Commit 4f479973 authored by James Laver's avatar James Laver


parent 819102f7
-- |
module Gargantext.Components.EndsChooser
-- (
-- )
import Prelude (($), pure)
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
import Gargantext.Config (Backend, Ends, defaultEnds, defaultEnds')
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
type Props = ( ends :: R.State Ends )
useEnds :: R.Hooks (R.State Ends)
useEnds = R.useState' defaultEnds
endsChooser :: Record Props -> R.Element
endsChooser props = R.createElement endsChooserCpt props []
endsChooserCpt :: R.Component Props
endsChooserCpt = R.hooksComponent "G.C.EndsChooser.endsChooser" cpt
cpt {ends} _ = do
pure $ R.fragment []
-- el = R.hooksComponent "EndConfigChooserCpt" cpt
-- cpt {state} _children = do
-- R.useEffect $ pure $
-- if (configState /= state) then do
-- _ <- log2 "update state: " configState
-- _ <- d $ ConfigStateA $ C.UpdateState configState
-- _ <- log2 "logout" ""
-- d $ Logout
-- else
-- pure $ unit
-- pure $ H.span {}
-- [ endConfigChooser (configState /\ setConfigState)
-- , H.span {className: "text-info"}
-- [ H.text $ C.endConfigDisplayName configState.endConfig ]
-- , H.span {className: "text-danger"}
-- [ H.text $ C.endConfigDisplayName state.endConfig ]
-- ]
-- endConfigChooser :: R.State Ends -> R.Element
-- endConfigChooser (configState /\ setConfigState) = R.createElement el {} []
-- where
-- el = R.hooksComponent "EndConfigChooser" cpt
-- cpt {} _ = do
-- -- NOTE Need to rebind the component after rerender
-- R.useEffect do
-- _ <- pure $ createDropdown "end-config-chooser"
-- pure $ pure unit
-- pure $ {className: "dropdown"}
-- [ H.a { className: "navbar-text dropdown-toggle"
-- , href: "#"
-- , role: "button"
-- , data: {toggle: "dropdown"}
-- , id: "end-config-chooser"
-- }
-- [ H.text $ C.endConfigDisplayName configState.endConfig ]
-- , H.ul { className: "dropdown-menu"
-- } (liItem <$> C.endConfigOptions)
-- ]
-- liItem :: C.EndConfigOption -> R.Element
-- liItem {endConfig, displayName} =
-- {on: {click: onClick endConfig}}
-- [ H.a {href: "#"} [H.text displayName] ]
-- onClick endConfig = \_ -> do
-- log2 "set end config" endConfig
-- setConfigState $ \st -> st {endConfig = endConfig}
-- type BackendProps = ( ends :: R.State Ends, backend :: Backend )
-- backendCpt :: R.Component BackendProps
-- backendCpt = R.hooksComponent "G.C.EndsChooser.backend" cpt
-- where
-- cpt {ends, backend} _ = do
module Gargantext.Components.EndsSummary
-- (
-- )
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import Gargantext.Config (Ends)
endsSummary :: Ends -> R.Element
endsSummary ends = H.div {className: "text-info"} [ H.text text ]
where text = "Connected to " <>
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