Commit ab4137eb authored by Przemyslaw Kaminski's avatar Przemyslaw Kaminski

[Graph] GraphExplorer modifications

parent 1df15338
......@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import Gargantext.Components.GraphExplorer.Controls as Controls
import Gargantext.Components.GraphExplorer.Legend (legend)
import Gargantext.Components.GraphExplorer.ToggleButton as Toggle
import Gargantext.Components.Graph as Graph
import Gargantext.Components.Loader2 as Loader
import Gargantext.Components.Login.Types (AuthData(..), TreeId)
import Gargantext.Components.RandomText (words)
import Gargantext.Components.Tree as Tree
......@@ -49,8 +50,11 @@ import Web.Storage.Storage (getItem)
import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as RH
type GraphId = Int
type Props = (
mCurrentRoute :: Maybe Routes
graphId :: GraphId
, mCurrentRoute :: Maybe Routes
, treeId :: Maybe Int
......@@ -76,7 +80,7 @@ explorer state props = R.createElement (explorerCpt state) props []
--explorerCpt :: GET.State -> R.Component Props
explorerCpt state = R.hooksComponent "GraphExplorer" cpt
cpt {mCurrentRoute, treeId} _ = do
cpt {graphId, mCurrentRoute, treeId} _ = do
controls <- Controls.useGraphControls
pure $
......@@ -89,7 +93,7 @@ explorerCpt state = R.hooksComponent "GraphExplorer" cpt
, col [ pullRight [ Toggle.sidebarToggleButton controls.showSidePanel ] ]
, row [ Controls.controls controls ]
, row [ tree {mCurrentRoute, treeId} controls, graph controls, sidebar controls ]
, row [ tree {mCurrentRoute, treeId} controls, graphLoader graphId controls, sidebar controls ]
, row [ ]
......@@ -105,9 +109,32 @@ explorerCpt state = R.hooksComponent "GraphExplorer" cpt
tree {treeId: Nothing} _ = RH.div {} []
tree _ {showTree: false /\ _} = RH.div {} []
tree {mCurrentRoute, treeId: Just treeId} _ = RH.div {} [ Tree.elTreeview {mCurrentRoute, root: treeId} ]
graph _ = RH.div {} []
sidebar _ = RH.div {} []
graphLoader :: GraphId -> Record Controls.Controls -> R.Element
graphLoader graphId controls = R.createElement el {} []
el = R.hooksComponent "GraphLoader" cpt
cpt {} _children = do
Loader.useLoader graphId getNodes $ \{loaded} ->
loadedGraphView controls {graphId, graph: convert loaded}
type GraphProps = (
graphId :: GraphId
, graph :: Graph.Graph
loadedGraphView :: Record Controls.Controls -> Record GraphProps -> R.Element
loadedGraphView controls props = R.createElement el props []
el = R.hooksComponent "GraphView" cpt
cpt {graphId, graph} _children = do
pure $ Graph.graph {
, sigmaSettings: Graph.sigmaSettings
, forceAtlas2Settings: Graph.forceAtlas2Settings
convert :: GET.GraphData -> Graph.Graph
convert (GET.GraphData r) = Sigmax.Graph {nodes, edges}
......@@ -119,7 +146,7 @@ convert (GET.GraphData r) = Sigmax.Graph {nodes, edges}
, label : n.label
, x : n.x -- cos (toNumber i)
, y : n.y -- sin (toNumber i)
, color : intColor (cDef n.attributes)
, color : GET.intColor (cDef n.attributes)
cDef (GET.Cluster {clustDefault}) = clustDefault
......@@ -133,24 +160,5 @@ defaultPalette = ["#5fa571","#ab9ba2","#da876d","#bdd3ff","#b399df","#ffdfed","#
-- clusterColor (Cluster {clustDefault}) = unsafePartial $ fromJust $ defaultPalette !! (clustDefault `mod` length defaultPalette)
intColor :: Int -> String
intColor i = unsafePartial $ fromJust $ defaultPalette !! (i `mod` length defaultPalette)
getNodes :: Int -> Aff GET.GraphData
getNodes graphId = get $ Config.toUrl Config.Back Config.Graph $ Just graphId
getAuthData :: Effect (Maybe AuthData)
getAuthData = do
w <- window
ls <- localStorage w
mto <- getItem "token" ls
mti <- getItem "tree_id" ls
pure do
token <- mto
tree_id <- Int.fromString =<< mti
pure $ AuthData {token, tree_id}
getNodes :: GraphId -> Aff GET.GraphData
getNodes graphId = get $ Config.toUrl Config.Back Config.Graph $ Just graphId
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