value, aria, src, title)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import React.DOM (br', button, div, input, text)
import React.DOM.Props (_id, _type, className, name, onClick, onInput, placeholder, value)
import Routing.Hash (setHash)
import Thermite (PerformAction, Render, Spec, modifyState, simpleSpec)
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
import Gargantext.Pages.Home as L
type State =
......@@ -28,7 +30,7 @@ data Action
performAction :: forall props. PerformAction State props Action
performAction NoOp _ _ = void do
modifyState id
modifyState identity
performAction (SetQuery q) _ _ = void do
......@@ -36,8 +38,8 @@ performAction (SetQuery q) _ _ = void do
performAction GO _ _ = void do
lift $ setHash "/addCorpus"
modifyState id
liftEffect $ setHash "/addCorpus"
modifyState identity
unsafeEventValue :: forall event. event -> String
......@@ -53,8 +55,8 @@ searchSpec = simpleSpec performAction render
[ div [className "jumbotron" ]
[ div [className "row" ]
[ div [className "col-md-10" ]
[ br' []
, br' []
[ br'
, br'
, div [ className "form-group"]
[ input [ className "form-control"
, _id "id_password"
......@@ -63,16 +65,16 @@ searchSpec = simpleSpec performAction render
, _type "text"
, value state.query
, onInput \e -> dispatch (SetQuery (unsafeEventValue e))
] []
, br'[]
, br'
, div [ className "col-md-2"]
[ br' []
, br' []
[ br'
, br'
, button [onClick \_ -> dispatch GO] [text "GO"]
, br' []
, br'
......@@ -3,11 +3,15 @@ module Gargantext.Router where
import Prelude
import Control.Alt ((<|>))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Data.Int (floor)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Routing.Match (Match)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Effect.Console (log)
import Routing.Match (Match, lit, num)
import Web.HTML (window)
import Web.HTML.Window (localStorage)
import Web.Storage.Storage (getItem)
data Routes
= Home
......@@ -60,16 +64,16 @@ routing =
routeHandler :: (Maybe Routes -> Routes -> Effect Unit) -> Maybe Routes -> Routes -> Effect Unit
routeHandler dispatchAction old new = do
liftEff $ log $ "change route : " <> show new
liftEffect $ log $ "change route : " <> show new
w <- window
ls <- localStorage w
token <- getItem "accessToken" ls
let tkn = token
liftEff $ log $ "JWToken : " <> show tkn
liftEffect $ log $ "JWToken : " <> show tkn
case tkn of
Nothing -> do
dispatchAction old new
liftEff $ log $ "called SignIn Route :"
liftEffect $ log $ "called SignIn Route :"
Just t -> do
dispatchAction old new
liftEff $ log $ "called Route : " <> show new
liftEffect $ log $ "called Route : " <> show new
......@@ -2,13 +2,14 @@ module Gargantext.Utils.DecodeMaybe where
import Prelude
import Data.Argonaut (class DecodeJson, JObject, getFieldOptional)
import Data.Argonaut (class DecodeJson, Json, getFieldOptional)
import Data.Either (Either)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Foreign.Object (Object)
foreign import isNull :: forall a. a -> Boolean
getFieldOptional' :: forall a. DecodeJson a => JObject -> String -> Either String (Maybe a)
getFieldOptional' :: forall t9. DecodeJson t9 => Object Json -> String -> Either String (Maybe t9)
getFieldOptional' o s = (case _ of
Just v -> if isNull v then Nothing else v
Nothing -> Nothing
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