Commit 02f86ee0 authored by delanoe's avatar delanoe

Removing test names.

parent 80067b10
Docker installation
## Quick Manual
## Install && sudo
## sudo docker build -t gargantext .
## docker run -i -t gargantext /bin/bash
# Install Docker
# Debian/Ubuntu: apt-get install docker
# run turboparser port, with python 3.4
#docker run -d -p 8000:8000 -v /srv:/srv -t gargantext python /srv/gargantext/
For dev: cd dev and run install
Fro prod : install dev-version, cd prod and run install
......@@ -40,12 +40,12 @@ function do_cker {
### Create directories in /srv
# Linux only
function create_folders {
for dir in "/srv2/gargantext"\
"/srv2/env_3-5"; do \
for dir in "/srv/gargantext"\
"/srv/env_3-5"; do \
sudo mkdir -p $dir ;\
sudo chown gargantua:gargantua $dir ; \
......@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ done
function git_config {
### TODO (soon) : git clone
git clone ssh:// /srv2/gargantext \
&& cd /srv2/gargantext \
git clone ssh:// /srv/gargantext \
&& cd /srv/gargantext \
&& git fetch origin refactoring \
&& git checkout refactoring
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