Commit 91224ece authored by Przemyslaw Kaminski's avatar Przemyslaw Kaminski Committed by Alexandre Delanoë

[ngrams] some more refactoring

parent 8d2095b3
......@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ import Gargantext.Utils (queryMatchesLabel)
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
import Prelude (class Show, Unit, bind, const, discard, identity, map, mempty, not, otherwise, pure, show, unit, (#), ($), (&&), (+), (/=), (<$>), (<<<), (<>), (=<<), (==), (||))
import React (ReactClass, Children)
import React.DOM (a, input, span, text)
import React.DOM.Props (_type, checked, className, onChange, onClick, style)
import React.DOM (a, span, text)
import React.DOM.Props (onClick, style)
import React.DOM.Props as DOM
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
......@@ -162,15 +162,17 @@ tableContainerCpt { dispatch
, defaultValue: searchQuery
, on: {input: setSearchQuery <<< R2.unsafeEventValue}}
, H.div {} (
if A.null props.tableBody && searchQuery /= "" then [
H.button { className: "btn btn-primary"
, on: {click: const $ dispatch
$ addNewNgramA
$ normNgram tabNgramType searchQuery
[ H.text ("Add " <> searchQuery) ]
] else [])]
if A.null props.tableBody && searchQuery /= "" then [
H.button { className: "btn btn-primary"
, on: {click: const $ dispatch
$ addNewNgramA
$ normNgram tabNgramType searchQuery
[ H.text ("Add " <> searchQuery) ]
] else []
, H.div {className: "col-md-2", style: {marginTop : "6px"}}
[ {className: " list-group-item"}
[ { id: "picklistmenu"
......@@ -191,7 +193,8 @@ tableContainerCpt { dispatch
, props.pageSizeControl
, H.text " items / "
, props.paginationLinks]]
, H.div {}
(maybe [] (\ngrams ->
......@@ -337,35 +340,40 @@ loadedNgramsTableSpec = Thermite.simpleSpec performAction render
state@{ ngramsParent, ngramsChildren, ngramsLocalPatch
, ngramsSelection, ngramsSelectAll }
_reactChildren =
(autoUpdate <> resetSaveButtons <> [
R2.scuff $ T.table { colNames
, container
, params: params /\ setParams -- TODO-LENS
, rows: filteredRows
, totalRecords
, wrapColElts
R2.scuff <$> (
autoUpdate <> resetSaveButtons <> [
T.table { colNames
, container
, params: params /\ setParams -- TODO-LENS
, rows: filteredRows
, totalRecords
, wrapColElts
autoUpdate = if withAutoUpdate then [ autoUpdateElt { duration: 5000, effect: dispatch Synchronize } ] else []
autoUpdate :: Array R.Element
autoUpdate = if withAutoUpdate then [ R2.buff $ autoUpdateElt { duration: 5000, effect: dispatch Synchronize } ] else []
resetButton :: R.Element
resetButton = H.button { className: "btn btn-primary"
, on: { click: \_ -> dispatch ResetPatches } } [ H.text "Reset" ]
saveButton :: R.Element
saveButton = H.button { className: "btn btn-primary"
, on: { click: \_ -> dispatch Synchronize }} [ H.text "Save" ]
resetSaveButtons :: Array R.Element
resetSaveButtons = if ngramsLocalPatch == mempty then [] else
[ R2.scuff $ H.div {} [ resetButton, saveButton ] ]
[ H.div {} [ resetButton, saveButton ] ]
totalRecords = A.length rows
filteredRows = T.filterRows { params } rows
colNames = T.ColumnName <$> ["Select", "Map", "Stop", "Terms", "Score"] -- see convOrderBy
selected =
[ _type "checkbox"
, className "checkbox"
, checked ngramsSelectAll
, onChange $ const $ dispatch $ ToggleSelectAll
H.input { checked: ngramsSelectAll
, className: "checkbox"
, on: { change: const $ dispatch $ ToggleSelectAll }
, type: "checkbox" }
-- This is used to *decorate* the Select header with the checkbox.
wrapColElts (T.ColumnName "Select") = const [R2.buff selected]
wrapColElts (T.ColumnName "Select") = const [selected]
wrapColElts (T.ColumnName "Score") = (_ <> [H.text ("(" <> show scoreType <> ")")])
wrapColElts _ = identity
container = tableContainer { dispatch
......@@ -454,8 +462,8 @@ mainNgramsTableCpt = R.hooksComponent "MainNgramsTable" cpt
cpt {nodeId, defaultListId, tabType, session, tabNgramType, withAutoUpdate} _ = do
path /\ setPath <- R.useState' $ initialPageParams session nodeId [defaultListId] tabType
let paint versioned = loadedNgramsTable' {
, path: path /\ setPath
path: path /\ setPath
, tabNgramType
, versioned
, withAutoUpdate
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