Commit 4cd1de1d authored by Przemyslaw Kaminski's avatar Przemyslaw Kaminski

[sigma] fix for mouse selector position when document is scrolled

parent a9c140b9
......@@ -103,8 +103,8 @@ let sigmaMouseSelector = (sigma, options) => {
const mouseMove = (e) => {
const size = _s.settings('mouseSelectorSize') || 3;
const x = e.clientX - _offset.left - size/2;
const y = e.clientY - - size/2;
const x = e.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft - _offset.left - size/2;
const y = e.clientY + document.body.scrollTop - - size/2;
_context.clearRect(0, 0, _context.canvas.width, _context.canvas.height);
_context.fillStyle = 'rgba(91, 192, 222, 0.7)';
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