Commit 5356f9db authored by Przemyslaw Kaminski's avatar Przemyslaw Kaminski

Merge branch 'dev' into dev-graphql

parents 0f22711d ed4b7f46
"name": "Gargantext",
"version": "",
"version": "",
"scripts": {
"generate-purs-packages-nix": "./nix/generate-purs-packages.nix",
"generate-psc-packages-nix": "./nix/generate-packages-json.bash",
......@@ -35,6 +35,14 @@ let
serve = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "serve" ''
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
yarn server
build-watch = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "build-watch" ''
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
......@@ -110,6 +118,7 @@ pkgs.mkShell {
......@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ controlsCpt = here.component "controls" cpt
[ RH.ul { className: "navbar-nav mx-auto" }
[ -- change type button (?)
navItem [ centerButton sigmaRef ]
, navItem [ resetForceAtlasButton { forceAtlasState, sigmaRef } [] ]
-- , navItem [ resetForceAtlasButton { forceAtlasState, sigmaRef } [] ]
, navItem [ pauseForceAtlasButton { state: forceAtlasState } [] ]
, navItem [ edgesToggleButton { state: showEdges } [] ]
, navItem [ louvainToggleButton { state: showLouvain } [] ]
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import Control.Parallel (parTraverse)
import Data.Array (head, last, concat)
import Data.Array as A
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Foldable as F
import Data.Int (fromString)
import Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromJust)
......@@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ import Gargantext.Sessions (Session)
import Gargantext.Types (CTabNgramType, FrontendError(..), NodeID, TabSubType(..), TabType(..), TermList(..), modeTabType)
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
import Gargantext.Utils.Toestand as T2
import Math as Math
import Partial.Unsafe (unsafePartial)
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
......@@ -182,6 +184,10 @@ selectedNodesCpt = here.component "selectedNodes" cpt
{ selectedNodeIds } <- GEST.focusedSidePanel sidePanelGraph
selectedNodeIds' <- T.useLive T.unequal selectedNodeIds
let badges' = neighbourBadges graph selectedNodeIds'
minSize = F.foldl Math.min 0.0 ( _.size (SigmaxT.graphNodes graph))
maxSize = F.foldl Math.max 0.0 ( _.size (SigmaxT.graphNodes graph))
pure $ R2.row
[ R2.col 12
[ RH.ul { className: "nav nav-tabs d-flex justify-content-center"
......@@ -191,9 +197,7 @@ selectedNodesCpt = here.component "selectedNodes" cpt
[ RH.div { className: "d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center"
, role: "tabpanel" }
( Seq.toUnfoldable
$ ( (badge selectedNodeIds)
(badges graph selectedNodeIds')
$ ( (\node -> badge { maxSize, minSize, node, selectedNodeIds }) badges')
, {}
......@@ -225,15 +229,17 @@ neighborhoodCpt = here.component "neighborhood" cpt
{ selectedNodeIds } <- GEST.focusedSidePanel sidePanelGraph
selectedNodeIds' <- T.useLive T.unequal selectedNodeIds
let badges' = neighbourBadges graph selectedNodeIds'
minSize = F.foldl Math.min 0.0 ( _.size (SigmaxT.graphNodes graph))
maxSize = F.foldl Math.max 0.0 ( _.size (SigmaxT.graphNodes graph))
pure $ RH.div { className: "tab-content", id: "myTabContent" }
[ RH.div { -- className: "flex-space-around d-flex justify-content-center"
className: "d-flex flex-wrap flex-space-around"
, id: "home"
, role: "tabpanel"
(Seq.toUnfoldable $ (badge selectedNodeIds)
$ neighbourBadges graph selectedNodeIds'
(Seq.toUnfoldable $ (\node -> badge { maxSize, minSize, node, selectedNodeIds }) badges')
......@@ -284,15 +290,32 @@ updateTermButtonCpt = here.component "updateTermButton" cpt
T.write_ SigmaxT.emptyNodeIds selectedNodeIds
badge :: T.Box SigmaxT.NodeIds -> Record SigmaxT.Node -> R.Element
badge selectedNodeIds {id, label} =
RH.a { className: "badge badge-pill badge-light"
, on: { click: onClick }
} [ RH.h6 {} [ RH.text label ] ]
onClick _ = do
T.write_ (Set.singleton id) selectedNodeIds
type BadgeProps =
( maxSize :: Number
, minSize :: Number
, node :: Record SigmaxT.Node
, selectedNodeIds :: T.Box SigmaxT.NodeIds )
badge :: R2.Leaf BadgeProps
badge props = R.createElement badgeCpt props []
badgeCpt :: R.Component BadgeProps
badgeCpt = here.component "badge" cpt where
cpt { maxSize, minSize, node: { id, label, size }, selectedNodeIds } _ = do
let minFontSize = 1.0 -- "em"
let maxFontSize = 3.0 -- "em"
let sizeScaled = (size - minSize) / (maxSize - minSize) -- in [0; 1] range
let scale' = Math.log (sizeScaled + 1.0) / (Math.log 2.0) -- in [0; 1] range
let scale = minFontSize + scale' * (maxFontSize - minFontSize)
let style = {
fontSize: show scale <> "em"
pure $ RH.a { className: "badge badge-pill badge-light"
, on: { click: onClick }
} [ RH.h6 { style } [ RH.text label ] ]
onClick _ = do
T.write_ (Set.singleton id) selectedNodeIds
badges :: SigmaxT.SGraph -> SigmaxT.NodeIds -> Seq.Seq (Record SigmaxT.Node)
badges graph selectedNodeIds = SigmaxT.graphNodes $ SigmaxT.nodesById graph selectedNodeIds
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ setTermListSetA ngramsTable ns new_list =
f n _unit = NgramsPatch { patch_list, patch_children: mempty }
cur_list = ngramsTable ^? at n <<< _Just <<< _NgramsRepoElement <<< _list
patch_list = maybe mempty (\c -> replace c new_list) cur_list
patch_list = maybe mempty (replace new_list) cur_list
toMap :: forall a. Set a -> Map a Unit
toMap = unsafeCoerce
......@@ -213,7 +213,8 @@ tableContainerCpt { dispatch
, ngramsEdit
, H.button { className: "btn btn-primary"
, on: {click: (const $ dispatch AddTermChildren)}
, on: {click: (const $ do
dispatch AddTermChildren)}
} [H.text "Save"]
, H.button { className: "btn btn-primary"
, on: {click: (const $ dispatch $ SetParentResetChildren Nothing)}
......@@ -314,8 +315,8 @@ loadedNgramsTableBodyCpt = here.component "loadedNgramsTableBody" cpt where
path'@{ scoreType, termListFilter, termSizeFilter } <- T.useLive T.unequal path
params <- T.useFocused (_.params) (\a b -> b { params = a }) path
params'@{ orderBy } <- T.useLive T.unequal params
searchQuery <- T.useFocused (_.searchQuery) (\a b -> b { searchQuery = a }) path
searchQuery' <- T.useLive T.unequal searchQuery
searchQueryFocused <- T.useFocused (_.searchQuery) (\a b -> b { searchQuery = a }) path
searchQuery <- T.useLive T.unequal searchQueryFocused
let ngramsTable = applyNgramsPatches state' initTable
rowMap (Tuple ng nre) =
......@@ -328,15 +329,18 @@ loadedNgramsTableBodyCpt = here.component "loadedNgramsTableBody" cpt where
addOcc <$> rowsFilter (ngramsRepoElementToNgramsElement ng s nre)
rows :: PreConversionRows
rows = ngramsTableOrderWith orderBy (
Seq.mapMaybe rowMap $
Map.toUnfoldable (ngramsTable ^. _NgramsTable <<< _ngrams_repo_elements)
rows = ngramsTableOrderWith orderBy (Seq.mapMaybe rowMap nres)
nres = Map.toUnfoldable (ngramsTable ^. _NgramsTable <<< _ngrams_repo_elements)
rootOfMatch (Tuple ng nre) =
if queryMatchesLabel searchQuery (ngramsTermText ng)
then Just (fromMaybe ng (nre ^. _NgramsRepoElement <<< _root))
else Nothing
rootsWithMatches = Set.fromFoldable (Seq.mapMaybe rootOfMatch nres)
rowsFilter :: NgramsElement -> Maybe NgramsElement
rowsFilter ngramsElement =
if displayRow { ngramsElement
, ngramsParentRoot
, searchQuery: searchQuery'
, rootsWithMatches
, state: state'
, termListFilter
, termSizeFilter } then
......@@ -471,23 +475,33 @@ mkDispatch { filteredRows
s { ngramsSelection = Set.empty :: Set NgramsTerm }
s { ngramsSelection = selectNgramsOnFirstPage filteredRows }
performAction AddTermChildren =
performAction AddTermChildren = do
case ngramsParent of
Nothing ->
-- impossible but harmless
pure unit
Just parent -> do
here.log2 "[performAction] AddTermChildren, parent" parent
let pc = patchSetFromMap ngramsChildren
pe = NgramsPatch { patch_list: mempty, patch_children: pc }
pt = singletonNgramsTablePatch parent pe
T.modify_ (setParentResetChildren Nothing) state
commitPatch pt state
here.log2 "[performAction] pt" pt
let ppt = case (A.head $ Set.toUnfoldable $ Map.keys ngramsChildren) of
Nothing -> mempty
Just h ->
let pp = NgramsPatch { patch_list: mempty
, patch_children: patchSetFromMap $ Map.mapMaybe (\v -> Just $ not v) ngramsChildren }
singletonNgramsTablePatch h pp
here.log2 "[performAction] pt with patchSetFromMap" $ pt <> ppt
commitPatch (pt <> ppt) state
performAction (CoreAction a) = coreDispatch path state a
displayRow :: { ngramsElement :: NgramsElement
, ngramsParentRoot :: Maybe NgramsTerm
, searchQuery :: SearchQuery
, rootsWithMatches :: Set NgramsTerm
, state :: State
, termListFilter :: Maybe TermList
, termSizeFilter :: Maybe TermSize } -> Boolean
......@@ -496,14 +510,17 @@ displayRow { ngramsElement: NgramsElement {ngrams, root, list}
, state: { ngramsChildren
, ngramsLocalPatch
, ngramsParent }
, searchQuery
, rootsWithMatches
, termListFilter
, termSizeFilter } =
-- isNothing root
-- ^ Display only nodes without parents
-- ^^ (?) allow child nodes to be searched (see #340)
maybe true (_ == list) termListFilter
-- See these issues about the evolution of this filtering.
-- *
-- *
isNothing root
-- ^ Display only nodes without parents.
&& Set.member ngrams rootsWithMatches
-- ^ and which matches the search query.
&& maybe true (_ == list) termListFilter
-- ^ and which matches the ListType filter.
&& ngramsChildren ^. at ngrams /= Just true
-- ^ and which are not scheduled to be added already
......@@ -517,10 +534,6 @@ displayRow { ngramsElement: NgramsElement {ngrams, root, list}
-- ^ unless they are scheduled to be removed.
|| NTC.tablePatchHasNgrams ngramsLocalPatch ngrams
-- ^ unless they are being processed at the moment.
&& queryMatchesLabel searchQuery (ngramsTermText ngrams)
-- ^ and which matches the search query.
allNgramsSelectedOnFirstPage :: Set NgramsTerm -> PreConversionRows -> Boolean
allNgramsSelectedOnFirstPage selected rows = selected == (selectNgramsOnFirstPage rows)
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