Commit 849e94c9 authored by Przemyslaw Kaminski's avatar Przemyslaw Kaminski

[graph] package upgrade + add date to screenshot

parent 7d4c8790
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
let mkPackage = sha256:0b197efa1d397ace6eb46b243ff2d73a3da5638d8d0ac8473e8e4a8fc528cf57 sha256:0b197efa1d397ace6eb46b243ff2d73a3da5638d8d0ac8473e8e4a8fc528cf57
--let upstream =
-- sha256:2230fc547841b54bca815eb0058414aa03ed7b675042f8b3dda644e1952824e5
let upstream = sha256:2230fc547841b54bca815eb0058414aa03ed7b675042f8b3dda644e1952824e5
let overrides =
{ thermite =
......@@ -6,8 +6,10 @@
......@@ -23,6 +25,7 @@
......@@ -7,10 +7,14 @@ module Gargantext.Components.GraphExplorer.Button
import Prelude
import Data.Enum (fromEnum)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import DOM.Simple.Console (log2)
import Data.DateTime as DDT
import Data.DateTime.Instant as DDI
import Data.String as DS
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (launchAff_)
import Effect.Now as EN
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
......@@ -55,7 +59,17 @@ cameraButton session id sigmaRef = simpleButton {
let sigma = R.readRef sigmaRef
Sigmax.dependOnSigma sigma "[cameraButton] sigma: Nothing" $ \s -> do
screen <- Sigma.takeScreenshot s
now <-
let nowdt = DDI.toDateTime now
nowd = nowdt
nowt = DDT.time nowdt
nowStr = DS.joinWith "-" [ show $ fromEnum $ DDT.year nowd
, show $ fromEnum $ DDT.month nowd
, show $ fromEnum $ nowd
, show $ fromEnum $ DDT.hour nowt
, show $ fromEnum $ DDT.minute nowt
, show $ fromEnum $ DDT.second nowt ]
launchAff_ $ do
uploadArbitraryDataURL session id (Just "screenshot.png") screen
uploadArbitraryDataURL session id (Just $ nowStr <> "-" <> "screenshot.png") screen
, text: "Screenshot"
......@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Cont.Trans (lift)
import Control.Monad.State (class MonadState, execState)
import Data.Argonaut (class DecodeJson, class EncodeJson, decodeJson, encodeJson, jsonEmptyObject, (.:), (.:!), (.:?), (:=), (:=?), (~>), (~>?))
import Data.Argonaut.Decode.Error (JsonDecodeError(..))
import Data.Array (head)
import Data.Array as A
import Data.Bifunctor (lmap)
......@@ -409,7 +410,7 @@ instance decodeJsonReplace :: (DecodeJson a, Eq a) => DecodeJson (Replace a) whe
case Tuple mold mnew of
Tuple (Just old) (Just new) -> pure $ replace old new
Tuple Nothing Nothing -> pure Keep
_ -> Left "decodeJsonReplace"
_ -> Left $ TypeMismatch "decodeJsonReplace"
-- Representing a PatchSet as `Map a Boolean` would have the advantage
-- of enforcing rem and add to be disjoint.
module Gargantext.Components.Nodes.Corpus.Types where
import Data.Argonaut (class DecodeJson, class EncodeJson, decodeJson, (.:), (:=), (~>), jsonEmptyObject)
import Data.Argonaut.Decode.Error (JsonDecodeError(..))
import Data.List as List
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
......@@ -124,7 +125,7 @@ instance decodeFTField :: DecodeJson (Field FieldType) where
tag <- data_ .: "tag"
text <- data_ .: "text"
pure $ Markdown {tag, text}
_ -> Left $ "Unsupported 'type' " <> type_
_ -> Left $ TypeMismatch $ "Unsupported 'type' " <> type_
pure $ Field {name, typ}
instance encodeFTField :: EncodeJson (Field FieldType) where
module Gargantext.Config.REST where
import Affjax (defaultRequest, printResponseFormatError, request)
import Affjax (defaultRequest, printError, request)
import Affjax.RequestBody (RequestBody(..), formData, formURLEncoded)
import Affjax.RequestHeader as ARH
import Affjax.ResponseFormat as ResponseFormat
......@@ -49,16 +49,16 @@ send m mtoken url reqbody = do
Just token -> liftEffect $ do
let cookie = "JWT-Cookie=" <> token <> "; Path=/;" --" HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=Lax"
R2.setCookie cookie
case affResp.body of
case affResp of
Left err -> do
_ <- liftEffect $ log $ printResponseFormatError err
throwError $ error $ printResponseFormatError err
Right json -> do
_ <- liftEffect $ log $ printError err
throwError $ error $ printError err
Right resp -> do
--_ <- liftEffect $ log json.status
--_ <- liftEffect $ log json.headers
--_ <- liftEffect $ log json.body
case decodeJson json of
Left err -> throwError $ error $ "decodeJson affResp.body: " <> err
case decodeJson resp.body of
Left err -> throwError $ error $ "decodeJson affResp.body: " <> show err
Right b -> pure b
noReqBody :: Maybe Unit
......@@ -101,16 +101,16 @@ postWwwUrlencoded mtoken url bodyParams = do
) mtoken
, content = Just $ formURLEncoded urlEncodedBody
case affResp.body of
case affResp of
Left err -> do
_ <- liftEffect $ log $ printResponseFormatError err
throwError $ error $ printResponseFormatError err
Right json -> do
_ <- liftEffect $ log $ printError err
throwError $ error $ printError err
Right resp -> do
--_ <- liftEffect $ log json.status
--_ <- liftEffect $ log json.headers
--_ <- liftEffect $ log json.body
case decodeJson json of
Left err -> throwError $ error $ "decodeJson affResp.body: " <> err
case decodeJson resp.body of
Left err -> throwError $ error $ "decodeJson affResp.body: " <> show err
Right b -> pure b
urlEncodedBody = FormURLEncoded.fromArray bodyParams
......@@ -131,12 +131,12 @@ postMultipartFormData mtoken url body = do
) mtoken
, content = Just $ formData fd
case affResp.body of
case affResp of
Left err -> do
_ <- liftEffect $ log $ printResponseFormatError err
throwError $ error $ printResponseFormatError err
Right json -> do
case decodeJson json of
Left err -> throwError $ error $ "decodeJson affResp.body: " <> err
_ <- liftEffect $ log $ printError err
throwError $ error $ printError err
Right resp -> do
case decodeJson resp.body of
Left err -> throwError $ error $ "decodeJson affResp.body: " <> show err
Right b -> pure b
......@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ import Prelude
import Data.Nullable (Nullable)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Uncurried (EffectFn1, runEffectFn1)
import React (ReactRef, SyntheticEventHandler)
import React (SyntheticEventHandler)
import React.Ref as RR
import Record.Unsafe (unsafeGet)
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
import Gargantext.Types (class Optional)
......@@ -109,7 +110,7 @@ type SigmaProps =
, settings :: SigmaSettings
, style :: SigmaStyle
, graph :: SigmaGraphData
, ref :: SyntheticEventHandler (Nullable ReactRef)
, ref :: RR.RefHandler RR.ReactInstance
, onClickNode :: SigmaNodeEvent -> Unit
, onOverNode :: SigmaNodeEvent -> Unit
, onOutNode :: SigmaNodeEvent -> Effect Unit
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ module Gargantext.Sessions where
import DOM.Simple.Console (log2)
import Data.Argonaut (class DecodeJson, decodeJson, class EncodeJson, encodeJson, (:=), (~>), (.:))
import Data.Argonaut.Core (Json, fromArray, jsonEmptyObject, stringify)
import Data.Argonaut.Decode.Error (JsonDecodeError(..))
import Data.Argonaut.Parser (jsonParser)
import Data.Array as A
import Data.Either (Either(..))
......@@ -94,7 +95,7 @@ instance decodeJsonSessions :: DecodeJson Sessions where
pure (Sessions {sessions:Seq.fromFoldable ss})
decodeSessions :: Json -> Either String (Array Session)
decodeSessions :: Json -> Either JsonDecodeError (Array Session)
decodeSessions json2 = decodeJson json2
>>= \obj -> obj .: "sessions"
>>= traverse decodeJson
module Gargantext.Types where
import Data.Argonaut (class DecodeJson, class EncodeJson, decodeJson, encodeJson, jsonEmptyObject, (.:), (:=), (~>))
import Data.Argonaut.Decode.Error (JsonDecodeError(..))
import Data.Array as A
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
......@@ -85,7 +86,7 @@ instance decodeJsonTermList :: DecodeJson TermList where
"MapTerm" -> pure MapTerm
"StopTerm" -> pure StopTerm
"CandidateTerm" -> pure CandidateTerm
_ -> Left "Unexpected list name"
s -> Left $ AtKey s $ TypeMismatch "Unexpected list name"
type ListTypeId = Int
......@@ -604,7 +605,7 @@ instance decodeJsonAsyncTaskType :: DecodeJson AsyncTaskType where
"GraphT" -> pure GraphT
"Query" -> pure Query
"AddNode" -> pure AddNode
s -> Left ("Unknown string " <> s)
s -> Left $ AtKey s $ TypeMismatch "Unknown string"
asyncTaskTypePath :: AsyncTaskType -> String
asyncTaskTypePath Form = "add/form/async/"
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import Prelude
import Control.Alt ((<|>))
import Data.Argonaut (Json)
import Data.Argonaut as Argonaut
import Data.Argonaut.Decode.Error (JsonDecodeError(..))
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Generic.Rep as GR
import Data.Symbol (class IsSymbol, SProxy(..), reflectSymbol)
......@@ -15,7 +16,7 @@ genericSumDecodeJson
. GR.Generic a rep
=> GenericSumDecodeJsonRep rep
=> Json
-> Either String a
-> Either JsonDecodeError a
genericSumDecodeJson f = <$> genericSumDecodeJsonRep f
......@@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ genericSumEncodeJson f =
genericSumEncodeJsonRep $ GR.from f
class GenericSumDecodeJsonRep rep where
genericSumDecodeJsonRep :: Json -> Either String rep
genericSumDecodeJsonRep :: Json -> Either JsonDecodeError rep
class GenericSumEncodeJsonRep rep where
genericSumEncodeJsonRep :: rep -> Json
......@@ -97,13 +98,13 @@ genericEnumDecodeJson :: forall a rep
. GR.Generic a rep
=> GenericEnumDecodeJson rep
=> Json
-> Either String a
-> Either JsonDecodeError a
genericEnumDecodeJson f = <$> genericEnumDecodeJsonRep f
-- | Generic Enum Sum Representations, with constructor names as strings
class GenericEnumDecodeJson rep where
genericEnumDecodeJsonRep :: Json -> Either String rep
genericEnumDecodeJsonRep :: Json -> Either JsonDecodeError rep
instance sumEnumDecodeJsonRep ::
( GenericEnumDecodeJson a
......@@ -120,7 +121,7 @@ instance constructorEnumSumRep ::
s <- Argonaut.decodeJson f
if s == name
then pure $ GR.Constructor GR.NoArguments
else Left $ "Enum string " <> s <> " did not match expected string " <> name
else Left $ Named s $ TypeMismatch $ "Enum did not match expected string " <> name
name = reflectSymbol (SProxy :: SProxy name)
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ get cache session p = do
j <- M.json res
case decodeJson (F.unsafeFromForeign j) of
Left err -> throwError $ error $ "decodeJson affResp.body: " <> err
Left err -> throwError $ error $ "decodeJson affResp.body: " <> show err
Right b -> pure b
foreign import data Cache :: Type
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ cachedJson cache req = do
j <- M.json res
case decodeJson (F.unsafeFromForeign j) of
Left err -> throwError $ error $ "[cachedJson] decodeJson affResp.body: " <> err
Left err -> throwError $ error $ "[cachedJson] decodeJson affResp.body: " <> show err
Right b -> pure b
delete :: Cache -> Request -> Aff Unit
......@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ pureJson req = do
res <- fetch req
j <- M.json res
case decodeJson (F.unsafeFromForeign j) of
Left err -> throwError $ error $ "[pureJson] decodeJson affResp.body: " <> err
Left err -> throwError $ error $ "[pureJson] decodeJson affResp.body: " <> show err
Right b -> pure b
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module Gargantext.Utils.DecodeMaybe where
import Prelude
import Data.Argonaut (class DecodeJson, Json, getFieldOptional)
import Data.Argonaut.Decode.Error (JsonDecodeError(..))
import Data.Either (Either)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), fromMaybe)
import Foreign.Object (Object)
......@@ -10,7 +11,7 @@ import Foreign.Object (Object)
foreign import isNull :: forall a. a -> Boolean
getFieldOptional' :: forall a. DecodeJson a =>
Object Json -> String -> Either String (Maybe a)
Object Json -> String -> Either JsonDecodeError (Maybe a)
getFieldOptional' o s = (case _ of
Just v -> if isNull v then Nothing else v
Nothing -> Nothing
......@@ -19,7 +20,7 @@ getFieldOptional' o s = (case _ of
infix 7 getFieldOptional' as .?|
getFieldOptionalAsMempty :: forall a. DecodeJson a =>
Monoid a => Object Json -> String -> Either String a
Monoid a => Object Json -> String -> Either JsonDecodeError a
getFieldOptionalAsMempty o s =
fromMaybe mempty <$> (getFieldOptional' o s)
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module Gargantext.Utils.Spec where
import Prelude
import Data.Argonaut as Argonaut
import Data.Argonaut.Decode.Error (JsonDecodeError)
import Data.Either (Either(..), isLeft)
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Generic.Rep.Show (genericShow)
......@@ -65,14 +66,14 @@ spec =
GUM.log10 10.0 `shouldEqual` 1.0
it "genericSumDecodeJson works" do
let result1 = Argonaut.decodeJson =<< Argonaut.jsonParser """{"Boat":{"hi":1}}"""
let result1 = Argonaut.decodeJson =<< Argonaut.parseJson """{"Boat":{"hi":1}}"""
result1 `shouldEqual` Right (Boat { hi: 1 })
let result2 = Argonaut.decodeJson =<< Argonaut.jsonParser """{"Gravy":"hi"}"""
let result2 = Argonaut.decodeJson =<< Argonaut.parseJson """{"Gravy":"hi"}"""
result2 `shouldEqual` Right (Gravy "hi")
let result3 = Argonaut.decodeJson =<< Argonaut.jsonParser """{"Boat":123}"""
isLeft (result3 :: Either String Fruit) `shouldEqual` true
let result3 = Argonaut.decodeJson =<< Argonaut.parseJson """{"Boat":123}"""
isLeft (result3 :: Either JsonDecodeError Fruit) `shouldEqual` true
it "genericSumEncodeJson works and loops back with decode" do
let input1 = Boat { hi: 1 }
......@@ -88,14 +89,14 @@ spec =
result2' `shouldEqual` Right input2
it "genericEnumDecodeJson works" do
let result1 = Argonaut.decodeJson =<< Argonaut.jsonParser "\"Member1\""
let result1 = Argonaut.decodeJson =<< Argonaut.parseJson "\"Member1\""
result1 `shouldEqual` Right Member1
let result2 = Argonaut.decodeJson =<< Argonaut.jsonParser "\"Member2\""
let result2 = Argonaut.decodeJson =<< Argonaut.parseJson "\"Member2\""
result2 `shouldEqual` Right Member2
let result3 = Argonaut.decodeJson =<< Argonaut.jsonParser "\"Failure\""
isLeft (result3 :: Either String EnumTest) `shouldEqual` true
let result3 = Argonaut.decodeJson =<< Argonaut.parseJson "\"Failure\""
isLeft (result3 :: Either JsonDecodeError EnumTest) `shouldEqual` true
it "genericSumEncodeJson works and loops back with decode" do
let input1 = Member1
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