Commit a417fb7f authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[FOREST] Search form, ergo almost done.

parent 2832f44b
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import Reactix as R
import DOM.Simple.Console (log2)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, launchAff_)
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
import Gargantext.Components.Search.Types (Database, SearchQuery(..), defaultSearchQuery, performSearch, Lang(..))
import Gargantext.Components.Search.Types -- (Database, SearchQuery(..), defaultSearchQuery, performSearch, Lang(..))
import Gargantext.Components.Modals.Modal (modalShow)
import Gargantext.Components.Search.SearchField (Search, searchField)
import Gargantext.Sessions (Session)
module Gargantext.Components.Search.Types where
import Prelude (class Eq, class Show, show, ($), (<>))
import Prelude (class Eq, class Show, show, ($), (<>), map)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Ord
import Data.Set as Set
import Data.Array (concat)
import Data.Argonaut (class EncodeJson, class DecodeJson, jsonEmptyObject, (:=), (~>), encodeJson)
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.Generic.Rep.Eq (genericEq)
......@@ -50,13 +54,15 @@ instance encodeJsonLang :: EncodeJson Lang where
-- | Database search specifications
allDatabases :: Array Database
allDatabases = [All, PubMed
allDatabases = [ All
, PubMed
, IsTex
, Isidore
data Database = All | PubMed
data Database = All
| PubMed
| IsTex
| Isidore
......@@ -87,118 +93,162 @@ instance encodeJsonDatabase :: EncodeJson Database where
allOrgs :: Array Org
allOrgs = [ All_Orgs
, IMT {orgs:[]}
, CNRS {orgs:[]}
data Org = All_Orgs
| CNRS { orgs :: Array Int }
| IMT { orgs :: Array IMT_org }
| Others { orgs :: Array Int }
| Others
instance showOrg :: Show Org where
show All_Orgs = "All__Orgs"
show (CNRS _) = "CNRS"
show (IMT _) = "IMT"
show (Others _) = "Others"
show All_Orgs = "All__Orgs"
show CNRS = "CNRS"
show IMT = "IMT"
show Others = "Others"
readOrg :: String -> Maybe Org
readOrg "All_Orgs" = Just $ All_Orgs
readOrg "CNRS" = Just $ CNRS {orgs: []}
readOrg "IMT" = Just $ IMT {orgs: []}
readOrg "Others" = Just $ Others {orgs: []}
readOrg "CNRS" = Just $ CNRS
readOrg "IMT" = Just $ IMT
readOrg "Others" = Just $ Others
readOrg _ = Nothing
instance eqOrg :: Eq Org
eq All_Orgs All_Orgs = true
eq (CNRS _) (CNRS _) = true
eq (IMT _) (IMT _) = true
eq (Others _) (Others _) = true
eq _ _ = false
eq CNRS CNRS = true
eq IMT IMT = true
eq Others Others = true
eq _ _ = false
instance encodeJsonOrg :: EncodeJson Org where
encodeJson a = encodeJson (show a)
type StructId = Int
data HAL_Filters = HAL_StructId { structIds :: Set StructId}
| HAL_IMT { imtOrgs :: Set IMT_org
, structIds :: Set StructId
instance eqHAL_Filters :: Eq HAL_Filters
eq (HAL_StructId _) (HAL_StructId _) = true
eq (HAL_IMT _ ) (HAL_IMT _) = true
eq _ _ = false
allIMTorgs :: Array IMT_org
allIMTorgs = [ ARMINES
, Eurecom
, IMT_Atlantique
, IMT_Business_School
, IMT_Lille_Douai
, IMT_Mines_ALES
, IMT_Mines_Albi
, Institut_MinesTelecom_Paris
, MINES_ParisTech
, Mines_Douai
, Mines_Nantes
, Mines_SaintEtienne
, Telecom_Bretagne
, Telecom_Ecole_de_Management
, Telecom_Lille
, Telecom_ParisTech
, Telecom_SudParis
data IMT_org = ARMINES
| Eurecom
| IMT_Atlantique
| IMT_Business_School
| IMT_Lille_Douai
| IMT_Mines_ALES
| IMT_Mines_Albi
| Institut_MinesTelecom_Paris
| MINES_ParisTech
| Mines_Douai
| Mines_Nantes
| Mines_SaintEtienne
| Telecom_Bretagne
| Telecom_Ecole_de_Management
| Telecom_Lille
| Telecom_ParisTech
| Telecom_SudParis
allIMTorgs = [All_IMT] <> allIMTSubOrgs
allIMTSubOrgs :: Array IMT_org
allIMTSubOrgs = [ ARMINES
, Eurecom
, IMT_Atlantique
, IMT_Business_School
, IMT_Lille_Douai
, IMT_Mines_ALES
, IMT_Mines_Albi
, Institut_MinesTelecom_Paris
, MINES_ParisTech
, Mines_Douai
, Mines_Nantes
, Mines_SaintEtienne
, Telecom_Bretagne
, Telecom_Ecole_de_Management
, Telecom_Lille
, Telecom_ParisTech
, Telecom_SudParis
data IMT_org = All_IMT
| Eurecom
| IMT_Atlantique
| IMT_Business_School
| IMT_Lille_Douai
| IMT_Mines_ALES
| IMT_Mines_Albi
| Institut_MinesTelecom_Paris
| MINES_ParisTech
| Mines_Douai
| Mines_Nantes
| Mines_SaintEtienne
| Telecom_Bretagne
| Telecom_Ecole_de_Management
| Telecom_Lille
| Telecom_ParisTech
| Telecom_SudParis
derive instance ordIMT_org :: Ord IMT_org
derive instance eqIMT_org :: Eq IMT_org
instance showIMT_org :: Show IMT_org where
show Eurecom = "Eurecom"
show IMT_Atlantique = "IMT_Atlantique"
show All_IMT = "All_IMT"
show Eurecom = "Eurecom"
show IMT_Atlantique = "IMT_Atlantique"
show IMT_Business_School = "IMT_Business_School"
show IMT_Lille_Douai = "IMT_Lille_Douai"
show IMT_Mines_ALES = "IMT_Mines_ALES"
show IMT_Mines_Albi = "IMT_Mines_Albi"
show IMT_Lille_Douai = "IMT_Lille_Douai"
show IMT_Mines_ALES = "IMT_Mines_ALES"
show IMT_Mines_Albi = "IMT_Mines_Albi"
show Institut_MinesTelecom_Paris = "Institut_MinesTelecom_Paris"
show MINES_ParisTech = "MINES_ParisTech"
show Mines_Douai = "Mines_Douai"
show Mines_Nantes = "Mines_Nantes"
show Mines_SaintEtienne = "Mines_SaintEtienne"
show Telecom_Bretagne = "Telecom_Bretagne"
show MINES_ParisTech = "MINES_ParisTech"
show Mines_Douai = "Mines_Douai"
show Mines_Nantes = "Mines_Nantes"
show Mines_SaintEtienne = "Mines_SaintEtienne"
show Telecom_Bretagne = "Telecom_Bretagne"
show Telecom_Ecole_de_Management = "Telecom_Ecole_de_Management"
show Telecom_Lille = "Telecom_Lille"
show Telecom_ParisTech = "Telecom_ParisTech"
show Telecom_SudParis = "Telecom_SudParis"
Mines_Douai 224096
Telecom_Lille 144103
Mines_Nantes 84538
ARMINES 300104
Telecom_ParisTech 300362
Telecom_Bretagne 301262
Telecom_Ecole_de_Management 301442
MINES_ParisTech 301492
Institut_MinesTelecom_Paris 302102
Eurecom 421532
IMT_Lille_Douai 497330
Telecom_SudParis 352124
IMT_Atlantique 481355
IMT_Mines_Albi 469216
IMT_Business_School 542824
IMT_Mines_ALES 6279
Mines_SaintEtienne 29212
show Telecom_Lille = "Telecom_Lille"
show Telecom_ParisTech = "Telecom_ParisTech"
show Telecom_SudParis = "Telecom_SudParis"
readIMT_org :: String -> Maybe IMT_org
readIMT_org "All_IMT" = Just All_IMT
readIMT_org "ARMINES" = Just ARMINES
readIMT_org "Eurecom" = Just Eurecom
readIMT_org "IMT_Atlantique" = Just IMT_Atlantique
readIMT_org "IMT_Business_School" = Just IMT_Business_School
readIMT_org "IMT_Lille_Douai" = Just IMT_Lille_Douai
readIMT_org "IMT_Mines_ALES" = Just IMT_Mines_ALES
readIMT_org "IMT_Mines_Albi" = Just IMT_Mines_Albi
readIMT_org "Institut_MinesTelecom_Paris" = Just Institut_MinesTelecom_Paris
readIMT_org "MINES_ParisTech" = Just MINES_ParisTech
readIMT_org "Mines_Douai" = Just Mines_Douai
readIMT_org "Mines_Nantes" = Just Mines_Nantes
readIMT_org "Mines_SaintEtienne" = Just Mines_SaintEtienne
readIMT_org "Telecom_Bretagne" = Just Telecom_Bretagne
readIMT_org "Telecom_Ecole_de_Management" = Just Telecom_Ecole_de_Management
readIMT_org "Telecom_Lille" = Just Telecom_Lille
readIMT_org "Telecom_ParisTech" = Just Telecom_ParisTech
readIMT_org "Telecom_SudParis" = Just Telecom_SudParis
readIMT_org _ = Nothing
imtStructId :: IMT_org -> Array StructId
imtStructId All_IMT = concat $ map imtStructId allIMTSubOrgs
imtStructId Mines_Douai = [224096]
imtStructId Telecom_Lille = [144103]
imtStructId Mines_Nantes = [84538]
imtStructId ARMINES = [300104]
imtStructId Telecom_ParisTech = [300362]
imtStructId Telecom_Bretagne = [301262]
imtStructId Telecom_Ecole_de_Management = [301442]
imtStructId MINES_ParisTech = [301492]
imtStructId Institut_MinesTelecom_Paris = [302102]
imtStructId Eurecom = [421532]
imtStructId IMT_Lille_Douai = [497330]
imtStructId Telecom_SudParis = [352124]
imtStructId IMT_Atlantique = [481355]
imtStructId IMT_Mines_Albi = [469216]
imtStructId IMT_Business_School = [542824]
imtStructId IMT_Mines_ALES = [6279]
imtStructId Mines_SaintEtienne = [29212]
data SearchOrder
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