Commit ebfcb1c7 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë


parent c99eb587
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import Reactix as R
import Reactix.DOM.HTML as H
import Gargantext.Components.Forms (clearfix, card, cardBlock, cardGroup, center, formGroup)
import Gargantext.Components.Forms (clearfix, cardBlock, cardGroup, center, formGroup)
import Gargantext.Components.Login.Types (AuthRequest(..))
import Gargantext.Ends (Backend(..))
import Gargantext.Sessions (Session, Sessions(..), postAuthRequest, unSessions)
......@@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ modalCpt = R.hooksComponent "G.C.Login.modal" cpt where
[ H.div { className: "modal-header" }
[ closing
, logo
, H.h2 { className: "center modal-title" } [H.text "Instances manager"]
, H.div { className: "modal-body" } children ] ] ] ]
modalClass s = "modal myModal" <> if s then "" else " fade"
......@@ -88,7 +87,7 @@ loginCpt = R.hooksComponent "G.C.Login.login" cpt
modal {visible} $
case fst backend of
Nothing -> chooser { backends, backend, sessions, visible }
Just b -> form { sessions, visible, backend: b }
Just b -> form { sessions, visible, backend: b }
type ChooserProps = ( backend :: R.State (Maybe Backend) | Props )
......@@ -99,8 +98,9 @@ chooserCpt :: R.Component ChooserProps
chooserCpt = R.staticComponent "G.C.Login.chooser" cpt where
cpt :: Record ChooserProps -> Array R.Element -> R.Element
cpt {backend, backends, sessions} _ =
R.fragment $ active <> new <> search
R.fragment $ title <> active <> new <> search
title = [H.h2 { className: "center modal-title" } [H.text "Instances manager"]]
active = if DS.length ss > 0 then [ H.h3 {} [H.text "Active connection(s)"]
, H.ul {} [ renderSessions sessions]
] else [] where
......@@ -165,29 +165,27 @@ formCpt = R.hooksComponent "G.C.Login.form" cpt where
setBox@(checkBox /\ setCheckBox) <- R.useState' false
pure $ R2.row
[ cardGroup
[ card
[ cardBlock
[ center
[ H.h4 {className: "m-b-0"}
[ H.span {className: "icon-text"} [ H.text "Welcome :)" ] ]
, H.p {className: "text-muted"}
[ H.text $ "Login to your account or", requestAccessLink {} ] ]
, H.div {}
[ csrfTokenInput {}
, formGroup [ H.p {} [ H.text (fst error) ], usernameInput username ]
, formGroup [ passwordInput password, clearfix {} ]
, center
[ H.label {}
[ H.div {className: "checkbox"}
[ termsCheckbox setBox , H.text "I accept the terms of use ", termsLink {} ] ]
[ cardBlock
[ center
[ H.div {className: "text-muted"}
[ H.text $ "Login to garg://" <> show backend]
, requestAccessLink {}
, if checkBox == true
&& fst username /= ""
&& fst password /= ""
then H.div {} [center [loginSubmit $ onClick props error username password]]
else H.div {} []
, H.div {}
[ csrfTokenInput {}
, formGroup [ H.p {} [ H.text (fst error) ], usernameInput username ]
, formGroup [ passwordInput password, clearfix {} ]
, center
[ H.label {}
[ H.div {className: "checkbox"}
[ termsCheckbox setBox , H.text "I accept the terms of use ", termsLink {} ] ]
, if checkBox == true
&& fst username /= ""
&& fst password /= ""
then H.div {} [center [loginSubmit $ onClick props error username password]]
else H.div {} []
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