Commit 44329133 authored by Przemyslaw Kaminski's avatar Przemyslaw Kaminski

[purescript] bump PS to version 0.14.7

parent 99c67182
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ import
pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "justinwoo";
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sha256 = "JEabdJ+3cZEYDVnzgMH/YFsaGtIBiCFcgvVO9XRgiY4=";
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sha256 = "8erFzbiRJYqPgJHuQwhgBPltQeaWeAZom/5X3lyUAcc=";
) {
inherit pkgs;
import (
builtins.fetchTarball {
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sha256 = "1ckzhh24mgz6jd1xhfgx0i9mijk6xjqxwsshnvq789xsavrmsc36";
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......@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
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version = "v6.0.0";
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url = "";
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sha256 = "05gdjx8xhv7xxm1prrrc2brxjn1gi19qf1004syk8qx37slrjf87";
......@@ -336,11 +336,11 @@
"free" = {
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version = "v6.0.1";
version = "v6.2.0";
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"functions" = {
......@@ -516,11 +516,11 @@
"milkis" = {
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version = "v7.4.0";
version = "v7.5.0";
src = pkgs.fetchgit {
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rev = "v7.4.0";
sha256 = "10ahz4idcb3qwys7x15k3za5gkw9zbk15cdmcqsi8lfh6fg2w2db";
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"mmorph" = {
......@@ -552,11 +552,11 @@
"node-fs" = {
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version = "v6.1.0";
version = "v6.2.0";
src = pkgs.fetchgit {
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rev = "v6.1.0";
sha256 = "1w97m2afn7yn757niknkbk7w6nyg4n5dabxr7gzfz368z1nkf45s";
rev = "v6.2.0";
sha256 = "1b89sxr6asxvgx59myhfbahiiz1z6sg2qfrm9bqd46h93ai8bhn1";
"node-path" = {
......@@ -579,11 +579,11 @@
"nonempty" = {
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version = "v6.0.0";
version = "v6.1.0";
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rev = "v6.1.0";
sha256 = "0hhhw5x5xvs2bd9373gklja1545glnzi1xc2sj16kkznnayrmvsn";
"now" = {
......@@ -615,11 +615,11 @@
"ordered-collections" = {
name = "ordered-collections";
version = "v2.0.1";
version = "v2.0.2";
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"orders" = {
......@@ -642,11 +642,11 @@
"parsing" = {
name = "parsing";
version = "v6.0.2";
version = "v8.4.0";
src = pkgs.fetchgit {
url = "";
rev = "v6.0.2";
sha256 = "0lhri5bfk4j6dgzi4d5gvmd628hjs9jgyky910ylj6qzalw9fj56";
rev = "v8.4.0";
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"partial" = {
......@@ -912,11 +912,11 @@
"string-parsers" = {
name = "string-parsers";
version = "v6.0.1";
version = "v7.0.0";
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rev = "v6.0.1";
sha256 = "143a2s56kbx3i0xi5wfqp28znr0hdydy902jla236i7kal5y098m";
rev = "v7.0.0";
sha256 = "0kjqx6f8jgcbaf0v401hrdqw61zzvp8my9ik8cn55njn6i3mx74w";
"strings" = {
......@@ -1056,11 +1056,11 @@
"unicode" = {
name = "unicode";
version = "v5.0.0";
version = "v5.0.1";
src = pkgs.fetchgit {
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rev = "v5.0.0";
sha256 = "0sqvgl3il2rl3zxkbzsqb19wib108zvyw73jxiavpfdm6hdmnxvc";
rev = "v5.0.1";
sha256 = "0xh9wwyrl9nsw3h3wzalc1gaph39drj0i6k648cf9bnbb96nxa4z";
"unsafe-coerce" = {
......@@ -1092,11 +1092,11 @@
"variant" = {
name = "variant";
version = "v7.0.3";
version = "v7.1.0";
src = pkgs.fetchgit {
url = "";
rev = "v7.0.3";
sha256 = "1q2pky3gf177ihy2zjzqvp1cj18ycaki9vm4ghw18p7hf256lqmc";
rev = "v7.1.0";
sha256 = "064aijlcphyg5mjhxx4acwjlnh7ha3v033zzan31rhkqi6m4r3da";
"versions" = {
......@@ -1137,11 +1137,11 @@
"web-html" = {
name = "web-html";
version = "v3.1.0";
version = "v3.2.0";
src = pkgs.fetchgit {
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rev = "v3.1.0";
sha256 = "007anmqqifrjnpfa4xf7qa8xnpbhvcxqdraj9lnhizwq65vx53sn";
rev = "v3.2.0";
sha256 = "1ds26vwyba0chhpa09m938brw9q8pxjk6z1n3d4nc30hvdkrjnbh";
"web-storage" = {
let upstream = sha256:8dbf71bfc6c7a11043619eebe90ff85f7d884541048aa8cc48eef1ee781cbc0e sha256:75d0f0719f32456e6bdc3efd41cfc64785655d2b751e3d080bd849033ed053f2
let overrides =
{ globals =
......@@ -7,6 +7,63 @@ let overrides =
, repo = ""
, version = "v4.1.0"
-- TODO Remove graphql-client when
-- is merged
, graphql-client =
{ dependencies =
[ "aff"
, "aff-promise"
, "affjax"
, "argonaut-codecs"
, "argonaut-core"
, "arrays"
, "bifunctors"
, "control"
, "datetime"
, "effect"
, "either"
, "enums"
, "exceptions"
, "foldable-traversable"
, "foreign"
, "foreign-generic"
, "foreign-object"
, "functions"
, "halogen-subscriptions"
, "heterogeneous"
, "http-methods"
, "integers"
, "lists"
, "maybe"
, "media-types"
, "newtype"
, "node-buffer"
, "node-fs"
, "nullable"
, "numbers"
, "ordered-collections"
, "parsing"
, "prelude"
, "profunctor"
, "profunctor-lenses"
, "psci-support"
, "quickcheck"
, "record"
, "spec"
, "spec-discovery"
, "string-parsers"
, "strings"
, "strings-extra"
, "transformers"
, "tuples"
, "typelevel-prelude"
, "unicode"
, repo = ""
, version = "update-package-set-#73"
--, version = "v7.0.0"
, smolder =
{ dependencies =
[ "bifunctors"
......@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ let
pkgs.mkShell {
buildInputs = [
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