Commit 69038bce authored by Przemyslaw Kaminski's avatar Przemyslaw Kaminski

[test] ngrams: fix pattern overlap test

parent c23bbf37
......@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ module Gargantext.Components.NgramsTable.Core
, NgramsTablePatch
, NgramsPatch(..)
, CoreState
, HighlightElement
, highlightNgrams
, initialPageParams
, loadNgramsTable
module Gargantext.Components.NgramsTable.Spec where
import Prelude
import Data.List as L
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Map as Map
import Data.Set as Set
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Test.Spec (Spec, describe, it)
import Test.Spec.Assertions (shouldEqual)
-- import Test.Spec.Assertions (shouldEqual)
-- import Test.Spec.QuickCheck (quickCheck')
import Gargantext.Components.NgramsTable.Core (highlightNgrams, NgramsElement(..), NgramsRepoElement(..), NgramsTable(..), NgramsTerm, normNgram)
import Test.Utils (shouldEqualArray)
import Gargantext.Components.NgramsTable.Core (highlightNgrams, HighlightElement, NgramsElement(..), NgramsRepoElement(..), NgramsTable(..), NgramsTerm, normNgram)
import Gargantext.Types (CTabNgramType(..), TermList(..))
......@@ -43,6 +46,15 @@ tnre ngrams list ngramType = Tuple normed (nre ngrams list ngramType)
normed = normNgram ngramType ngrams
highlightNil :: String -> HighlightElement
highlightNil s = Tuple s L.Nil
highlightTuple :: String -> CTabNgramType -> TermList -> Tuple NgramsTerm TermList
highlightTuple s ngramType term = Tuple (normNgram ngramType s) term
highlightSingleton :: String -> CTabNgramType -> TermList -> HighlightElement
highlightSingleton s ngramType term = Tuple s (L.singleton $ highlightTuple s ngramType term)
spec :: Spec Unit
spec = do
describe "NgramsTable.highlightNgrams" do
......@@ -55,14 +67,15 @@ spec = do
, ngrams_scores: Map.fromFoldable [] }
input = "this is a graph about a biography which stops at every candidate"
output = [ Tuple "this is a graph about a biography " Nothing
, Tuple "which" (Just StopTerm)
, Tuple " " Nothing
, Tuple "stops" (Just StopTerm)
, Tuple " at every " Nothing
, Tuple "candidate" (Just CandidateTerm)
output = [ highlightNil " this is a graph about a biography "
, highlightSingleton " which" ngramType StopTerm
, highlightNil " "
, highlightSingleton " stops" ngramType StopTerm
, highlightNil " at every "
, highlightSingleton " candidate" ngramType CandidateTerm
, highlightNil " "
highlightNgrams CTabTerms table input `shouldEqual` output
highlightNgrams CTabTerms table input `shouldEqualArray` output
it "works when pattern overlaps" do
let ngramType = CTabSources
......@@ -73,15 +86,15 @@ spec = do
, ngrams_scores: Map.fromFoldable [] }
input = "This is a new state of the"
output = [ Tuple "This " Nothing
, Tuple "is" (Just StopTerm)
, Tuple " " Nothing
, Tuple "a" (Just StopTerm)
, Tuple " new state " Nothing
, Tuple "of" (Just StopTerm)
, Tuple " the" Nothing
output = [ highlightNil " This "
, highlightSingleton " is" ngramType StopTerm
, highlightNil " "
, highlightSingleton " a" ngramType StopTerm
, highlightNil " new state "
, highlightSingleton " of" ngramType StopTerm
, highlightNil " the "
highlightNgrams CTabTerms table input `shouldEqual` output
highlightNgrams CTabTerms table input `shouldEqualArray` output
it "works when pattern overlaps 2" do
let ngramType = CTabSources
......@@ -92,26 +105,31 @@ spec = do
, ngrams_scores: Map.fromFoldable [] }
input = "This is from space images"
output = [ Tuple "This is " Nothing
, Tuple "from" (Just CandidateTerm)
, Tuple " space " Nothing
, Tuple "images" (Just CandidateTerm)
output = [ highlightNil " This is "
, highlightSingleton " from" ngramType CandidateTerm
, highlightNil " space "
, highlightSingleton " images" ngramType CandidateTerm
, highlightNil " "
highlightNgrams CTabTerms table input `shouldEqual` output
highlightNgrams CTabTerms table input `shouldEqualArray` output
it "works when pattern overlaps 3" do
let ngramType = CTabSources
let table = NgramsTable
{ ngrams_repo_elements: Map.fromFoldable [ tnre "fusion" MapTerm ngramType
, tnre "calculate fusion" CandidateTerm ngramType
{ ngrams_repo_elements: Map.fromFoldable [ tnre "something" CandidateTerm ngramType
, tnre "something different" MapTerm ngramType
, ngrams_scores: Map.fromFoldable [] }
input = "Model has been used to calculate fusion cross sections"
output = [ Tuple "Model has been used to " Nothing
, Tuple "calculate fusion" (Just CandidateTerm)
, Tuple " sections " Nothing
input = "and now for something different"
output = [ highlightNil " and now for "
, Tuple " something" $ L.fromFoldable [
highlightTuple "something different" ngramType MapTerm
, highlightTuple "something" ngramType CandidateTerm
, Tuple " different" $ L.singleton $ highlightTuple "something different" ngramType MapTerm
, highlightNil " "
highlightNgrams CTabTerms table input `shouldEqual` output
highlightNgrams CTabTerms table input `shouldEqualArray` output
it "works with punctuation" do
let ngramType = CTabSources
......@@ -119,8 +137,8 @@ spec = do
{ ngrams_repo_elements: Map.fromFoldable [ tnre "graph" CandidateTerm ngramType ]
, ngrams_scores: Map.fromFoldable [] }
input = "before graph, after"
output = [ Tuple "before " Nothing
, Tuple "graph" (Just CandidateTerm)
, Tuple ", after" Nothing
output = [ highlightNil " before "
, highlightSingleton " graph" ngramType CandidateTerm
, highlightNil ", after "
highlightNgrams CTabTerms table input `shouldEqual` output
highlightNgrams CTabTerms table input `shouldEqualArray` output
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