Commit e390844a authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[Cosmectics] bug histo chart: label of x axis.

parent c0c52b90
This diff is collapsed.
"use strict";
var ReactEcharts = require("echarts-for-react");
exports.eChartsClass = ReactEcharts.default;
exports.eChartsClass2 = ReactEcharts.default;
......@@ -213,63 +213,60 @@ seriesPie = seriesPieD1
textStyle2 :: TextStyle
textStyle2 =
color: black
,fontStyle: chartFontStyle italic
,fontWeight: chartFontWeight normal
,fontFamily: "sans-serif"
,fontSize: 11
,align: relativePosition $ Relative RightPos
,verticalAlign: relativePosition $ Relative Bottom
,lineHeight: percentPosition 0.0
,width: percentPosition 100.0
,height: percentPosition 100.0
,textBorderColor: black
,textBorderWidth: 0.0
,textShadowColor: black
,textShadowBlur: black
,textShadowOffsetX: 0.0
,textShadowOffsetY: 0.0
{ color: black
, fontStyle: chartFontStyle italic
, fontWeight: chartFontWeight normal
, fontFamily: "sans-serif"
, fontSize: 11
, align: relativePosition $ Relative RightPos
, verticalAlign: relativePosition $ Relative Bottom
, lineHeight: percentPosition 0.0
, width: percentPosition 100.0
, height: percentPosition 100.0
, textBorderColor: black
, textBorderWidth: 0.0
, textShadowColor: black
, textShadowBlur: black
, textShadowOffsetX: 0.0
, textShadowOffsetY: 0.0
textStyle' :: TextStyle
textStyle' =
color: black
,fontStyle: chartFontStyle normal
,fontWeight: chartFontWeight normal
,fontFamily: "sans-serif"
,fontSize: 15
,align: relativePosition $ Relative LeftPos
,verticalAlign: relativePosition $ Relative Top
,lineHeight: percentPosition 0.0
,width: percentPosition 100.0
,height: percentPosition 100.0
,textBorderColor: black
,textBorderWidth: 1.0
,textShadowColor: black
,textShadowBlur: black
,textShadowOffsetX: 0.0
,textShadowOffsetY: 0.0
{ color: black
, fontStyle: chartFontStyle normal
, fontWeight: chartFontWeight normal
, fontFamily: "sans-serif"
, fontSize: 15
, align: relativePosition $ Relative LeftPos
, verticalAlign: relativePosition $ Relative Top
, lineHeight: percentPosition 0.0
, width: percentPosition 100.0
, height: percentPosition 100.0
, textBorderColor: black
, textBorderWidth: 1.0
, textShadowColor: black
, textShadowBlur: black
, textShadowOffsetX: 0.0
, textShadowOffsetY: 0.0
textStyle :: TextStyle
textStyle =
color: black
,fontStyle: chartFontStyle normal
,fontWeight: chartFontWeight normal
,fontFamily: "sans-serif"
,fontSize: 15
,align: relativePosition $ Relative LeftPos
,verticalAlign: relativePosition $ Relative Top
,lineHeight: percentPosition 0.0
,width: percentPosition 100.0
,height: percentPosition 100.0
,textBorderColor: black
,textBorderWidth: 0.0
,textShadowColor: black
,textShadowBlur: black
,textShadowOffsetX: 0.0
,textShadowOffsetY: 0.0
{ color: black
, fontStyle: chartFontStyle normal
, fontWeight: chartFontWeight normal
, fontFamily: "sans-serif"
, fontSize: 15
, align: relativePosition $ Relative LeftPos
, verticalAlign: relativePosition $ Relative Top
, lineHeight: percentPosition 0.0
, width: percentPosition 100.0
, height: percentPosition 100.0
, textBorderColor: black
, textBorderWidth: 1.0
, textShadowColor: black
, textShadowBlur: black
, textShadowOffsetX: 0.0
, textShadowOffsetY: 0.0
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ chartOptions (HistoMetrics { dates: dates', count: count'}) = Options
, subTitle : "Distribution of publications over time"
, xAxis : xAxis' dates'
, yAxis : yAxis' { position: "left", show: true, min:0}
, series : [seriesBarD1 {name: "Number of publication / year"} $ map (\n -> dataSerie {name: "", value: n, itemStyle : itemStyle {color:grey}}) count']
, series : [seriesBarD1 {name: "Number of publication / year"} $ map (\n -> dataSerie {value: n, itemStyle : itemStyle {color:grey}}) count']
, addZoom : true
, tooltip : mkTooltip { formatter: templateFormatter "{b0}" }
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