Corpus.Document: cleanup

parent 3bcb795f
module Gargantext.Pages.Corpus.Document where
import Data.Argonaut (class DecodeJson, decodeJson, (.:), (.:?))
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Lens (Lens', lens, (?~))
......@@ -26,34 +25,19 @@ import Gargantext.Components.Annotation.AnnotatedField as AnnotatedField
import Gargantext.Types (TermList(..))
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix ( scuff )
nge :: String -> Tuple String NgramsElement
nge word = Tuple word elem where
elem = NgramsElement
{ ngrams: word, list: StopTerm
, occurrences: 1, parent: Nothing
, root: Nothing, children: Set.empty }
testTable :: NgramsTable
testTable = NgramsTable $ Map.fromFoldable $ nge <$> words
where words = [ "the", "quick", "brown", "fox", "jumped", "over", "lazy", "dog" ]
type State =
{ document :: Maybe (NodePoly Document)
, ngramsTable :: Maybe NgramsTable
, inputValue :: String
initialState :: {} -> State
initialState {} =
{ document: Nothing
, ngramsTable: (Just testTable)
, inputValue: ""
, ngramsTable: Nothing
data Action
= Load Int Int
| ChangeString String
| SetInput String
newtype Status = Status { failed :: Int
, succeeded :: Int
......@@ -289,13 +273,9 @@ performAction (Load lId nId) _ _ = do
, termListFilter : Nothing
, termSizeFilter : Nothing
void $ modifyState $ _document ?~ node
void $ modifyState $ _ngramsTable ?~ table
logs $ "Node Document " <> show nId <> " fetched."
performAction (ChangeString ps) _ _ = pure unit
performAction (SetInput ps) _ _ = void <$> modifyState $ _ { inputValue = ps }
getNode :: Maybe Int -> Aff (NodePoly Document)
getNode = get <<< toUrl Back Node
......@@ -306,7 +286,6 @@ _document = lens (\s -> s.document) (\s ss -> s{document = ss})
_ngramsTable :: Lens' State (Maybe NgramsTable)
_ngramsTable = lens (\s -> s.ngramsTable) (\s ss -> s{ngramsTable = ss})
docview :: Spec State {} Action
......@@ -325,12 +304,10 @@ docview = simpleSpec performAction render
[ li' [ span [] [text' document.source]
, badge "source"
-- TODO add href to /author/ if author present in
, li' [ span [] [text' document.authors]
, badge "authors"
, li' [ span [] [text' document.publication_date]
, badge "date"
......@@ -349,23 +326,5 @@ docview = simpleSpec performAction render
li' = li [className "list-group-item justify-content-between"]
text' x = text $ maybe "Nothing" identity x
badge s = span [className "badge badge-default badge-pill"] [text s]
NodePoly {hyperdata : Document document} =
NodePoly {hyperdata : Document document} =
maybe defaultNodeDocument identity state.document
findInDocument :: (Document -> Maybe String) -> State -> Maybe String
findInDocument f state =
do (NodePoly d) <- state.document
f d.hyperdata
aryPS :: Array String
aryPS = ["Map", "Main", "Stop"]
aryPS1 :: Array String
aryPS1 = ["Nothing Selected","STOPLIST", "MAINLIST", "MAPLIST"]
optps :: String -> ReactElement
optps val = option [ value val ] [text val]
unsafeEventValue :: forall event. event -> String
unsafeEventValue e = (unsafeCoerce e).target.value
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