Commit 3e5b2663 authored by James Laver's avatar James Laver

de-thermitize Graph Explorer and make it match the naming convention of other components

parent 9f399030
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import Thermite (Render, Spec, simpleSpec)
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as RH
import Gargantext.Hooks.Loader (useLoader)
import Gargantext.Hooks.Sigmax as Sigmax
import Gargantext.Hooks.Sigmax.Sigma (Sigma)
import Gargantext.Hooks.Sigmax.Types as Sigmax
......@@ -23,8 +24,8 @@ import Gargantext.Components.GraphExplorer.Sidebar as Sidebar
import Gargantext.Components.GraphExplorer.ToggleButton as Toggle
import Gargantext.Components.GraphExplorer.Types as GET
import Gargantext.Components.Graph as Graph
import Gargantext.Components.Loader2 as Loader
import Gargantext.Components.Tree as Tree
import Gargantext.Config (Ends, url)
import Gargantext.Config as Config
import Gargantext.Config.REST (get)
import Gargantext.Router (Routes(..))
......@@ -32,48 +33,36 @@ import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
type GraphId = Int
type Props = (
graphId :: GraphId
, graph :: Maybe Graph.Graph
type LayoutProps =
( graphId :: GraphId
, mCurrentRoute :: Maybe Routes
, treeId :: Maybe Int
, ends :: Ends )
spec :: Spec (Record GET.StateGlue) (Record Props) GET.Action
spec = simpleSpec GET.performAction render
render :: Render (Record GET.StateGlue) (Record Props) GET.Action
render dispatch props state _ =
[ R2.scuff $ specCpt dispatch state props ]
specCpt :: (GET.Action -> Effect Unit) -> Record GET.StateGlue -> Record Props -> R.Element
specCpt d stateGlue p = R.createElement el p []
el = R.hooksComponent "SpecCpt" cpt
cpt props _children = do
state <- GET.fromStateGlue stateGlue
type Props = ( graph :: Maybe Graph.Graph | LayoutProps )
pure $ explorer state props
explorerLayout :: Record LayoutProps -> R.Element
explorerLayout props = R.createElement explorerLayoutCpt props []
explorer :: Record GET.State -> Record Props -> R.Element
explorer state props = R.createElement (explorerLoader state) props []
explorerLoader :: Record GET.State -> R.Component Props
explorerLoader state = R.hooksComponent "GraphExplorerLoader" cpt
explorerLayoutCpt :: R.Component LayoutProps
explorerLayoutCpt = R.hooksComponent "G.C.GraphExplorer.explorerLayout" cpt
cpt props _ = do
Loader.useLoader props.graphId getNodes $ \{loaded} ->
explorerEl state $ props {graph = Just $ convert loaded}
cpt {graphId, mCurrentRoute, treeId, ends} _ =
useLoader graphId (getNodes ends) handler
handler loaded = explorer {graphId, mCurrentRoute, treeId, ends, graph}
where graph = Just (convert loaded)
explorerEl :: Record GET.State -> Record Props -> R.Element
explorerEl state props = R.createElement (explorerCpt state) props []
explorer :: Record Props -> R.Element
explorer props = R.createElement explorerCpt props []
explorerCpt :: Record GET.State -> R.Component Props
explorerCpt state = R.hooksComponent "GraphExplorer" cpt
explorerCpt :: R.Component Props
explorerCpt = R.hooksComponent "G.C.GraphExplorer.explorer" cpt
cpt {graphId, mCurrentRoute, treeId, graph} _ = do
cpt {ends, graphId, mCurrentRoute, treeId, graph} _ = do
controls <- Controls.useGraphControls
state <- useExplorerState
pure $
{ id: "graph-explorer" }
......@@ -96,6 +85,12 @@ explorerCpt state = R.hooksComponent "GraphExplorer" cpt
tree {treeId: Nothing} _ = RH.div { id: "tree" } []
tree _ {showTree: false /\ _} = RH.div { id: "tree" } []
tree {mCurrentRoute, treeId: Just treeId} _ =
RH.div { id: "tree", className: "col-md-2" }
[ Tree.treeView {mCurrentRoute, root: treeId, ends: ends} ]
outer = RH.div { className: "col-md-12" }
inner = RH.div { className: "container-fluid", style: { paddingTop: "90px" } }
row1 = RH.div { className: "row", style: { paddingBottom: "10px", marginTop: "-24px" } }
......@@ -104,17 +99,29 @@ explorerCpt state = R.hooksComponent "GraphExplorer" cpt
pullLeft = RH.div { className: "pull-left" }
pullRight = RH.div { className: "pull-right" }
tree {treeId: Nothing} _ = RH.div { id: "tree" } []
tree _ {showTree: false /\ _} = RH.div { id: "tree" } []
tree {mCurrentRoute, treeId: Just treeId} _ =
RH.div { id: "tree", className: "col-md-2" } [
Tree.elTreeview {mCurrentRoute, root: treeId}
mGraph :: R.Ref (Maybe Sigmax.Sigma) -> {graphId :: GraphId, graph :: Maybe Graph.Graph} -> R.Element
mGraph _ {graph: Nothing} = RH.div {} []
mGraph sigmaRef {graphId, graph: Just graph} = graphView sigmaRef {graphId, graph}
useExplorerState :: R.Hooks (Record GET.State)
useExplorerState = do pure {}
{- corpusId <- R.useState' 0
cursorSize <- R.useState' 0.0
filePath <- R.useState' ""
graphData <- R.useState' initialGraphData
legendData <- R.useState' []
multiNodeSelection <- R.useState' false
selectedNodes <- R.useState' Set.empty
showControls <- R.useState' false
showSidePanel <- R.useState' false
showTree <- R.useState' false
sigmaGraphData <- R.useState' (Nothing :: Maybe Graph.Graph)
sigmaSettings <- R.useState' Graph.sigmaSettings
treeId <- R.useState' (Nothing :: Maybe TreeId) -}
--treeId : Nothing
type GraphProps = (
graphId :: GraphId
, graph :: Graph.Graph
......@@ -281,5 +288,5 @@ defaultPalette = ["#5fa571","#ab9ba2","#da876d","#bdd3ff","#b399df","#ffdfed","#
-- ]
getNodes :: GraphId -> Aff GET.GraphData
getNodes graphId = get $ Config.toUrl Config.Back Config.Graph $ Just graphId
getNodes :: Ends -> GraphId -> Aff GET.GraphData
getNodes ends graphId = get $ url ends $ Config.NodeAPI Config.Graph (Just graphId)
......@@ -68,7 +68,8 @@ newtype MetaData = MetaData
, listId :: ListId
getLegend :: GraphData -> Maybe (Array Legend)
getLegend (GraphData {metaData}) = (\(MetaData m) -> m.legend) <$> metaData
newtype SelectedNode = SelectedNode {id :: String, label :: String}
......@@ -79,40 +80,6 @@ derive instance ordSelectedNode :: Ord SelectedNode
instance showSelectedNode :: Show SelectedNode where
show (SelectedNode node) = node.label
data Action = Dummy
performAction :: forall props. PerformAction (Record StateGlue) (Record props) Action
performAction Dummy _ _ = do
pure $ unit
-- NOTE: special state to "glue" thermite with reactix
-- When thermite is removed, this can be removed as well and replaced with State
type StateGlue = (
--treeId :: Maybe TreeId
initialStateGlue :: Record StateGlue
initialStateGlue = {
{- corpusId <- R.useState' 0
cursorSize <- R.useState' 0.0
filePath <- R.useState' ""
graphData <- R.useState' initialGraphData
legendData <- R.useState' []
multiNodeSelection <- R.useState' false
selectedNodes <- R.useState' Set.empty
showControls <- R.useState' false
showSidePanel <- R.useState' false
showTree <- R.useState' false
sigmaGraphData <- R.useState' (Nothing :: Maybe Graph.Graph)
sigmaSettings <- R.useState' Graph.sigmaSettings
treeId <- R.useState' (Nothing :: Maybe TreeId) -}
--treeId : Nothing
type State = (
-- corpusId :: R.State Int
--, cursorSize :: R.State Number
......@@ -129,14 +96,6 @@ type State = (
--treeId :: R.State (Maybe TreeId)
fromStateGlue :: Record StateGlue -> R.Hooks (Record State)
fromStateGlue {} = do
--treeIdS <- R.useState' treeId
pure {
--treeId: treeIdS
initialGraphData :: GraphData
initialGraphData = GraphData {
nodes: []
......@@ -145,10 +104,6 @@ initialGraphData = GraphData {
, metaData : Just $ MetaData {title : "", legend : [], corpusId : [], listId : 0}
initialState :: R.Hooks (Record State)
initialState = fromStateGlue initialStateGlue
instance decodeJsonGraphData :: DecodeJson GraphData where
decodeJson json = do
obj <- decodeJson json
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