[karp-rabin] migrate this algorithm to a separate repository

Also, performance is fixed now.
parent be456f9c
...@@ -136,6 +136,24 @@ let additions = ...@@ -136,6 +136,24 @@ let additions =
, repo = "https://github.com/purescript-spec/purescript-spec-quickcheck" , repo = "https://github.com/purescript-spec/purescript-spec-quickcheck"
, version = "v3.1.0" , version = "v3.1.0"
} }
, string-search =
{ dependencies =
[ "arrays"
, "enums"
, "foldable-traversable"
, "integers"
, "lists"
, "maybe"
, "ordered-collections"
, "partial"
, "prelude"
, "strings"
, "tuples"
, "uint"
, repo = "https://git.sr.ht/~cgenie/purescript-string-search"
, version = "v0.1.3"
, dom-filereader = , dom-filereader =
{ dependencies = [ "aff", "arraybuffer-types", "web-file", "web-html" ] { dependencies = [ "aff", "arraybuffer-types", "web-file", "web-html" ]
, repo = "https://github.com/nwolverson/purescript-dom-filereader" , repo = "https://github.com/nwolverson/purescript-dom-filereader"
...@@ -97,10 +97,10 @@ let ...@@ -97,10 +97,10 @@ let
echo "Compiling" echo "Compiling"
yarn yarn
spago build #spago build
#build-purs #build-purs
echo "Testing" echo "Testing"
spago test spago -x test.dhall test --main Test.Main
# pulp browserify --skip-compile -t dist/bundle.js --src-path output # pulp browserify --skip-compile -t dist/bundle.js --src-path output
# pulp test --src-path output --test-path output # pulp test --src-path output --test-path output
#NODE_PATH=output node -e "require('Test.Main').main();" #NODE_PATH=output node -e "require('Test.Main').main();"
...@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ to generate this file without the comments in this block. ...@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ to generate this file without the comments in this block.
, "dom-simple" , "dom-simple"
, "effect" , "effect"
, "either" , "either"
, "enums"
, "exceptions" , "exceptions"
, "ffi-simple" , "ffi-simple"
, "foldable-traversable" , "foldable-traversable"
...@@ -75,6 +74,7 @@ to generate this file without the comments in this block. ...@@ -75,6 +74,7 @@ to generate this file without the comments in this block.
, "simple-json" , "simple-json"
, "simple-json-generics" , "simple-json-generics"
, "simplecrypto" , "simplecrypto"
, "string-search"
, "strings" , "strings"
, "strings-extra" , "strings-extra"
, "stringutils" , "stringutils"
...@@ -85,7 +85,6 @@ to generate this file without the comments in this block. ...@@ -85,7 +85,6 @@ to generate this file without the comments in this block.
, "tuples-native" , "tuples-native"
, "typelevel" , "typelevel"
, "typelevel-prelude" , "typelevel-prelude"
, "uint"
, "unfoldable" , "unfoldable"
, "unordered-collections" , "unordered-collections"
, "unsafe-coerce" , "unsafe-coerce"
...@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import Data.String as S ...@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import Data.String as S
import Data.String.Common as DSC import Data.String.Common as DSC
import Data.String.Regex (Regex, regex, replace) as R import Data.String.Regex (Regex, regex, replace) as R
import Data.String.Regex.Flags (global, multiline) as R import Data.String.Regex.Flags (global, multiline) as R
import Data.String.Search.KarpRabin as SSKR
import Data.String.Utils as SU import Data.String.Utils as SU
import Data.These (These(..)) import Data.These (These(..))
import Data.Traversable (for, traverse_, traverse) import Data.Traversable (for, traverse_, traverse)
...@@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ import Gargantext.Routes (SessionRoute(..)) ...@@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ import Gargantext.Routes (SessionRoute(..))
import Gargantext.Sessions (Session, get, post, put) import Gargantext.Sessions (Session, get, post, put)
import Gargantext.Types (AsyncTask, AsyncTaskType(..), AsyncTaskWithType(..), CTabNgramType(..), FrontendError, OrderBy(..), ScoreType(..), TabSubType(..), TabType(..), TermList(..), TermSize(..)) import Gargantext.Types (AsyncTask, AsyncTaskType(..), AsyncTaskWithType(..), CTabNgramType(..), FrontendError, OrderBy(..), ScoreType(..), TabSubType(..), TabType(..), TermList(..), TermSize(..))
import Gargantext.Utils.Either (eitherMap) import Gargantext.Utils.Either (eitherMap)
import Gargantext.Utils.KarpRabin (indicesOfAny) --import Gargantext.Utils.KarpRabin (indicesOfAny)
import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2 import Gargantext.Utils.Reactix as R2
import Partial (crashWith) import Partial (crashWith)
import Partial.Unsafe (unsafePartial) import Partial.Unsafe (unsafePartial)
...@@ -138,7 +139,8 @@ highlightNgrams ntype table@(NgramsTable {ngrams_repo_elements: elts}) input0 = ...@@ -138,7 +139,8 @@ highlightNgrams ntype table@(NgramsTable {ngrams_repo_elements: elts}) input0 =
undb = R.replace wordBoundaryReg2 "$1" undb = R.replace wordBoundaryReg2 "$1"
input = spR input0 input = spR input0
pats = A.fromFoldable (Map.keys elts) pats = A.fromFoldable (Map.keys elts)
ixs = indicesOfAny (sp <<< ngramsTermText <$> pats) (normNgramInternal ntype input) hashStruct = SSKR.hashStruct (sp <<< ngramsTermText <$> pats)
ixs = SSKR.indicesOfAnyHashStruct hashStruct (normNgramInternal ntype input)
splitAcc :: Partial => Int -> HighlightAccumulator splitAcc :: Partial => Int -> HighlightAccumulator
-> Tuple HighlightAccumulator HighlightAccumulator -> Tuple HighlightAccumulator HighlightAccumulator
...@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import Data.List as List ...@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import Data.List as List
import Data.Maybe import Data.Maybe
import Data.Sequence as Seq import Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..)) import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Prelude (bind, flip, identity, (<<<), ($), (<), (-), (<$>)) import Prelude
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Split arrays tools -- | Split arrays tools
...@@ -72,9 +72,4 @@ slidingWindow lst len = ...@@ -72,9 +72,4 @@ slidingWindow lst len =
let diff = DA.length lst - len let diff = DA.length lst - len
in in
if diff < 0 then [] if diff < 0 then []
else (\idx -> DA.take len $ DA.drop idx lst) <$> 0 .. diff else (\idx -> DA.slice idx (idx + len) lst) <$> 0 .. diff
-- slidingWindow lst len = DA.fromFoldable $ go lst
-- where
-- go l =
-- if (DA.length l) < len then List.Nil
-- else (DA.take len l) List.: (go $ DA.drop 1 l)
-- |
-- The present module has been ported from Haskell to PureScript
-- by Nicolas Pouillard for the Gargantext projet.
-- Original Haskell code:
-- Copyright : (c) 2010 Daniel Fischer
-- Licence : BSD3
-- Maintainer : Daniel Fischer <daniel.is.fischer@googlemail.com>
-- Simultaneous search for multiple patterns in a 'String'
-- using the Karp-Rabin algorithm.
-- A description of the algorithm for a single pattern can be found at
-- <http://www-igm.univ-mlv.fr/~lecroq/string/node5.html#SECTION0050>.
module Gargantext.Utils.KarpRabin ( -- * Overview
-- $overview
-- ** Caution
-- $caution
-- * Function
) where
import Data.Array as A
import Data.Array ((..))
import Data.Enum (fromEnum)
import Data.Foldable (class Foldable, minimum, foldl)
import Data.FunctorWithIndex (mapWithIndex)
import Data.Int (quot)
import Data.List as L
import Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), isJust)
import Data.String as S
import Data.String (CodePoint)
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..), snd)
import Data.UInt (UInt, shl, fromInt)
import Partial.Unsafe (unsafePartial)
import Gargantext.Data.Array as GDA
import Prelude
fromCodePoint :: CodePoint -> UInt
fromCodePoint c = fromInt (fromEnum c)
-- $overview
-- The Karp-Rabin algorithm works by calculating a hash of the pattern and
-- comparing that hash with the hash of a slice of the target string with
-- the same length as the pattern. If the hashes are equal, the slice of the
-- target is compared to the pattern byte for byte (since the hash
-- function generally isn't injective).
-- For a single pattern, this tends to be more efficient than the na&#239;ve
-- algorithm, but it cannot compete with algorithms like
-- Knuth-Morris-Pratt or Boyer-Moore.
-- However, the algorithm can be generalised to search for multiple patterns
-- simultaneously. If the shortest pattern has length @k@, hash the prefix of
-- length @k@ of all patterns and compare the hash of the target's slices of
-- length @k@ to them. If there's a match, check whether the slice is part
-- of an occurrence of the corresponding pattern.
-- With a hash-function that
-- * allows to compute the hash of one slice in constant time from the hash
-- of the previous slice, the new and the dropped character, and
-- * produces few spurious matches,
-- searching for occurrences of any of @n@ patterns has a best-case complexity
-- of /O/(@targetLength@ * @lookup n@). The worst-case complexity is
-- /O/(@targetLength@ * @lookup n@ * @sum patternLengths@), the average is
-- not much worse than the best case.
-- The functions in this module store the hashes of the patterns in an
-- 'Map', so the lookup is /O/(@log n@). Re-hashing is done in constant
-- time and spurious matches of the hashes /should be/ sufficiently rare.
-- The maximal length of the prefixes to be hashed is 32.
-- $caution
-- Unfortunately, the constant factors are high, so these functions are slow.
-- Unless the number of patterns to search for is high (larger than 50 at
-- least), repeated search for single patterns using Boyer-Moore or DFA and
-- manual merging of the indices is faster. /Much/ faster for less than 40
-- or so patterns.
-- In summary, this module is more of an interesting curiosity than anything
-- else.
-- | @'indicesOfAny'@ finds all occurrences of any of several non-empty patterns
-- in a strict target string. If no non-empty patterns are given,
-- the result is an empty array. Otherwise the result array contains
-- the pairs of all indices where any of the (non-empty) patterns start
-- and the array of all patterns starting at that index, the patterns being
-- represented by their (zero-based) position in the pattern array.
-- Empty patterns are filtered out before processing begins.
indicesOfAny :: Array String -- ^ Array of non-empty patterns
-> String -- ^ String to search
-> Array (Tuple Int (Array Int)) -- ^ Array of matches
indicesOfAny pats = if A.null nepats then const []
else strictMatcher nepats
nepats = A.filter (not <<< S.null) pats
-- Workers --
rehash' :: UInt -> UInt -> UInt -> CodePoint -> CodePoint -> UInt
rehash' shDi out h o n =
(h `shl` shDi - (fromCodePoint o `shl` out)) + fromCodePoint n
minimum1 :: forall a f. Ord a => Foldable f => a -> f a -> a
minimum1 a fa =
case minimum fa of
Nothing -> a
Just b -> min a b
type GoAcc = Tuple UInt (Array (Maybe (Tuple Int (Array Int))))
strictMatcher :: Array String -> String -> Array (Tuple Int (Array Int))
strictMatcher pats = unsafePartial search
hLen = minimum1 32 (S.length <$> pats)
hLen' = fromInt hLen
shDi = case 32 `quot` hLen of
q | q < 4 -> q
| otherwise -> 4
outS = fromInt (shDi * hLen)
patNum = A.length pats
rehash :: UInt -> CodePoint -> CodePoint -> UInt
rehash = case shDi of
1 -> rehash' (fromInt 1) hLen'
2 -> rehash' (fromInt 2) outS
3 -> rehash' (fromInt 3) outS
_ -> rehash' (fromInt 4) outS
hash :: String -> UInt
hash = foldl (\h w -> (h `shl` fromInt shDi) + fromCodePoint w) (fromInt 0)
<<< S.toCodePointArray
<<< S.take hLen
hashMap :: M.Map UInt (Array Int)
hashMap =
M.fromFoldableWith (flip (<>))
(mapWithIndex (\i a -> Tuple (hash a) [i]) pats)
search :: Partial => String -> Array (Tuple Int (Array Int))
search str = if strLen < hLen then []
else A.catMaybes $ snd <$> foldl go' (Tuple shash []) $ A.zip (0 .. maxIdx) (GDA.slidingWindow arr hLen)
-- else A.fromFoldable (go 0 shash)
strLen = S.length str
maxIdx = strLen - hLen
arr = S.toCodePointArray str
strAt i = A.unsafeIndex arr i
shash :: UInt
shash = hash str
-- NOTE: A new function, with a map over the range [0..maxIdx]
go' :: GoAcc -> Tuple Int (Array CodePoint) -> GoAcc
go' (Tuple h acc) (Tuple idx arr') =
let rehashed = rehash h (A.unsafeIndex arr' 0) (A.unsafeIndex arr' (-1))
str' = S.fromCodePointArray arr'
okay bs = isJust (S.stripPrefix (S.Pattern bs) str')
mPs = M.lookup h hashMap
acc' = case mPs of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just ps ->
case A.filter (\x -> okay (A.unsafeIndex pats x)) ps of
[] -> Nothing
qs -> Just (Tuple idx qs)
Tuple rehashed (A.snoc acc acc')
-- go :: Int -> UInt -> L.List (Tuple Int (Array Int))
-- go sI h =
-- let rehashed = rehash h (strAt sI) (strAt (sI + hLen))
-- in
-- if sI == maxIdx then
-- L.Nil
-- else
-- case M.lookup h hashMap of
-- Nothing ->
-- go (sI + 1) rehashed
-- Just ps ->
-- let rst = S.drop sI str
-- okay bs =
-- isJust (S.stripPrefix (S.Pattern bs) rst)
-- in case A.filter (\x -> okay (A.unsafeIndex pats x)) ps of
-- [] -> go (sI + 1) rehashed
-- qs -> Tuple sI qs L.: (go (sI + 1) rehashed)
-- case M.lookup h hashMap of
-- Nothing ->
-- if sI == maxIdx
-- then L.Nil
-- else go (sI + 1) (rehash h (strAt sI) (strAt (sI + hLen)))
-- Just ps ->
-- let rst = S.drop sI str
-- hd = strAt sI
-- more = if sI == maxIdx then L.Nil else
-- go (sI + 1) (rehash h hd (strAt (sI + hLen)))
-- okay bs =
-- isJust (S.stripPrefix (S.Pattern bs) rst)
-- in case A.filter (\x -> okay (A.unsafeIndex pats x)) ps of
-- [] -> more
-- qs -> Tuple sI qs L.: more
...@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ ne :: String -> TermList -> CTabNgramType -> NgramsElement ...@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ ne :: String -> TermList -> CTabNgramType -> NgramsElement
ne ngrams list ngramType = NgramsElement { ngrams: normed ne ngrams list ngramType = NgramsElement { ngrams: normed
, size: 1 -- TODO , size: 1 -- TODO
, list , list
, occurrences: 0 , occurrences: Set.singleton 0
, parent: Nothing , parent: Nothing
, root: Nothing , root: Nothing
, children: Set.empty , children: Set.empty
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