Commit 01ab896d authored by sim's avatar sim

Little refactor of config generation

parent cd31fd3c
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ TARGET="${1:-dev}"
[ -z "$GARGANTEXT_CONF" ] && GARGANTEXT_CONF=gargantext.ini
# Configuration template path
# Check for configuration file existence
if [ -f "$GARGANTEXT_CONF" -a -z "$FORCE" ]; then
......@@ -66,11 +66,15 @@ while :; do
escape_ini () {
echo -n "$1" | sed -e 's/[\/&\"]/\\&/g'
# Escape variables
SECRET_KEY=$(echo -n "$SECRET_KEY" | sed -e 's/[\/&\"]/\\&/g')
DB_NAME=$(echo -n "$DB_NAME" | sed -e 's/[\/&\"]/\\&/g')
DB_USER=$(echo -n "$DB_USER" | sed -e 's/[\/&\"]/\\&/g')
DB_PASS=$(echo -n "$DB_PASS" | sed -e 's/[\/&\"]/\\&/g')
SECRET_KEY=$(escape_ini "$SECRET_KEY")
DB_NAME=$(escape_ini "$DB_NAME")
DB_USER=$(escape_ini "$DB_USER")
DB_PASS=$(escape_ini "$DB_PASS")
echo "Generate configuration file from $TEMPLATE..."
sed -E -e "s/[{]DEBUG[}]/$DEBUG/g" \
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