Commit 3d8c5286 authored by Nicolas Pouillard's avatar Nicolas Pouillard

Alternative implementation for applyPatchMap

parent fce7c09b
......@@ -744,11 +744,17 @@ mergeMap f m1 m2 = Map.mapMaybeWithKey f (Map.unionWith g (This <$> m1) (That <$
g x _ = x -- impossible
applyPatchMap :: forall k p v. Ord k => (p -> Maybe v -> Maybe v) -> PatchMap k p -> Map k v -> Map k v
applyPatchMap applyPatchValue (PatchMap pm) m = mergeMap f pm m
f _ (This pv) = applyPatchValue pv Nothing
f _ (That v) = Just v
f _ (Both pv v) = applyPatchValue pv (Just v)
applyPatchMap applyPatchValue (PatchMap pm) m =
foldl go m (Map.toUnfoldable pm :: List (Tuple k p))
go m (Tuple k pv) = Map.alter (applyPatchValue pv) k m
type NgramsPatches = PatchMap NgramsTerm NgramsPatch
type VersionedNgramsPatches = Versioned NgramsPatches
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