Commit fe7ad566 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[CHART] Realistic legend.

parent d809d0c5
......@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ ex1 = echarts
[ option
[ tooltip [trigger "axis"]
, grid [containLabel true]
, legend [data' ["data1", "data2", "data3"]]
, legend [data' ["Query A", "Query B", "Query C"]]
, xAxis
[ type' "category"
, axisTick [alignWithLabel true]
......@@ -408,22 +408,22 @@ dz2 = unsafeFromPropsArray
ya1 = unsafeFromPropsArray
[ type' "value"
, name "Eur"
, name "Publications (by year)"
, min 0
, position "left"
, axisLabel [formatter "{value} h"]
, axisLabel [formatter "{value}"]
ya2 = unsafeFromPropsArray
[ type' "value"
, name "Eur"
, name "Score metric"
, min 0
, position "right"
, axisLabel [formatter "{value} Eur"]
, axisLabel [formatter "{value}"]
sd1 = unsafeFromPropsArray
[ name "data1"
[ name "Query A"
, type' "line"
, label [normal[showp true, position "top"]]
, lineStyle [ normal
......@@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ sd1 = unsafeFromPropsArray
sd2 = unsafeFromPropsArray
[ name "data2"
[ name "Query B"
, type' "bar"
, label [normal[showp true, position "top"]]
, yAxisIndex 1
......@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ sd2 = unsafeFromPropsArray
sd3 = unsafeFromPropsArray
[ name "data3"
[ name "Query C"
, type' "bar"
, label [normal[showp true, position "top"]]
, yAxisIndex 1
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