Commit 91bfb1fc authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[FEAT] CreateNode Async (not connected in Tree yet).

parent 1ee7d341
......@@ -189,10 +189,13 @@ performAction p@{ reload: (_ /\ setReload)
performAction p RefreshTree
performAction p@{ openNodes: (_ /\ setOpenNodes)
, reload: (_ /\ setReload)
, reload: (_ /\ setReload)
, tasks: (_ /\ setAsyncTasks)
, session
, tree: (NTree (LNode {id}) _) } (CreateSubmit name nodeType) = do
void $ createNode session id $ CreateValue {name, nodeType}
-- task <- createNodeAsync session id $ CreateValue {name, nodeType}
task <- createNode session id $ CreateValue {name, nodeType}
-- liftEffect $ setAsyncTasks $ A.cons task
liftEffect do
setOpenNodes (Set.insert (mkNodeId session id))
performAction p RefreshTree
......@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ import Prelude hiding (div)
import Gargantext.Components.Lang (Lang)
import Gargantext.Routes (SessionRoute(..))
import Gargantext.Sessions (Session, get, put, post, delete)
import Gargantext.Types as GT
import Gargantext.Routes as GR
import Gargantext.Types as GT
data Action = CreateSubmit String GT.NodeType
| DeleteNode
......@@ -61,6 +62,16 @@ type UploadFile = {
createNode :: Session -> ID -> CreateValue -> Aff (Array ID)
createNode session parentId = post session $ NodeAPI GT.Node (Just parentId) ""
createNodeAsync :: Session
-> ID
-> CreateValue
-> Aff GT.AsyncTaskWithType
createNodeAsync session parentId q = do
task <- post session p q
pure $ GT.AsyncTaskWithType {task, typ: GT.CreateNode}
p = GR.NodeAPI GT.Node (Just parentId) (GT.asyncTaskTypePath GT.CreateNode)
renameNode :: Session -> ID -> RenameValue -> Aff (Array ID)
renameNode session renameNodeId = put session $ NodeAPI GT.Node (Just renameNodeId) "rename"
......@@ -47,21 +47,21 @@ data SessionRoute
instance showAppRoute :: Show AppRoute where
show Home = "Home"
show Login = "Login"
show (Folder s i) = "Folder" <> show i <> " (" <> show s <> ")"
show (FolderPrivate s i) = "FolderPrivate" <> show i <> " (" <> show s <> ")"
show (FolderPublic s i) = "FolderPublic" <> show i <> " (" <> show s <> ")"
show (FolderShared s i) = "FolderShared" <> show i <> " (" <> show s <> ")"
show (Team s i) = "Team" <> show i <> " (" <> show s <> ")"
show (Corpus s i) = "Corpus" <> show i <> " (" <> show s <> ")"
show (Document _ s i) = "Document" <> show i <> " (" <> show s <> ")"
show (Folder s i) = "Folder" <> show i <> " (" <> show s <> ")"
show (FolderPrivate s i) = "FolderPrivate" <> show i <> " (" <> show s <> ")"
show (FolderPublic s i) = "FolderPublic" <> show i <> " (" <> show s <> ")"
show (FolderShared s i) = "FolderShared" <> show i <> " (" <> show s <> ")"
show (Team s i) = "Team" <> show i <> " (" <> show s <> ")"
show (Corpus s i) = "Corpus" <> show i <> " (" <> show s <> ")"
show (Document _ s i) = "Document" <> show i <> " (" <> show s <> ")"
show (CorpusDocument s _ _ i) = "CorpusDocument" <> show i <> " (" <> show s <> ")"
show (PGraphExplorer s i) = "graphExplorer" <> show i <> " (" <> show s <> ")"
show (Dashboard s i) = "Dashboard" <> show i <> " (" <> show s <> ")"
show (Texts s i) = "texts" <> show i <> " (" <> show s <> ")"
show (Lists s i) = "lists" <> show i <> " (" <> show s <> ")"
show (Annuaire s i) = "Annuaire" <> show i <> " (" <> show s <> ")"
show (UserPage s i) = "User" <> show i <> " (" <> show s <> ")"
show (ContactPage s a i) = "Contact" <> show a <> "::" <> show i <> " (" <> show s <> ")"
show (Texts s i) = "texts" <> show i <> " (" <> show s <> ")"
show (Lists s i) = "lists" <> show i <> " (" <> show s <> ")"
show (Annuaire s i) = "Annuaire" <> show i <> " (" <> show s <> ")"
show (UserPage s i) = "User" <> show i <> " (" <> show s <> ")"
show (ContactPage s a i) = "Contact" <> show a <> "::" <> show i <> " (" <> show s <> ")"
appPath :: AppRoute -> String
appPath Home = ""
......@@ -464,13 +464,14 @@ modeFromString _ = Nothing
-- Async tasks
-- corresponds to /add/form/async or /add/query/async
data AsyncTaskType = Form | GraphT | Query
data AsyncTaskType = Form | GraphT | Query | CreateNode
derive instance genericAsyncTaskType :: Generic AsyncTaskType _
asyncTaskTypePath :: AsyncTaskType -> String
asyncTaskTypePath Form = "add/form/async/"
asyncTaskTypePath Query = "query/"
asyncTaskTypePath GraphT = "async/"
asyncTaskTypePath CreateNode = "async/nobody/"
type AsyncTaskID = String
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