[tasks] insert async task when performing documents from write nodes

parent c5a31f92
......@@ -384,9 +384,11 @@ linkNode nodeType params p@{ boxes: { errors }, session } = traverse_ f params w
handleRESTError errors eTask $ \_task -> pure unit
refreshTree p
documentsFromWriteNodes params p@{ boxes: { errors }, session } = do
documentsFromWriteNodes params p@{ boxes: { errors, tasks }, session, tree: NTree (LNode { id }) _ } = do
eTask <- documentsFromWriteNodesReq session params
handleRESTError errors eTask $ \_task -> pure unit
handleRESTError errors eTask $ \task -> liftEffect $ do
GAT.insert id task tasks
pure unit
refreshTree p
-- | This thing is basically a hangover from when garg was a thermite
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ actionWriteNodesDocumentsCpt = here.component "actionWriteNodesDocuments" cpt wh
<- R2.useBox' ListSelection.MyListsFirst
paragraphs' /\ paragraphBox
<- R2.useBox' "7"
let bodies = [
{ className: "col-12 flex-space-around" }
......@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ actionWriteNodesDocumentsCpt = here.component "actionWriteNodesDocuments" cpt wh
{ className: "form-group__field" }
{ callback: flip T.write_ paragraphBox
, value: paragraphs'
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