Commit 04c213bb authored by c24b's avatar c24b

Inversion des boutons help for #graph navigation toolbar + exploration toolbar

parent 27db91f0
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ help = { "#project":{
"<li>Click on 'Chose a file...'</li>"+
"<li>And give a name to your corpus</li>"+
"<li>Click on 'Process this!'</li></ol>"+
"<b><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-hand-right'> If you want to import a corpus from an open database (only supported by PubMed, IsTex or SCOAP3 right now):</b>"+
"<b><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-hand-right'></span> If you want to import a corpus from an open database <small>(only supported by PubMed, IsTex or SCOAP3 right now)</small>:</b>"+
"<li>Select No option to the question 'Do you have a file already?'</li>"+
"<li>Enter your query (syntax of the database is still the same)</li>"+
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ help = { "#project":{
"<li>Cliquez sur 'Choisir un fichier...'</li>"+
"<li>Puis donnez un nom à votre corpus</li>"+
"<li>Cliquez sur 'Process this!'</li></ol>"+
"<b><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-hand-right'></span> Si vous souhaitez importer un corpus directement depuis une base de donnée ouverte (PubMed ou IsTex pour le moment):</b>"+
"<b><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-hand-right'></span> Si vous souhaitez importer un corpus directement depuis une base de donnée ouverte <small>(SCOAP3, PubMed ou IsTex pour le moment)</small>:</b>"+
"<li>Sélectionnez l'option No à la question Do you have a file already?</li>"+
"<li>Entrez votre requête (la syntaxe de la base de donnée cible est conservée)</li>"+
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ help = { "#project":{
"content": "En selectionnant l'option correspondante dans le menu déroulant, vous pouvez afficher ici tous les documents, uniquement vos favoris ou encore rechercher les doublons pour les supprimer",
"position": "after",
"position": "inside",
......@@ -130,13 +130,7 @@ help = { "#project":{
"placement": "right",
"position": "inside",
// '#export_terms':{
// "title": "Exporter",
// "content": "Vous pouvez exporter votre liste de sources <a href=''>format CSV</a>",
// "placement": "right",
// "position": "after",
// "class":"push-right"
// }
"en":{"title":"Filter documents",
"content":"You can filter the documents containing a certain type of data (words, authors, etc.) and see the changes in their number over time",
......@@ -177,13 +171,6 @@ help = { "#project":{
"title":"Graph Edition and Manipulation Toolbar",
"content":"Manipulate and edit your graph using this toolbar"+
"<li>Node sizes maps (on a log scale) the number of documents that"+
"mention its label and its associated terms (if any ).</li>"+
"<li>When according to the chosen proximity measure, the proximity"+
"between two terms is strong enough, a link is displayed.</li>"+
"<li>You can filter links by strength using the 'edges filter' slider"+
"(this will fold/unfold the graph):"+
"<img src='/static/img/slider_edges.png'/>"+
"<li>You can decide to remove small nodes or large nodes using the"+
"'nodes filter' slider (e.g. to get only the most popular"+
......@@ -202,13 +189,6 @@ help = { "#project":{
"title":"Outil d'édition et de manipulation du graph",
"content":"Manipuler and éditer le graph grace à cette barre d'outil"+
"<li>Node sizes maps (on a log scale) the number of documents that"+
"mention its label and its associated terms (if any ).</li>"+
"<li>When according to the chosen proximity measure, the proximity"+
"between two terms is strong enough, a link is displayed.</li>"+
"<li>You can filter links by strength using the 'edges filter' slider"+
"(this will fold/unfold the graph):"+
"<img src='/static/img/slider_edges.png'/>"+
"<li>You can decide to remove small nodes or large nodes using the"+
"'nodes filter' slider (e.g. to get only the most popular"+
......@@ -278,7 +258,7 @@ function updateLang(old_lang, new_lang){
console.log("Old", old_lang)
console.log("Updating to", new_lang)
//update lang in db
//update lang in db via API
url: '/api/user/parameters/',
type: 'PUT',
......@@ -331,7 +311,7 @@ function loadHelp(lang){
help_btn = '<img src="/static/img/question-mark.png" width="20px" height="20px" class="help-btn" data-html="true" tab-index=0 data-container="body" data-toggle="popover" data-placement="'+info["placement"]+'" title="'+info[lang]["title"]+'" data-content="'+info[lang]["content"]+'"></i>'
console.log("position of the btn", info["position"])
if (info["position"] == "inside"){
......@@ -339,16 +319,13 @@ function loadHelp(lang){
else if (info["position"] == "before"){
console.log("position", info["position"])
//parent = $(el).parent()
//help = $(help_btn).appendTo(el)
//console.log(">>>>>", $(this))
else if (info["position"] == "dup_child"){
//copy the first child inside the element and create a custom one with btn
else if (info["position"] == "dup_parent"){
//copy the element and create a copy with btn
//duplicate element and insert the button
......@@ -997,6 +997,41 @@ function camaraButton(){
function updateLang(old_lang, new_lang){
console.log("Old", old_lang)
console.log("Updating to", new_lang)
//update lang in db
url: '/api/user/parameters/',
type: 'PUT',
data: {"language":new_lang},
beforeSend: function(xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-CSRFToken", getCookie("csrftoken"));
success: function(response, data) {
var old_lang = $("a#lang").data("lang")
//var new_lang = data["language"]
//change active langue
$("a#lang").attr("data-lang", new_lang);
$("a#lang > img").attr({"value":new_lang, "src":"/static/img/"+new_lang+".png"})
$("a#lang > span").text(new_lang)
//switch lang to option
$("a.new_lang").attr("data-lang", old_lang);
$("a.new_lang > img").attr({"value":old_lang, "src":"/static/img/"+lang+".png"})
$("a.new_lang > span").text(old_lang)
console.log(response, data)
error: function(xhr) {
console.log("EDIT FAIL!")
console.log("defaut lang is now", $("a#lang").data("lang"))
......@@ -62,6 +62,8 @@
<div id="left" class="col-sm-8 col-md-8 col-lg-7">
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<li class="basicitem"><a class="help" style="display:inline-block;padding:15px;" id="edition">
......@@ -122,8 +124,7 @@
<li class="basicitem"><a class="help" id="edition">
</div><!-- /div#left -->
......@@ -207,6 +208,9 @@
<ul id="ctlzoom">
<li >
<a style="display:inline-block;padding:5px;" id="exploration" class="help"></a>
<!-- <div class="content-header">
<button id="menu-toggle">X</button>
</div> -->
......@@ -250,10 +254,7 @@
<img width="30px" title="Save As..." src="{% static "img/save.png" %}" ></img>
<a id="exploration" class="help">
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