Commit 9b25a3dd authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[FIX] quick fix for public data from dev backend

parent f805b5c2
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import Data.String (take)
import Data.Tuple (fst)
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Gargantext.Config (defaultBackends)
import Gargantext.Config (publicBackend)
import Gargantext.Config.REST (get)
import Gargantext.Ends (backendUrl, Backend(..))
import Gargantext.Hooks.Loader (useLoader)
......@@ -52,13 +52,18 @@ instance encodeJsonPublicData :: Argonaut.EncodeJson PublicData where
type LoadData = ()
type LoadProps = (reload :: Int)
-- | WIP still finding the right way to chose the default public backend
loadPublicData :: Record LoadProps -> Aff (Array PublicData)
loadPublicData _l = do
-- This solution is error prone (url needs to be cleaned)
--backend <- liftEffect publicBackend
let backend = head defaultBackends
-- This solution for development only, with local backend
-- let backend = head defaultBackends
let backend = publicBackend
get Nothing (backendUrl backend "public")
{- | Another solution: get all data
ok = ["local.cnrs", "devel.inshs.cnrs"]
backends = Array.filter (\(Backend {name}) -> Array.elem name ok) (toArray defaultBackends)
......@@ -10,24 +10,54 @@ import Gargantext.Utils (location)
import Gargantext.Prelude (bind, pure, ($))
defaultBackends :: NonEmpty Array Backend
defaultBackends = local :| [prod, partner, demo, dev]
prod = backend V10 "/api/" "" "iscpif.cnrs"
partner = backend V10 "/api/" "" "institut-mines-telecom.imt"
demo = backend V10 "/api/" "" "demo.inshs.cnrs"
dev = backend V10 "/api/" "" "devel.inshs.cnrs"
local = backend V10 "/api/" "http://localhost:8008" "local.cnrs"
defaultBackends = backend_local :| [ backend_prod
, backend_partner
, backend_demo
, backend_dev
backend_prod :: Backend
backend_prod = backend V10 "/api/" "" "iscpif.cnrs"
backend_partner :: Backend
backend_partner = backend V10 "/api/" "" "institut-mines-telecom.imt"
backend_demo :: Backend
backend_demo = backend V10 "/api/" "" "demo.inshs.cnrs"
backend_dev :: Backend
backend_dev = backend V10 "/api/" "" "devel.inshs.cnrs"
backend_local :: Backend
backend_local = backend V10 "/api/" "http://localhost:8008" "local.cnrs"
-- | public Backend
-- When user is not logged, use the location of the window
publicBackend :: Backend
publicBackend = backend_dev
publicBackend' :: Effect Backend
publicBackend' = do
url <- location
pure $ Backend { name : "Public Backend"
, baseUrl : url
, prePath : "api/"
, version : V10
defaultApps :: NonEmpty Array Frontend
defaultApps = relative :| [prod, dev, demo, haskell, caddy]
relative = frontend "/#/" "" "Relative"
prod = frontend "/#/" "" ""
dev = frontend "/#/" "" " (dev)"
relative = frontend "/#/" "" "Relative"
prod = frontend "/#/" "" ""
dev = frontend "/#/" "" " (dev)"
demo = frontend "/#/" "" " (demo)"
haskell = frontend "/#/" "http://localhost:8008" "localhost.gargantext"
python = frontend "/#/" "http://localhost:8000" "localhost.python"
caddy = frontend "/#/" "http://localhost:2015" "localhost.caddy"
haskell = frontend "/#/" "http://localhost:8008" "localhost.gargantext"
python = frontend "/#/" "http://localhost:8000" "localhost.python"
caddy = frontend "/#/" "http://localhost:2015" "localhost.caddy"
defaultStatics :: NonEmpty Array Frontend
defaultStatics = relative :| []
......@@ -43,17 +73,6 @@ defaultStatic = head defaultStatics
defaultFrontends :: Frontends
defaultFrontends = Frontends { app: defaultApp, static: defaultStatic }
-- | public Backend
-- When user is not logged, use the location of the window
publicBackend :: Effect Backend
publicBackend = do
url <- location
pure $ Backend { name : "Public Backend"
, baseUrl : url
, prePath : "api/"
, version : V10
changePort :: String -> String
changePort = S.replace (S.Pattern "http://localhost:8000/") (S.Replacement "http://localhost:8008/")
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