Commit c81645ff authored by Przemyslaw Kaminski's avatar Przemyslaw Kaminski

[bootstrap v4] login screen styling

parent 834f301c
......@@ -232,10 +232,9 @@ submitButtonHref action href =
checkbox :: R.State Boolean -> R.Element
checkbox ( val /\ set ) =
H.input { id: "checkbox-id"
H.input { className : "form-check-input"
, type: "checkbox"
, value: val
, className : "checkbox"
, on: { click: \_ -> set $ const $ not val}
......@@ -73,12 +73,12 @@ modalCpt = R.hooksComponentWithModule thisModule "modal" cpt where
elems =
[ H.div { id: "loginModal", className: modalClass (fst visible), key: 0
, role: "dialog", "data": {show: true}, style: {display: "block"}}
[ H.div { className: "modal-dialog", role: "document"}
[ H.div { className: "modal-dialog modal-lg", role: "document"}
[ H.div { className: "modal-content" }
[ H.div { className: "modal-header" }
[ closing
, logo
[ H.div { className: "modal-header" } [
, closing
, H.div { className: "modal-body" } children ] ] ] ]
modalClass s = "modal myModal" <> if s then "" else " fade"
logo =
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ modalCpt = R.hooksComponentWithModule thisModule "modal" cpt where
closing = H.button { "type": "button", className: "close"
, "data": { dismiss: "modal" } }
[ H.a { on: {click}
, className: "btn glyphicon glyphicon-remove-circle"
, className: "btn fa fa-times"
-- TODO , font-size : "50px"
} []
......@@ -187,38 +187,33 @@ formCpt = R.hooksComponentWithModule thisModule "form" cpt where
username <- R.useState' ""
password <- R.useState' ""
setBox@(checkBox /\ setCheckBox) <- R.useState' false
pure $ R2.row
[ cardGroup
[ cardBlock
[ center
[ H.h4 {}{-className: "text-muted"-}
[ H.text $ "Login to garg://" <> show backend]
, requestAccessLink {}
, H.div {}
[ csrfTokenInput {}
, formGroup [ H.p {} [ H.text (fst error) ], usernameInput username ]
, formGroup [ passwordInput password, clearfix {} ]
, center
[ H.label {}
[ H.div {className: "checkbox"}
[ checkbox setBox
, H.text "I hereby accept "
, H.a { target: "_blank"
, href: ""
} [ H.text "the terms of use" ]
, if checkBox == true
&& fst username /= ""
&& fst password /= ""
then H.div {} [center [loginSubmit $ onClick props error username password]]
else H.div {} []
pure $ R2.row [
H.form { className: "col-md-12" } [
H.h4 { className: "text-center" } {-className: "text-muted"-} [
H.text $ "Login to garg://" <> show backend
, requestAccessLink {}
, csrfTokenInput {}
, formGroup [ H.p {} [ H.text (fst error) ], usernameInput username ]
, formGroup [ passwordInput password, clearfix {} ]
, H.div { className: "form-group form-check text-center" } [
checkbox setBox
, H.label { className: "form-check-label" } [
H.text "I hereby accept "
, H.a { target: "_blank"
, href: ""
} [ H.text "the terms of use" ]
, if checkBox == true
&& fst username /= ""
&& fst password /= ""
then H.div { className: "text-center" } [
loginSubmit $ onClick props error username password
else H.div {} []
onClick {backend, sessions, visible} error username password e =
launchAff_ $ do
let req = AuthRequest {username: fst username, password: fst password}
......@@ -244,18 +239,21 @@ termsLink _ =
requestAccessLink :: {} -> R.Element
requestAccessLink _ =
H.a { target: "_blank", href: applyUrl } [ H.text " request access" ]
H.div { className: "text-center" } [
H.a { href: applyUrl
, target: "_blank" } [ H.text " request access" ]
where applyUrl = ""
usernameInput :: R.State String -> R.Element
usernameInput username =
H.input { className: "form-control"
, defaultValue: (fst username)
, id: "id_username"
, maxLength: "254"
, name: "username"
, placeholder: "username"
, type: "text"
, defaultValue: (fst username)
--, on: {input: \e -> dispatch (SetUserName $ R.unsafeEventValue e)}
, on: {change: \e -> (snd username) $ const $ R.unsafeEventValue e} }
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