@@ -353,15 +360,16 @@ panelAction d {id,name,nodeType,action, session} p = case action of
, H.p {} [ H.text "See the instances terms of uses."]
(Just (Documentation FolderPrivate)) -> R.fragment [H.div {} [H.text $ "This folder and its children are private only!"]]
(Just (Documentation FolderPublic)) -> R.fragment [H.div {} [H.text $ "Soon, you will be able to build public folders to share your work with the world!"]]
(Just (Documentation FolderShared)) -> R.fragment [H.div {} [H.text $ "Soon, you will be able to build teams folders to share your work"]]
(Just (Documentation x)) -> R.fragment [ H.div {} [H.text $ "More information on" <> show nodeType]]
(Just (Documentation FolderPrivate)) -> R.fragment [H.p {} [H.text $ "This folder and its children are private only!"]]
(Just (Documentation FolderPublic)) -> R.fragment [H.p {} [H.text $ "Soon, you will be able to build public folders to share your work with the world!"]]
(Just (Documentation FolderShared)) -> R.fragment [H.p {} [H.text $ "Soon, you will be able to build teams folders to share your work"]]
(Just (Documentation x)) -> R.fragment [ H.p {} [H.text $ "More information on" <> show nodeType]]
(Just Upload) -> R.fragment [ H.div {} [H.text $ "Soon, you will be able to upload your file here"]]
(Just Download) -> R.fragment [ H.div {} [H.text $ "Soon, you will be able to dowload your file here"]]
(Just (Link _)) -> R.fragment [ H.p {} [H.text $ "Soon, you will be able to link the corpus with your Annuaire (and reciprocally)."]]
(Just Upload) -> R.fragment [ H.p {} [H.text $ "Soon, you will be able to upload your file here"]]
(Just Download) -> R.fragment [ H.p {} [H.text $ "Soon, you will be able to dowload your file here"]]
(Just SearchBox) -> R.fragment [ H.div {} [ H.text $ "Search and create a private corpus with the search query as corpus name." ]
(Just SearchBox) -> R.fragment [ H.p {} [ H.text $ "Search and create a private corpus with the search query as corpus name." ]