Commit 053016ff authored by Romain Loth's avatar Romain Loth

Add 'static/lib/graphExplorer/' from commit 'd256049a'

git-subtree-dir: static/lib/graphExplorer
git-subtree-mainline: 3bfb7073
git-subtree-split: d256049a
parents 27d40dc9 d256049a
header('Content-Type: application/json');
$projectFolderPat = dirname(dirname(getcwd())) . "/";
$instance = new scanTree($projectFolderPat);
$output = array();
$output["folders"] = $instance->folders;
$output["gexf_idfolder"] = $instance->gexf_folder;
echo json_encode($output);
// ** Debug Functions: **
function br() {
echo "----------<br>";
function pr($msg) {
echo $msg . "<br>";
class scanTree {
public $root;
public $folders = array();
public $gexf_folder = array();
public function __construct($rootpath = "") {
$this->root = $rootpath;
public function getDirectoryTree($dir) {
$folder = array();
$dbs = array();
$gexfs = array();
$dataFolder = $this->root . $dir;
$files = scandir($dataFolder);
foreach ($files as $f) {
if ($f != "." and $f != ".." and $f[strlen($f) - 1] != "~") {
if (is_dir($dataFolder . "/" . $f)) {
//pr("Dir: ".$f);
$subfolder = $f;
$this->getDirectoryTree($dir . "/" . $subfolder);
} else {
//pr("File: ".$f);
if ((strpos($f, '.gexf')))
array_push($gexfs, $f);
if ((strpos($f, '.db')) or (strpos($f, '.sqlite')) or (strpos($f, '.sqlite3')))
array_push($dbs, $f);
if (!$folder[$dir]["gexf"] or !$folder[$dir]["dbs"])
$folder[$dir] = array();
$folder[$dir]["gexf"] = $gexfs;
$folder[$dir]["dbs"] = $dbs;
if ((strpos($f, '.gexf'))) {
$this->gexf_folder[$dir . "/" . $f] = "";
if ($folder[$dir]["gexf"]) {
foreach ($folder[$dir]["gexf"] as $g) {
$this->gexf_folder[$dir . "/" . $g] = count($this->folders);
array_push($this->folders, $folder);
echo 'toto';
\ No newline at end of file
// default informations
$thedb = $graphdb;
$type = $_GET["type"];
$query = str_replace( '__and__', '&', $_GET["query"] );
$elems = json_decode($query);
$table = "";
$column = "";
$twjs="API_CNRS/"; // submod path of TinaWebJS
$table = "ISIAUTHOR";
$column = "data";
$id = "id";
$factor=10;// factor for normalisation of stars
$table = $_GET["index"];//"ISItermsfirstindexing";
$column = "data";
$id = "id";
if (count($elems)==1){// un seul mot est sélectionné, on compte les mots multiples
$sql = 'SELECT count(*),'.$id.'
FROM '.$table.' where (';
foreach($elems as $elem){
$sql.=' '.$column.'="'.$elem.'" OR ';
$sql = substr($sql, 0, -3);
$sql = str_replace( ' & ', '" OR '.$column.'="', $sql );
GROUP BY '.$id.'
ORDER BY count('.$id.') DESC
LIMIT 1000';
}else{// on compte une seule fois un mot dans un article
$factor=ceil(count($elems)/5); //les scores sont moins haut
foreach($elems as $elem){
$sql.=' '.$column.'="'.$elem.'" OR ';
$sql=substr($sql, 0, -3);
$sql='SELECT count(*),id,data FROM (SELECT *
FROM '.$table.' where ('.$sql.')'.$restriction.'
group by id,data) GROUP BY '.$id.'
ORDER BY count('.$id.') DESC
LIMIT 1000';
$wos_ids = array();
// echo "<br>";
// echo "$sql";
//The final query!
// array of all relevant documents with score
foreach ($base->query($sql) as $row) {
// on pondère le score par le nombre de termes mentionnés par l'article
//$num_rows = $result->numRows();
$wos_ids[$row[$id]] = $row["count(*)"];
$sum = $row["count(*)"] +$sum;
// /// nombre de document associés $related
$all_terms_from_selected_projects=array();// list of terms for the top 6 project selected
// to filter under some conditions
foreach ($wos_ids as $id => $score) {
if ($total_count<$count_max) {
// retrieve publication year
if ($to_display){
if ($count<=$max_item_displayed){
$sql = 'SELECT data FROM ISITITLE WHERE id='.$id.' group by data';
foreach ($base->query($sql) as $row) {
$external_link="<a href=".urlencode('"'.$row['data'].'"')." target=blank>".' <img width=15px src="'.$twjs.'img/google.png"></a>';
$output.="<li title='".$score."'>";
$output.=$external_link.imagestar($score,$factor,$twjs).' ';
$output.='<a href="JavaScript:newPopup(\''.$twjs.'default_doc_details.php?gexf='.urlencode($gexf).'&index='.$table.'&query='.urlencode($query).'&type='.urlencode($_GET["type"]).'&id='.$id.' \')">'.$row['data']." </a> ";
// echo '<a href="JavaScript:newPopup(\''.$twjs.'default_doc_details.php?gexf='.urlencode($gexf).'&index='.$table.'&query='.urlencode($query).'&type='.urlencode($_GET["type"]).'&id='.$id.' \')">'.$row['data']." </a> ";
// get the authors
$sql = 'SELECT data FROM ISIAUTHOR WHERE id='.$id;
foreach ($base->query($sql) as $row) {
$output.=($row['data']).', ';
$output = rtrim($output, ", ");
} else{
if ($total_count<$count_max){
$related .= $total_count;
$related .= ">".$count_max;
$output .= "</ul>"; #####
// // if (($project_folder=='nci')&&(count($elems)<$max_selection_size)){
// // // for NCI we compare the impact and novelty score making the difference if there are more than 4 terms selected
// // $news='';//new terms
// // $terms_from_selected_projects=array_unique($all_terms_from_selected_projects);
// // if(count($terms_from_selected_projects)>3){
// // $diff=array();
// // foreach ($terms_from_selected_projects as $key => $term) {
// // $sql= "select count(*),, from ISIterms join ISIpubdate on ( AND AND'".$term."') group by";
// // $nov=0;
// // foreach ($corporadb->query($sql) as $row) {
// // $nov=$row['count(*)'];
// // }
// // $sql= "select count(*),, from ISIterms join ISIpubdate on ( AND AND'".$term."') group by";
// // $imp=0;
// // foreach ($corporadb->query($sql) as $row) {
// // $imp=$row['count(*)'];
// // }
// // $diff[$term]=info($nov,$imp); //positive si c'est un term novelty, negatif si c'est un terme impact.
// // //echo $term.'-nov: '.$nov.'- imp:'.$imp.'<br/>';//'-info'.$diff[$term].
// // }
// // if (true){
// // arsort($diff);
// // $res=array_keys($diff);
// // //echo implode(', ', $res);
// // $nov_string='';
// // for ($i=0;$i<$top_displayed;$i++){
// // // on récupère les titres du document qui a le plus for impact
// // $sql="SELECT,,count(*) from ISIterms,ISIpubdate,ISIC1_1 where'".$res[$i]."' AND AND AND'2011' group by ORDER BY RANDOM() limit 1";
// // //on récupère les id associés.
// // foreach ($corporadb->query($sql) as $row){
// // $sql2='SELECT, from ISIpubdate,ISIC1_1 where"'.$row['data'].'" AND AND"2013" limit 1';
// // //echo $sql2;
// // foreach ($corporadb->query($sql2) as $row2){
// // $nov_string.='<a href="JavaScript:newPopup(\''.$twjs.'php/default_doc_details.php?db='.urlencode($graphdb).'&gexf='.urlencode($gexf).'&query='.urlencode('["'.$res[$i].'"]').'&type='.urlencode($_GET["type"]).'&id='.$row2['id'].' \')">'.$res[$i]."</a>, ";
// // }
// // }
// // }
// // $news.='<br/><b><font color="#FF0066">Top '.$top_displayed.' Novelty related terms </font></b>'.$nov_string.'<br/>';
// // asort($diff);
// // $res=array_keys($diff);
// // $res_string='';
// // for ($i=0;$i<$top_displayed;$i++){
// // // on récupère les titres du document qui a le plus for impact
// // $sql="SELECT,,count(*) from ISIterms,ISIpubdate,ISIC1_1 where'".$res[$i]."' AND AND AND'2012' group by ORDER BY RANDOM()limit 1";
// // //on récupère les id associés.
// // foreach ($corporadb->query($sql) as $row){
// // $sql2='SELECT, from ISIpubdate,ISIC1_1 where"'.$row['data'].'" AND AND"2013" limit 1';
// // //echo $sql2;
// // foreach ($corporadb->query($sql2) as $row2){
// // $res_string.='<a href="JavaScript:newPopup(\''.$twjs.'php/default_doc_details.php?db='.urlencode($graphdb).'&gexf='.urlencode($gexf).'&query='.urlencode('["'.$res[$i].'"]').'&type='.urlencode($_GET["type"]).'&id='.$row2['id'].' \')">'.$res[$i]."</a>, ";
// // }
// // }
// // }
// // $news.='<br/><b><font color="#CF5300">Top '.$top_displayed.' Impact related terms: </font></b>'.$res_string.'<br/>';
// // }
// // }
// // }
// // display the most occuring terms when only one is selected.
// //elseif (count($elems)==1) {// on affiche les voisins
// // $terms_array=array();
// // $id_sql='SELECT FROM ISIterms where"'.$elems[0].'" group by id';
// // foreach ($base->query($id_sql) as $row_id) {
// // $sql2='SELECT FROM ISIterms where'.$row_id['id'];
// // foreach ($base->query($sql2) as $row_terms) {
// // if ($terms_array[$row_terms['data']]>0){
// // $terms_array[$row_terms['data']]=$terms_array[$row_terms['data']]+1;
// // }else{
// // $terms_array[$row_terms['data']]=1;
// // }
// // }
// // }
// // natsort($terms_array);
// // $terms_list=array_keys(array_slice($terms_array,-11,-1));
// // foreach ($terms_list as $first_term) {
// // $related_terms.=$first_term.', ';
// // }
// // $news.='<br/><b><font color="#CF5300">Related terms: </font></b>'.$related_terms.'<br/>';
// //}
// calculate binomial coefficient
function binomial_coeff($n, $k) {
$j = $res = 1;
if($k < 0 || $k > $n)
return 0;
if(($n - $k) < $k)
$k = $n - $k;
while($j <= $k) {
$res *= $n--;
$res /= $j++;
return $res;
function imagestar($score,$factor,$twjs) {
// produit le html des images de score
$star_image = '';
if ($score > .5) {
$star_image = '';
for ($s = 0; $s < min(5,$score/$factor); $s++) {
$star_image.='<img src="'.$twjs.'img/star.gif" border="0" >';
} else {
$star_image.='<img src="'.$twjs.'img/stargrey.gif" border="0">';
return $star_image;
if($max_item_displayed>$related) $max_item_displayed=$related;
echo $news.'<br/><h4><font color="#0000FF"> Full text of top '.$max_item_displayed.'/'.$related.' related publications:</font></h4>'.$output;
//pt - 301 ; 15.30
$db = $gexf_db[$gexf];
$base = new PDO("sqlite:../" .$db);
$query = str_replace( '__and__', '&', $_GET["query"] );
$terms_of_query = json_decode($query);
// echo "mainpath: ".$mainpath."<br>";
// echo "thedb: ".$db."<br>";
// echo "thequery: ".var_dump($terms_of_query);
echo '
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Document details</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="js/jquery-ui.css" />
<script src="js/jquery-1.9.1.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery-ui.js"></script>
$(function() {
$( "#tabs" ).tabs({
collapsible: true
<div id="tabs">
<li><a href="#tabs-1">Selected Document</a></li>
<li><a href="full_doc_list.php?'.'gexf='.urlencode($gexf).'&query='.urlencode($_GET["query"]).'&type='.urlencode($_GET["type"]).'">Full list</a></li>';
echo '</ul>';
echo '<div id="tabs-1">';
// //$elems = json_decode($query);
// $sql = 'SELECT data FROM ISIkeyword WHERE id='.$id;
// foreach ($base->query($sql) as $row) {
// $country=$CC[strtoupper($row['data'])];
// }
$sql = 'SELECT data FROM ISITITLE WHERE id='.$id.' group by data';
foreach ($base->query($sql) as $row) {
$find.="<br/><a href=".urlencode('"'.$row['data'].'"')." target='blank'>[ Search on the web ] </a>";
// get the authors
$sql = 'SELECT data FROM ISIAUTHOR WHERE id='.$id;
foreach ($base->query($sql) as $row) {
$output.='<i>'.($row['data']).'</i>, ';
$output = rtrim($output, ", ");
// // // get the company
// // $sql = 'SELECT data FROM ISIC1_1 WHERE id='.$id;
// // foreach ($base->query($sql) as $row) {
// //$output.=' - '.substr($row['data'],3,strlen( $row['data'])).' ';
// //}
// get the date
$sql = 'SELECT data FROM ISIpubdate WHERE id='.$id;
foreach ($base->query($sql) as $row) {
$output.=' ('.$row['data'].') ';
// // get the country
// $sql = 'SELECT data FROM ISIkeyword WHERE id='.$id;
// foreach ($base->query($sql) as $row) {
// $country=$CC[strtoupper($row['data'])];
// $output.=strtoupper($country).'<br/> ';
// }
// // get the date
if(strpos($_GET["index"],'terms') ) $sql = 'SELECT data FROM '.$_GET["index"].' WHERE id='.$id;
else $sql = 'SELECT data FROM ISItermsListV1 WHERE id='.$id;
$output.='<br/><b>Keywords: </b>';
foreach ($base->query($sql) as $row) {
$terms=array_unique($terms); // liste des termes de l'article
foreach ($terms as $key => $value) {
$keywords.=$value.', ';
foreach ($terms_of_query as $key => $value) {
$keywords=str_replace($value,'<font color="green"><b> '.$value.'</b></font>',$keywords);
foreach (array_diff($terms,$terms_of_query) as $key => $value) {
$keywords=str_ireplace($value,'<font color="#800000"> '.$value.'</font>',$keywords);
$output.='<p align="justify">'.$keywords.'</p>';
// // get the website
$sql = 'SELECT data FROM ISISO WHERE id='.$id;
foreach ($base->query($sql) as $row) {
$output.='<b>Journal: </b>'.$row['data'].'<br/> ';
$sql = 'SELECT data FROM ISIABSTRACT WHERE id='.$id;
// echo $output."<br>";
foreach ($base->query($sql) as $row) {
$abs.=". ".$row['data'];
$abs=str_replace('ISSUES:' ,'<br/><br/><b>Issues:</b>',$abs);
$abs=str_replace('INTENDED IMPACT:' ,'<br/><br/><b>Intended impact:</b>',$abs);
$abs=str_replace('IMPACT:' ,'<br/><br/><b>Impact:</b>',$abs);
$abs=str_replace('NOVELTY:' ,'<br/><br/><b>Novelty:</b>',$abs);
$abs=str_replace('BOLD INNOVATION:' ,'<br/><br/><b>Bold innovation:</b>',$abs);
$abs=str_replace('SOCIAL PROBLEM:' ,'<br/><br/><b>Social problem:</b>',$abs);
// solving encoding pb
$abs=str_replace('―', ' ', $abs);
$abs=str_replace('‟‟', ' ', $abs);
$abs=str_replace('„‟', ' ', $abs);
$abs=str_replace('_x000D_', ' ', $abs);
$abs=str_replace('•', ' ', $abs);
$abs=str_replace('’', '\'', $abs);
foreach ($terms_of_query as $key => $value) {
$abs=str_ireplace($value,'<font color="green"><b> '.$value.'</b></font>',$abs);
foreach (array_diff($terms,$terms_of_query) as $key => $value) {
$abs=str_ireplace($value,'<font color="#800000"> '.$value.'</font>',$abs);
$output.='<br/><p align="justify"><b>Abstract : </b><i>'.$abs.' </i></p>';
echo $output.$find;
echo '</div>';
//echo '<div id="tabs-2">
// <p><strong>Click this tab again to close the content pane.</strong></p>
// <p>Morbi tincidunt, dui sit amet facilisis feugiat, odio metus gravida ante, ut pharetra massa metus id nunc. Duis scelerisque molestie turpis. Sed fringilla, massa eget luctus malesuada, metus eros molestie lectus, ut tempus eros massa ut dolor. Aenean aliquet fringilla sem. Suspendisse sed ligula in ligula suscipit aliquam. Praesent in eros vestibulum mi adipiscing adipiscing. Morbi facilisis. Curabitur ornare consequat nunc. Aenean vel metus. Ut posuere viverra nulla. Aliquam erat volutpat. Pellentesque convallis. Maecenas feugiat, tellus pellentesque pretium posuere, felis lorem euismod felis, eu ornare leo nisi vel felis. Mauris consectetur tortor et purus.</p>
// </div>';
echo '</div>';
function pt($string){
// juste pour afficher avec retour à la ligne
echo $string."<br/>";
function pta($array){
echo '<br/>';
$db = $gexf_db[$gexf];
$base = new PDO("sqlite:../" ."data/terrorism/data.db");
$query = str_replace( '__and__', '&', $_GET["query"] );
$terms_of_query = json_decode($query);
// echo "mainpath: ".$mainpath."<br>";
// echo "thedb: ".$db."<br>";
// echo "thequery: ".var_dump($terms_of_query);
echo '
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Document details</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="js/jquery-ui.css" />
<script src="js/jquery-1.9.1.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery-ui.js"></script>
$(function() {
$( "#tabs" ).tabs({
collapsible: true
<div id="tabs">
<li><a href="#tabs-1">Selected Document</a></li>
<li><a href="full_doc_list2.php?'.'gexf='.urlencode($gexf).'&query='.urlencode($_GET["query"]).'&type='.urlencode($_GET["type"]).'">Full list</a></li>';
echo '</ul>';
echo '<div id="tabs-1">';
// //$elems = json_decode($query);
// $sql = 'SELECT data FROM ISIkeyword WHERE id='.$id;
// foreach ($base->query($sql) as $row) {
// $country=$CC[strtoupper($row['data'])];
// }
$sql = 'SELECT data FROM ID WHERE id='.$id.' group by data';
foreach ($base->query($sql) as $row) {
$output.='<h2>Project Identification: '.$row['data'].'</h2>';
$sql = 'SELECT data FROM TI WHERE id='.$id.' group by data';
foreach ($base->query($sql) as $row) {
$find.="<br/><a href=".urlencode('"'.$row['data'].'"')." target='blank'>[ Search on the web ] </a>";
// get the authors
$sql = 'SELECT data FROM PI WHERE id='.$id;
foreach ($base->query($sql) as $row) {
$output.='<i>'.($row['data']).'</i>, ';
$output = rtrim($output, ", ");
// // // get the company
// // $sql = 'SELECT data FROM ISIC1_1 WHERE id='.$id;
// // foreach ($base->query($sql) as $row) {
// //$output.=' - '.substr($row['data'],3,strlen( $row['data'])).' ';
// //}
$output.=' (2014) ';
// // get the country
// $sql = 'SELECT data FROM ISIkeyword WHERE id='.$id;
// foreach ($base->query($sql) as $row) {
// $country=$CC[strtoupper($row['data'])];
// $output.=strtoupper($country).'<br/> ';
// }
// // get the date
// $sql = 'SELECT data FROM '."ISItermsBigWL".' WHERE id='.$id;
$sql = 'SELECT data FROM ISItermsfirstindexing WHERE id='.$id;
$output.='<br/><b>Keywords: </b>';
foreach ($base->query($sql) as $row) {
$terms=array_unique($terms); // liste des termes de l'article
foreach ($terms as $key => $value) {
$keywords.=$value.', ';
foreach ($terms_of_query as $key => $value) {
$keywords=str_replace($value,'<font color="green"><b> '.$value.'</b></font>',$keywords);
foreach (array_diff($terms,$terms_of_query) as $key => $value) {
$keywords=str_ireplace($value,'<font color="#800000"> '.$value.'</font>',$keywords);
$output.='<p align="justify">'.$keywords.'</p>';
// // get the website
$sql = 'SELECT data FROM AG1 WHERE id='.$id;
foreach ($base->query($sql) as $row) {
$output.='<b>Agency: </b>'.$row['data'].'<br/> ';
$sql = 'SELECT data FROM ABS WHERE id='.$id;
// echo $output."<br>";
foreach ($base->query($sql) as $row) {
$abs.=". ".$row['data'];
$abs=str_replace('ISSUES:' ,'<br/><br/><b>Issues:</b>',$abs);
$abs=str_replace('INTENDED IMPACT:' ,'<br/><br/><b>Intended impact:</b>',$abs);
$abs=str_replace('IMPACT:' ,'<br/><br/><b>Impact:</b>',$abs);
$abs=str_replace('NOVELTY:' ,'<br/><br/><b>Novelty:</b>',$abs);
$abs=str_replace('BOLD INNOVATION:' ,'<br/><br/><b>Bold innovation:</b>',$abs);
$abs=str_replace('SOCIAL PROBLEM:' ,'<br/><br/><b>Social problem:</b>',$abs);
// solving encoding pb
$abs=str_replace('―', ' ', $abs);
$abs=str_replace('‟‟', ' ', $abs);
$abs=str_replace('„‟', ' ', $abs);
$abs=str_replace('_x000D_', ' ', $abs);
$abs=str_replace('•', ' ', $abs);
$abs=str_replace('’', '\'', $abs);
foreach ($terms_of_query as $key => $value) {
$abs=str_ireplace($value,'<font color="green"><b> '.$value.'</b></font>',$abs);
foreach (array_diff($terms,$terms_of_query) as $key => $value) {
$abs=str_ireplace($value,'<font color="#800000"> '.$value.'</font>',$abs);
$output.='<br/><p align="justify"><b>Abstract : </b><i>'.$abs.' </i></p>';
echo $output.$find;
echo '</div>';
//echo '<div id="tabs-2">
// <p><strong>Click this tab again to close the content pane.</strong></p>
// <p>Morbi tincidunt, dui sit amet facilisis feugiat, odio metus gravida ante, ut pharetra massa metus id nunc. Duis scelerisque molestie turpis. Sed fringilla, massa eget luctus malesuada, metus eros molestie lectus, ut tempus eros massa ut dolor. Aenean aliquet fringilla sem. Suspendisse sed ligula in ligula suscipit aliquam. Praesent in eros vestibulum mi adipiscing adipiscing. Morbi facilisis. Curabitur ornare consequat nunc. Aenean vel metus. Ut posuere viverra nulla. Aliquam erat volutpat. Pellentesque convallis. Maecenas feugiat, tellus pellentesque pretium posuere, felis lorem euismod felis, eu ornare leo nisi vel felis. Mauris consectetur tortor et purus.</p>
// </div>';
echo '</div>';
function pt($string){
// juste pour afficher avec retour à la ligne
echo $string."<br/>";
function pta($array){
echo '<br/>';
$db= $_GET["db"];//I receive the specific database as string!
$base = new PDO("sqlite:" .$mainpath.$db);
$output = "<ul>"; // string sent to the javascript for display
$type = $_GET["type"];
$sql='SELECT id from favorites';
$wos_ids=array(); // favorite list
foreach ($base->query($sql) as $row){
$wos_ids[$row['id']] = 1;
foreach ($wos_ids as $id => $score) {
if ($count<1000){
// retrieve publication year
$sql = 'SELECT data FROM ISIpubdate WHERE id='.$id;
foreach ($base->query($sql) as $row) {
$output.="<li >";
$sql = 'SELECT data FROM ISItermsListV1 WHERE id='.$id;
foreach ($base->query($sql) as $row) {
if (array_key_exists($row['data'], $favorite_keywords)){
$sql = 'SELECT data FROM ISITITLE WHERE id='.$id;
foreach ($base->query($sql) as $row) {
$output.='<a href="default_doc_details.php?db='.urlencode($db).'&type='.urlencode($_GET["type"]).'&query='.urlencode($query).'&id='.$id.'">'.$row['data']." </a> ";
//this should be the command:
//$output.='<a href="JavaScript:newPopup(\''.$twjs.'php/default_doc_details.php?db='.urlencode($datadb).'&id='.$id.' \')">'.$row['data']." </a> ";
//the old one:
//$output.='<a href="JavaScript:newPopup(\''.$twjs.'php/default_doc_details.php?id='.$id.' \')">'.$row['data']." </a> ";
$external_link="<a href=".urlencode('"'.$row['data'].'"')." target=blank>".' <img width=20px src="img/gs.png"></a>';
//$output.='<a href="JavaScript:newPopup(''php/doc_details.php?id='.$id.''')"> Link</a>';
// get the authors
$sql = 'SELECT data FROM ISIAUTHOR WHERE id='.$id;
foreach ($base->query($sql) as $row) {
$output.=strtoupper($row['data']).', ';
$output.='('.$pubdate.') ';
}else {
$output.='(2013) ';
// get the country
$sql = 'SELECT data FROM ISIkeyword WHERE id='.$id;
foreach ($base->query($sql) as $row) {
$output.=strtoupper($country).' ';
//<a href="JavaScript:newPopup('');">Open a popup window</a>'
foreach ($favorite_keywords as $key => $value) {
if ($tag_coud_size<$max_tag_could_size){
$tag_could.='<font size="'.(3+log($value)).'">'.$key.', </font>';
} # code...
$output= '<h3>'.$num_favorite.' favorite items </h3>'.$tag_could.'<br/>'.$output;
echo $output;
function imagestar($score,$factor,$twjs) {
// produit le html des images de score
$star_image = '';
if ($score > .5) {
$star_image = '';
for ($s = 0; $s < min(5,$score/$factor); $s++) {
$star_image.='<img src="img/star.gif" border="0" >';
} else {
$star_image.='<img src="img/stargrey.gif" border="0">';
return $star_image;
$db = $gexf_db[$gexf];
$base = new PDO("sqlite:../" .$db);
$output = "<ul>"; // string sent to the javascript for display
$type = $_GET["type"];
$query = str_replace( '__and__', '&', $_GET["query"] );
$elems = json_decode($query);
// nombre d'item dans les tables
foreach ($base->query($sql) as $row) {
$table = "";
$column = "";
$twjs="API_CNRS/"; // submod path of TinaWebJS
$table = "ISIAUTHOR";
$column = "data";
$id = "id";
$factor=10;// factor for normalisation of stars
$table = "ISItermsListV1";
$column = "data";
$id = "id";
$sql = 'SELECT count(*),'.$id.'
FROM '.$table.' where (';
foreach($elems as $elem){
$sql.=' '.$column.'="'.$elem.'" OR ';
$sql = substr($sql, 0, -3);
$sql = str_replace( ' & ', '" OR '.$column.'="', $sql );
GROUP BY '.$id.'
ORDER BY count('.$id.') DESC
LIMIT 1000';
$wos_ids = array();
//The final query!
// array of all relevant documents with score
foreach ($base->query($sql) as $row) {
// on pondère le score par le nombre de termes mentionnés par l'article
//$num_rows = $result->numRows();
$wos_ids[$row[$id]] = $row["count(*)"];
$sum = $row["count(*)"] +$sum;
foreach ($wos_ids as $id => $score) {
if ($count<1000){
// retrieve publication year
$sql = 'SELECT data FROM ISIpubdate WHERE id='.$id;
foreach ($base->query($sql) as $row) {
// to filter under some conditions
if ($to_display){
$output.="<li title='".$score."'>";
$output.=imagestar($score,$factor,$twjs).' ';
$sql = 'SELECT data FROM ISITITLE WHERE id='.$id." group by data";
foreach ($base->query($sql) as $row) {
$output.='<a href="default_doc_details.php?gexf='.urlencode($gexf).'&type='.urlencode($_GET["type"]).'&query='.urlencode($query).'&id='.$id.'">'.$row['data']." </a> ";
//this should be the command:
//$output.='<a href="JavaScript:newPopup(\''.$twjs.'php/default_doc_details.php?db='.urlencode($datadb).'&id='.$id.' \')">'.$row['data']." </a> ";
//the old one:
//$output.='<a href="JavaScript:newPopup(\''.$twjs.'php/default_doc_details.php?id='.$id.' \')">'.$row['data']." </a> ";
$external_link="<a href=".urlencode('"'.$row['data'].'"')." target=blank>".' <img width=20px src="img/gs.png"></a>';
//$output.='<a href="JavaScript:newPopup(''php/doc_details.php?id='.$id.''')"> Link</a>';
// get the authors
$sql = 'SELECT data FROM ISIAUTHOR WHERE id='.$id;
foreach ($base->query($sql) as $row) {
$output.=strtoupper($row['data']).', ';
//<a href="JavaScript:newPopup('');">Open a popup window</a>'
$output= '<h3>'.$count.' items related to: '.implode(' OR ', $elems).'</h3>'.$output;
echo $output;
function imagestar($score,$factor,$twjs) {
// produit le html des images de score
$star_image = '';
if ($score > .5) {
$star_image = '';
for ($s = 0; $s < min(5,$score/$factor); $s++) {
$star_image.='<img src="img/star.gif" border="0" >';
} else {
$star_image.='<img src="img/stargrey.gif" border="0">';
return $star_image;
$db = $gexf_db[$gexf];
$base = new PDO("sqlite:../" ."data/terrorism/data.db");
echo "sqlite:../" ."data/terrorism/data.db";
$output = "<ul>"; // string sent to the javascript for display
$type = $_GET["type"];
$query = str_replace( '__and__', '&', $_GET["query"] );
$elems = json_decode($query);
// nombre d'item dans les tables
foreach ($base->query($sql) as $row) {
$table = "";
$column = "";
$twjs="pasteurapi/"; // submod path of TinaWebJS
$table = "ISIAUTHOR";
$column = "data";
$id = "id";
$factor=10;// factor for normalisation of stars
$table = "ISItermsListV1";
$column = "data";
$id = "id";
$sql = 'SELECT count(*),'.$id.'
FROM '.$table.' where (';
foreach($elems as $elem){
$sql.=' '.$column.'="'.$elem.'" OR ';
$sql = substr($sql, 0, -3);
$sql = str_replace( ' & ', '" OR '.$column.'="', $sql );
GROUP BY '.$id.'
ORDER BY count('.$id.') DESC
LIMIT 1000';
$wos_ids = array();
//The final query!
// array of all relevant documents with score
foreach ($base->query($sql) as $row) {
// on pondère le score par le nombre de termes mentionnés par l'article
//$num_rows = $result->numRows();
$wos_ids[$row[$id]] = $row["count(*)"];
$sum = $row["count(*)"] +$sum;
foreach ($wos_ids as $id => $score) {
if ($count<1000){
// retrieve publication year
$sql = 'SELECT data FROM ISIpubdate WHERE id='.$id;
foreach ($base->query($sql) as $row) {
// to filter under some conditions
if ($to_display){
$output.="<li title='".$score."'>";
$output.=imagestar($score,$factor,$twjs).' ';
$sql = 'SELECT data FROM ISITITLE WHERE id='.$id." group by data";
foreach ($base->query($sql) as $row) {
$output.='<a href="default_doc_details2.php?gexf='.urlencode($gexf).'&type='.urlencode($_GET["type"]).'&query='.urlencode($query).'&id='.$id.'">'.$row['data']." </a> ";
//this should be the command:
//$output.='<a href="JavaScript:newPopup(\''.$twjs.'php/default_doc_details.php?db='.urlencode($datadb).'&id='.$id.' \')">'.$row['data']." </a> ";
//the old one:
//$output.='<a href="JavaScript:newPopup(\''.$twjs.'php/default_doc_details.php?id='.$id.' \')">'.$row['data']." </a> ";
$external_link="<a href=".urlencode('"'.$row['data'].'"')." target=blank>".' <img width=20px src="img/gs.png"></a>';
//$output.='<a href="JavaScript:newPopup(''php/doc_details.php?id='.$id.''')"> Link</a>';
// get the authors
$sql = 'SELECT data FROM ISIAUTHOR WHERE id='.$id;
foreach ($base->query($sql) as $row) {
$output.=strtoupper($row['data']).', ';
//<a href="JavaScript:newPopup('');">Open a popup window</a>'
$output= '<h3>'.$count.' items related to: '.implode(' OR ', $elems).'</h3>'.$output;
echo $output;
function imagestar($score,$factor,$twjs) {
// produit le html des images de score
$star_image = '';
if ($score > .5) {
$star_image = '';
for ($s = 0; $s < min(5,$score/$factor); $s++) {
$star_image.='<img src="img/star.gif" border="0" >';
} else {
$star_image.='<img src="img/stargrey.gif" border="0">';
return $star_image;
$db= $_GET["db"];//I receive the specific database as string!
$base = new PDO("sqlite:" .$mainpath.$db);
$corporadb = new PDO("sqlite:" .$mainpath.'data/'.$corpora.'/'.$corpora.'.sqlite'); //data base with complementary data
$output = "<ul>"; // string sent to the javascript for display
$type = $_GET["type"];
$query = str_replace( '__and__', '&', $_GET["query"] );
$elems = json_decode($query);
// nombre d'item dans les tables
foreach ($base->query($sql) as $row) {
///// Specific to rock //////////
// Other restrictions
// extracting the project folder and the year
if (strpos($gexf,'2013')>0){
}elseif (strpos($gexf,'2012')>0){
// identification d'une année pour echoing
$table = "";
$column = "";
$twjs="tinawebJS/"; // submod path of TinaWebJS
$table = "ISIAUTHOR";
$column = "data";
$id = "id";
$factor=10;// factor for normalisation of stars
$table = "ISItermsListV1";
$column = "data";
$id = "id";
// identification d'une année pour echoing
$restriction.=" AND ISIpubdate='2013'";
$sql = 'SELECT sum(tfidf),id
FROM tfidf where (';
foreach($elems as $elem){
$sql.=' term="'.$elem.'" OR ';
$sql = substr($sql, 0, -3);
$sql = str_replace( ' & ', '" OR term="', $sql );
'GROUP BY '.$id.'
ORDER BY sum(tfidf) DESC
LIMIT 1000';
//echo $sql;
$wos_ids = array();
//echo $sql;//The final query!
// array of all relevant documents with score
foreach ($corporadb ->query($sql) as $row) {
//if ($count<4*$max_item_displayed){
$wos_ids[$row[$id]] = $row['sum(tfidf)'];//$row["count(*)"];
$sum = $row["count(*)"] +$sum;
// continue;
foreach ($wos_ids as $id => $score) {
if ($count<1000){
// retrieve publication year
$sql = 'SELECT data FROM ISIpubdate WHERE id='.$id;
foreach ($base->query($sql) as $row) {
// to filter under some conditions
if ($project_folder=='echoing'){
if ($year_filter){
if ($pubdate!=$year){
if ($year_filter){
if ($pubdate!='2013'){
if ($to_display){
$output.="<li title='".$score."'>";
$output.=imagestar($score,$factor,$twjs).' ';
$sql = 'SELECT data FROM ISITITLE WHERE id='.$id;
foreach ($base->query($sql) as $row) {
$output.='<a href="default_doc_details.php?db='.urlencode($db).'&type='.urlencode($_GET["type"]).'&query='.urlencode($query).'&id='.$id.'">'.$row['data']." </a> ";
//this should be the command:
//$output.='<a href="JavaScript:newPopup(\''.$twjs.'php/default_doc_details.php?db='.urlencode($datadb).'&id='.$id.' \')">'.$row['data']." </a> ";
//the old one:
//$output.='<a href="JavaScript:newPopup(\''.$twjs.'php/default_doc_details.php?id='.$id.' \')">'.$row['data']." </a> ";
$external_link="<a href=".urlencode('"'.$row['data'].'"')." target=blank>".' <img width=20px src="img/gs.png"></a>';
//$output.='<a href="JavaScript:newPopup(''php/doc_details.php?id='.$id.''')"> Link</a>';
// get the authors
$sql = 'SELECT data FROM ISIAUTHOR WHERE id='.$id;
foreach ($base->query($sql) as $row) {
$output.=strtoupper($row['data']).', ';
$output.='('.$pubdate.') ';
}else {
$output.='(2013) ';
//<a href="JavaScript:newPopup('');">Open a popup window</a>'
$output= '<h3>'.$count.' items related to: '.implode(' OR ', $elems).'</h3>'.$output;
echo $output;
function imagestar($score,$factor,$twjs) {
// produit le html des images de score
$star_image = '';
if ($score > .5) {
$star_image = '';
for ($s = 0; $s < min(5,$score/$factor); $s++) {
$star_image.='<img src="img/star.gif" border="0" >';
} else {
$star_image.='<img src="img/stargrey.gif" border="0">';
return $star_image;
// manage the dynamical additional information in the left panel.
// ini_set('display_errors',1);
// ini_set('display_startup_errors',1);
// error_reporting(-1);
$base = new PDO("sqlite:../" .$graphdb);
* This function gets the first db name in the data folder
* IT'S NOT SCALABLE! (If you want to use several db's)
function getDB ($directory) {
//$results = array();
$result = "";
$handler = opendir($directory);
while ($file = readdir($handler)) {
if ($file != "." && $file != ".."
((strpos($file,'.db~'))==false && (strpos($file,'.db'))==true )
((strpos($file,'.sqlite~'))==false && (strpos($file,'.sqlite'))==true)
) {
//$results[] = $file;
$result = $file;
//return $results;
return $result;
// manage the dynamical additional information in the left panel.
// include('parameters_details.php');
$gexf= str_replace('"','',$_GET["gexf"]);
$type = $_GET["type"];
$query = str_replace( '__and__', '&', $_GET["query"] );
$elems = json_decode($query);
$table = "";
$column = "";
$twjs="API_CNRS/"; // submod path of TinaWebJS
$table = "ISItermsListV1";
$column = "data";
$id = "id";
if (count($elems)==1){// un seul mot est sélectionné, on compte les mots multiples
$sql = 'SELECT count(*),'.$id.'
FROM '.$table.' where (';
foreach($elems as $elem){
$sql.=' '.$column.'="'.$elem.'" OR ';
$sql = substr($sql, 0, -3);
$sql = str_replace( ' & ', '" OR '.$column.'="', $sql );
GROUP BY '.$id.'
ORDER BY count('.$id.') DESC
LIMIT 1000';
}else{// on compte une seule fois un mot dans un article
$factor=ceil(count($elems)/5); //les scores sont moins haut
foreach($elems as $elem){
$sql.=' '.$column.'="'.$elem.'" OR ';
$sql=substr($sql, 0, -3);
$sql='SELECT count(*),id,data FROM (SELECT *
FROM '.$table.' where ('.$sql.')'.$restriction.'
group by id,data) GROUP BY '.$id.'
ORDER BY count('.$id.') DESC
// echo $sql."<br>";
$base = new PDO("sqlite:../data/terrorism/data.db");
$wos_ids = array();
//The final query!
// array of all relevant documents with score
foreach ($base->query($sql) as $row) {
// on pondère le score par le nombre de termes mentionnés par l'article
//$num_rows = $result->numRows();
$wos_ids[$row[$id]] = $row["count(*)"];
$sum = $row["count(*)"] +$sum;
// /// nombre de document associés $related
$all_terms_from_selected_projects=array();// list of terms for the top 6 project selected
// to filter under some conditions
foreach ($wos_ids as $id => $score) {
if ($total_count<$count_max) {
// retrieve publication year
if ($to_display){
if ($count<=$max_item_displayed){
$sql = 'SELECT data FROM ISITITLE WHERE id='.$id.' group by data';
foreach ($base->query($sql) as $row) {
$external_link="<a href=".urlencode('"'.utf8_decode($row['data']).'"')." target=blank>".' <img width=15px src="'.$twjs.'img/google.png"></a>';
$output.="<li title='".$score."'>";
$output.=$external_link.imagestar($score,$factor,$twjs).' ';
$output.='<a href="JavaScript:newPopup(\''.$twjs.'default_doc_details2.php?gexf='.urlencode($gexf).'&query='.urlencode($query).'&type='.urlencode($_GET["type"]).'&id='.$id.' \')">'.htmlentities($row['data'], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8")." </a> ";
// $output.='<a>'.htmlentities($row['data'], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8")." </a> ";
$sql = 'SELECT data FROM ISIDOI WHERE id='.$id.' group by data';
foreach ($base->query($sql) as $row) {
$output.=$external_link.imagestar($score,$factor,$twjs).' ';
$output.='<a href="JavaScript:newPopup(\''.$twjs.'default_doc_details2.php?gexf='.urlencode($gexf).'&query='.urlencode($query).'&type='.urlencode($_GET["type"]).'&id='.$id.' \')">'.htmlentities($row['data'], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8")." </a> ";
} // get the authors
$sql2 = 'SELECT data FROM ISIAUTHOR WHERE id='.$id. ' group by data';
foreach ($base->query($sql2) as $row2) {
$output.=(str_replace("\r", "", $row2['data'])).', ';
$output = rtrim($output, ", ");
} else{
if ($total_count<$count_max){
$related .= $total_count;
$related .= ">".$count_max;
$output .= "</ul>"; #####
// echo $output."<br>";
if($max_item_displayed>$related) $max_item_displayed=$related;
echo $news.'<br/><h4><font color="#0000FF"> Full text of top '.$max_item_displayed.'/'.$related.' related grant proposals:</font></h4>'.$output;
//pt - 301 ; 15.30
* This function gets the first db name in the data folder
* IT'S NOT SCALABLE! (If you want to use several db's)
function getDB ($directory) {
//$results = array();
$result = "";
$handler = opendir($directory);
while ($file = readdir($handler)) {
if ($file != "." && $file != ".."
((strpos($file,'.db~'))==false && (strpos($file,'.db'))==true )
((strpos($file,'.sqlite~'))==false && (strpos($file,'.sqlite'))==true)
) {
//$results[] = $file;
$result = $file;
//return $results;
return $result;
function imagestar($score,$factor,$twjs) {
// produit le html des images de score
$star_image = '';
if ($score > .5) {
$star_image = '';
for ($s = 0; $s < min(5,$score/$factor); $s++) {
$star_image.='<img src="'.$twjs.'img/star.gif" border="0" >';
} else {
$star_image.='<img src="'.$twjs.'img/stargrey.gif" border="0">';
return $star_image;
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
header ("Content-Type:application/json");
//$string = getcwd();
//$string = str_replace("/php","",$string);
$string=dirname(dirname(getcwd())); // ProjectExplorer folder name: /var/www/ademe
//$files = getDirectoryList($string."/data");
$projectFolderPat = dirname(dirname(getcwd())) . "/";
$instance = new scanTree($projectFolderPat);
foreach($gexfs as $key => $value){
foreach($files as $file){
echo json_encode($filesSorted);
function getDirectoryList ($directory) {
$results = array();
$handler = opendir($directory);
while ($file = readdir($handler)) {
if ($file != "." && $file != ".." &&
(strpos($file,'.gexf~'))==false &&
(strpos($file,'.gexf'))==true) {
$results[] = $file;
return $results;
$gexf_db = array();
$gexf_db["data/medq1/20141208_MED_01_bi.gexf"] = "data/medq1/01_medline-query1.db";
$gexf_db["data/medq2/20141128_MED_02_bi.gexf"] = "data/medq2/02_medline-query2.db";
$gexf_db["data/medq2/20141128_MED_03_bi.gexf"] = "data/medq2/02_medline-query2.db";
$gexf_db["data/medq2/20141208_MED_Author_name-ISItermsjulien_index.gexf"] = "data/medq2/02_medline-query2.db";
$gexf_db["data/20141128_GPs_03_bi.gexf"] = "data/00_grantproposals.db";
$gexf_db["data/20141215_GPs_04.gexf"] = "data/00_grantproposals.db";
# new stuff
$gexf_db["data/terrorism/terrorism_mono.gexf"] = "data/terrorism/data.db";
$gexf_db["data/terrorism/terrorism_bi.gexf"] = "data/terrorism/data.db";
# new stuff2
$gexf_db["data/ClimateChange/hnetwork-2014_2015hhn-wosclimatechange2014_2015top509-ISItermsListV3bis-ISItermsListV3bis-distributionalcooc-99999-oT0.36-20-louTrue.gexf"] = "data/ClimateChange/wosclimatechange-61715-1-wosclimatechange-db(2).db";
$gexf_db["data/ClimateChange/ClimateChangeV1.gexf"] = "data/ClimateChange/wosclimatechange-61715-1-wosclimatechange-db(2).db";
$gexf_db["data/ClimateChange/hnetwork-2014_2015hn-wosclimatechange2014_2015top509-ISItermsListV3bis-ISItermsListV3bis-distributionalcooc-99999-oT0.36-20-louTrue.gexf"] = "data/ClimateChange/wosclimatechange-61715-1-wosclimatechange-db(2).db";
$gexf= str_replace('"','',$_GET["gexf"]);
$graphdb = $gexf_db[$gexf];
echo '<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>';
// compute the tfidf score for each terms for each document for cortext like databases and store them in a specific table
$db = new PDO("sqlite:graph.db");
$project_base = new PDO("sqlite:" .$database_name);
// Table creation
// efface la base existante
$project_base->exec("DROP TABLE IF EXIST tfidf");
pt("creation of tfidf table");
//on crée un table pour les infos de clusters
$project_base->exec("CREATE TABLE tfidf (id NUMERIC,term TEXT,tfidf NUMERIC)");
//generating number of mention of terms in the corpora
pt('processing terms frequency');
$sql='SELECT count(*),data FROM ISItermsListV1 group by data';
foreach ($db->query($sql) as $term) {
pt('processing number of doc');
// nombre d'iterator_apply(iterator, function)em dans les tables
foreach ($db->query($sql) as $row) {
pt($table_size.' documents in database');
// select all the doc
foreach ($db->query($sql) as $doc) {
//select all the terms of that document with their occurrences
$sql2="SELECT count(*),data FROM ISItermsListV1 where id='".$id."' group by data";
// for each term we compute the tfidf
foreach ($db->query($sql2) as $term_data) {
$query='INSERT INTO tfidf (id,term,tfidf) VALUES ('.$id.',"'.$term.'",'.$terms_tfidf.')';
function pt ($string) {
echo $string.'<br/>';
"data/ClimateChange": {
"gexfs": {
"hnetwork-2014_2015hn-wosclimatechange2014_2015top509-ISItermsListV3bis-ISItermsListV3bis-distributionalcooc-99999-oT0.36-20-louTrue.gexf": {
"social": { "table":"ISIAUTHOR" , "textCol":"data","forkeyCol":"id"},
"semantic": { "table":"ISItermsListV3bis" , "textCol":"data","forkeyCol":"id"}
"ClimateChangeV1.gexf": {
"social": { "table":"ISIAUTHOR" , "textCol":"data","forkeyCol":"id"},
"semantic": { "table":"ISItermsListV3bis" , "textCol":"data","forkeyCol":"id"}
},"data/terrorism": {
"gexfs": {
"terrorism_bi.gexf": {
"social": { "table":"ISIAUTHOR" , "textCol":"data","forkeyCol":"id"},
"semantic": { "table":"ISItermsListV1" , "textCol":"data","forkeyCol":"id"}
"semantic": { "table":"ISItermsListV1" , "textCol":"data","forkeyCol":"id"}
"data/medq2/": {
"gexfs": {
"20141208_MED_Author_name-ISItermsjulien_index.gexf": {
"social": { "table":"Author_name" , "textCol":"data","forkeyCol":"id"},
"semantic": { "table":"ISItermsBigWL" , "textCol":"data","forkeyCol":"id"}
// dot -Tpng -o tina_call_graph.png
digraph tina_call_graph {
graph [ordering="out"];
rankdir=LR ;
edge [fontsize=10] ;
label=<<B><U>tinawebJS</U></B><BR/>(initialization callgraph)>;
labelloc="t" ;
// settings
"settings var" -> "settings:SystemStates";
"settings var" -> "settings:sigmaJsDrawingProperties";
"settings var" -> "etc.";
// getUrlParam
"t.globalUtils:getUrlParam" -> "var mainfile (url)" ;
// main 1: get graph
"t.main" -> "var mainfile (url)" ;
"var mainfile (url)" -> "ajax garg" ;
"ajax garg" -> "t.main:MainFunction" ;
// main 2: parse graph
"t.main:MainFunction" -> "t.sigma.parseCustom:ParseCustom" ;
"t.main:MainFunction" -> "t.sigma.parseCustom:scanFile" ;
"t.sigma.parseCustom:scanFile" -> "t.sigma.parseCustom:getJSONCategories" ;
"t.sigma.parseCustom:getJSONCategories" -> "t.sigma.parseCustom:scanJSON" ;
"t.main:MainFunction" -> "t.sigma.parseCustom:makeSystemStates" ;
"t.main:MainFunction" -> "t.sigma.parseCustom:buildInitialState" ;
"t.main:MainFunction" -> "t.sigma.parseCustom:makeDicts" ;
"t.sigma.parseCustom:makeDicts" -> "t.sigma.parseCustom:dictfyJSON" [label="cats={'terms':0}"] ;
// main 3: new TinaWebJS()
"t.main:MainFunction" -> "var twjs_" ;
"var twjs_" -> "t.TinawebJS:TinaWebJS:new" ;
// main 4: adjust canvas routine
"t.main:MainFunction" -> "t.TinawebJS:AdjustSigmaCanvas" ; // twjs_.AdjustSigmaCanvas()
"t.TinawebJS:AdjustSigmaCanvas" -> "t.TinawebJS:sigmaLimits" ;
"t.TinawebJS:sigmaLimits" -> "t.TinawebJS:visibleHeight" ;
"t.TinawebJS:sigmaLimits" -> "new canvas!" ;
// main 5: partialGraph and new SigmaUtils()
"t.main:MainFunction" -> "var partialGraph" ;
"var partialGraph" -> "sigma:init";
"t.main:MainFunction" -> "t.SigmaUtils:SigmaUtils:new" ;
"t.main:MainFunction" -> "t.SigmaUtils:SigmaUtils:FillGraph" ; // [ Poblating the Sigma-Graph ]
"t.SigmaUtils:SigmaUtils:FillGraph" -> "SigmaPublic.addNode" [label="x N"];
"t.SigmaUtils:SigmaUtils:FillGraph" -> "SigmaPublic.addEdge" [label="x N"];
"SigmaPublic.addEdge" -> "t.globalUtils:hex2rga" [label="x M"];
"t.SigmaUtils:SigmaUtils:FillGraph" -> "t.enviroment:updateSearchLabels" [label="N x push labels"];
// main 6: state and settings for partialGraph
// "settings:sigmaJsDrawingProperties" -> "var partialGraph" ;
// "settings:SystemStates" -> "var partialGraph" ;
"var partialGraph" -> "t.main:partialGraph:setState";
// main 7: twjs_.initListeners( categories , partialGraph)
"t.main:MainFunction" -> "t.TinawebJS:initListeners" ;
"t.TinawebJS:initListeners" -> "t.TinawebJS:SelectionEngine:new" [label="initListeners:SelInst"] ;
"t.TinawebJS:initListeners" -> "onclick:#changetype" ;
"t.TinawebJS:initListeners" -> "onclick:#changelevel" ;
"t.TinawebJS:initListeners" -> "onclick:#aUnfold" ;
"t.TinawebJS:initListeners" -> "t.minimap:startMiniMap" [label = "if minimap"] ;
"t.TinawebJS:initListeners" -> "t.methods:pushSWClick" [label = "var swclickActual"] ;
"t.TinawebJS:initListeners" -> "t.methods:cancelSelection" ;
"t.methods:cancelSelection" -> "t.methods:highlightSelectedNodes" [label = "false"] ;
"t.methods:highlightSelectedNodes" -> "t.globalUtils:is_empty" ;
"t.methods:cancelSelection" -> "erase:#names" ;
"t.methods:cancelSelection" -> "erase:#ngrams_actions" ;
"t.methods:cancelSelection" -> "erase:#topPapers" ;
"t.methods:cancelSelection" -> "erase:#opossiteNodes" ;
"t.methods:cancelSelection" -> "erase:#searchinput" ;
"t.methods:cancelSelection" -> "t.methods:LevelButtonDisable" ;
"t.TinawebJS:initListeners" -> "t.sigmaUtils:showMeSomeLabels" ;
"t.sigmaUtils:showMeSomeLabels" -> "t.sigmaUtils:getVisibleNodes" ;
"t.TinawebJS:initListeners" -> "t.TinawebJS:SearchListeners" ;
"t.TinawebJS:SearchListeners" -> "autocomplete:#searchinput" ;
"autocomplete:#searchinput" -> "t.TinawebJS:SelectionEngine:new" [label="SearchListeners:SelInst"] ;
partialGraph.zoomTo(partialGraph._core.width / 2, partialGraph._core.height / 2, 0.2).draw();
// {
// "level": true,
// "type": [
// true
// ],
// "selections": [],
// "opposites": [],
// "categories": [
// "terms"
// ],
// "categoriesDict": {
// "terms": "0"
// },
// "LouvainFait": false
// }
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
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liquid-liquid microextraction"}, {"id": "honeybee colonies"}, {"id": "environmental contaminants"}, {"id": "osmia lignaria"}, {"id": "honey bee colonies"}, {"id": "chromatographic determination"}, {"id": "case study"}, {"id": "adult honey bees"}, {"id": "high levels"}, {"id": "diode-array detection"}, {"id": "semi-field conditions"}, {"id": "gas chromatography"}, {"id": "degradation products"}, {"id": "veterinary drugs"}, {"id": "electron-capture detection"}, {"id": "organochlorine pesticides"}, {"id": "varroa mites"}, {"id": "repellent chemicals"}, {"id": "solid-phase microextraction"}, {"id": "bee products"}, {"id": "foraging behavior"}, {"id": "organophosphorus pesticides"}, {"id": "solid-phase extraction"}, {"id": "solvent extraction"}, {"id": "honey samples"}, {"id": "diamondback moth"}, {"id": "potential impact"}, {"id": "hive ( part"}, {"id": "colony population decline"}, {"id": "honey bee colony"}, {"id": "larval honey bees"}, {"id": "megachile rotundata"}, {"id": "life-history traits"}, {"id": "liquid chromatography"}, {"id": "honey bee"}, {"id": "fluvalinate resistance"}, {"id": "pesticide determination"}, {"id": "chronic exposure"}, {"id": "liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry"}, {"id": "agricultural landscapes"}, {"id": "flight activity"}, {"id": "other insects"}, {"id": "plant protection products"}, {"id": "foraging activity"}, {"id": "gas chromatography-mass spectrometry"}, {"id": "colony collapse disorder"}, {"id": "high performance liquid chromatography"}, {"id": "assess sublethal effects"}, {"id": "crop pollination"}, {"id": "multi-residue method"}, {"id": "pesticide risk assessment"}, {"id": "biotin-binding protein"}, {"id": "hypopharyngeal glands"}, {"id": "sensitive method"}, {"id": "bumble bees"}, {"id": "simultaneous determination"}, {"id": "laboratory tests"}, {"id": "pesticide residues"}, {"id": "agricultural landscape"}, {"id": "neonicotinoid insecticides residues"}, {"id": "pesticide fate"}, {"id": "ecosystem services"}, {"id": "liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry"}, {"id": "bee pollen"}, {"id": "gas chromatographic"}, {"id": "mass spectrometric"}, {"id": "honey bee losses"}, {"id": "crop pollinators"}, {"id": "colony health"}, {"id": "sublethal effects"}], "multigraph": false, "directed": false}
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This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
* @preserve
* Project: Bootstrap Hover Dropdown
* Author: Cameron Spear
* Version: v2.0.10
* Contributors: Mattia Larentis
* Dependencies: Bootstrap's Dropdown plugin, jQuery
* Description: A simple plugin to enable Bootstrap dropdowns to active on hover and provide a nice user experience.
* License: MIT
* Homepage:
!function($,n,e){var o=$();$.fn.dropdownHover=function(e){return"ontouchstart"in document?this:(o=o.add(this.parent()),this.each(function(){function t(e){o.find(":focus").blur(),h.instantlyCloseOthers===!0&&o.removeClass("open"),n.clearTimeout(c),i.addClass("open"),r.trigger(a)}var r=$(this),i=r.parent(),d={delay:500,instantlyCloseOthers:!0},s={delay:$(this).data("delay"),instantlyCloseOthers:$(this).data("close-others")},a="",u="",h=$.extend(!0,{},d,e,s),c;i.hover(function(n){return i.hasClass("open")|| t(n):!0},function(){c=n.setTimeout(function(){i.removeClass("open"),r.trigger(u)},h.delay)}),r.hover(function(n){return i.hasClass("open")|| t(n):!0}),i.find(".dropdown-submenu").each(function(){var e=$(this),o;e.hover(function(){n.clearTimeout(o),e.children(".dropdown-menu").show(),e.siblings().children(".dropdown-menu").hide()},function(){var t=e.children(".dropdown-menu");o=n.setTimeout(function(){t.hide()},h.delay)})})}))},$(document).ready(function(){$('[data-hover="dropdown"]').dropdownHover()})}(jQuery,this);
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/* =========================================================
* bootstrap-modal.js v2.0.2
* =========================================================
* Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* ========================================================= */
!function( $ ){
"use strict"
* ====================== */
var Modal = function ( content, options ) {
this.options = options
this.$element = $(content)
.delegate('[data-dismiss="modal"]', 'click.dismiss.modal', $.proxy(this.hide, this))
Modal.prototype = {
constructor: Modal
, toggle: function () {
return this[!this.isShown ? 'show' : 'hide']()
, show: function () {
var that = this
if (this.isShown) return
this.isShown = true
this.$element.trigger('show'), function () {
var transition = $.support.transition && that.$element.hasClass('fade')
!that.$element.parent().length && that.$element.appendTo(document.body) //don't move modals dom position
if (transition) {
that.$element[0].offsetWidth // force reflow
transition ?
that.$$.support.transition.end, function () { that.$element.trigger('shown') }) :
, hide: function ( e ) {
e && e.preventDefault()
if (!this.isShown) return
var that = this
this.isShown = false
$.support.transition && this.$element.hasClass('fade') ? :
* ===================== */
function hideWithTransition() {
var that = this
, timeout = setTimeout(function () {
}, 500)
this.$$.support.transition.end, function () {
function hideModal( that ) {
function backdrop( callback ) {
var that = this
, animate = this.$element.hasClass('fade') ? 'fade' : ''
if (this.isShown && this.options.backdrop) {
var doAnimate = $.support.transition && animate
this.$backdrop = $('<div class="modal-backdrop ' + animate + '" />')
if (this.options.backdrop != 'static') {
this.$$.proxy(this.hide, this))
if (doAnimate) this.$backdrop[0].offsetWidth // force reflow
doAnimate ?
this.$$.support.transition.end, callback) :
} else if (!this.isShown && this.$backdrop) {
$.support.transition && this.$element.hasClass('fade')?
this.$$.support.transition.end, $.proxy(removeBackdrop, this)) :
} else if (callback) {
function removeBackdrop() {
this.$backdrop = null
function escape() {
var that = this
if (this.isShown && this.options.keyboard) {
$(document).on('keyup.dismiss.modal', function ( e ) {
e.which == 27 && that.hide()
} else if (!this.isShown) {
* ======================= */
$.fn.modal = function ( option ) {
return this.each(function () {
var $this = $(this)
, data = $'modal')
, options = $.extend({}, $.fn.modal.defaults, $, typeof option == 'object' && option)
if (!data) $'modal', (data = new Modal(this, options)))
if (typeof option == 'string') data[option]()
else if (
$.fn.modal.defaults = {
backdrop: true
, keyboard: true
, show: true
$.fn.modal.Constructor = Modal
* ============== */
$(function () {
$('body').on('', '[data-toggle="modal"]', function ( e ) {
var $this = $(this), href
, $target = $($this.attr('data-target') || (href = $this.attr('href')) && href.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, '')) //strip for ie7
, option = $'modal') ? 'toggle' : $.extend({}, $, $
}( window.jQuery );
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/* ===================================================
* bootstrap-transition.js v2.0.2
* ===================================================
* Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* ========================================================== */
!function( $ ) {
$(function () {
"use strict"
* ======================================================= */
$.support.transition = (function () {
var thisBody = document.body || document.documentElement
, thisStyle =
, support = thisStyle.transition !== undefined || thisStyle.WebkitTransition !== undefined || thisStyle.MozTransition !== undefined || thisStyle.MsTransition !== undefined || thisStyle.OTransition !== undefined
return support && {
end: (function () {
var transitionEnd = "TransitionEnd"
// if ( $.browser.webkit ) {
// transitionEnd = "webkitTransitionEnd"
// } else if ( $.browser.mozilla ) {
// transitionEnd = "transitionend"
// } else if ( $.browser.opera ) {
// transitionEnd = "oTransitionEnd"
// }
return transitionEnd
}( window.jQuery );
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jQuery UI Authors (
This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
individuals. For exact contribution history, see the revision history
and logs, available at
Brandon Aaron
Paul Bakaus (
David Bolter
Rich Caloggero
Chi Cheng (
Colin Clark (
Michelle D'Souza
Aaron Eisenberger (
Ariel Flesler
Bohdan Ganicky
Scott González
Marc Grabanski (
Klaus Hartl (
Scott Jehl
Cody Lindley
Eduardo Lundgren (
Todd Parker
John Resig
Patty Toland
Ca-Phun Ung (
Keith Wood (
Maggie Costello Wachs
Richard D. Worth (
Jörn Zaefferer (
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* jQuery doTimeout: Like setTimeout, but better! - v1.0 - 3/3/2010
* Copyright (c) 2010 "Cowboy" Ben Alman
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
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* jQuery EasyTabs plugin 3.2.0
* Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Steve Schwartz (JangoSteve)
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
* Date: Thu May 09 17:30:00 2013 -0500
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This diff is collapsed.
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This diff is collapsed.
* jQuery Notify UI Widget 1.4
* Copyright (c) 2010 Eric Hynds
* Depends:
* - jQuery 1.4
* - jQuery UI 1.8 widget factory
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
(function(d){d.widget("ech.notify",{options:{speed:500,expires:5E3,stack:"below",custom:false},_create:function(){var a=this;this.templates={};this.keys=[];this.element.addClass("ui-notify").children().addClass("ui-notify-message ui-notify-message-style").each(function(b){||b;a.keys.push(b);a.templates[b]=d(this).removeAttr("id").wrap("<div></div>").parent().html()}).end().empty().show()},create:function(a,b,c){if(typeof a==="object"){c=b;b=a;a=null}a=this.templates[a||this.keys[0]];if(c&&c.custom)a=d(a).removeClass("ui-notify-message-style").wrap("<div></div>").parent().html();return(new d.ech.notify.instance(this))._create(b,d.extend({},this.options,c),a)}});d.extend(d.ech.notify,{instance:function(a){this.parent=a;this.isOpen=false}});d.extend(d.ech.notify.instance.prototype,{_create:function(a,b,c){this.options=b;var e=this;c=c.replace(/#(?:\{|%7B)(.*?)(?:\}|%7D)/g,function(f,g){return g in a?a[g]:""});c=this.element=d(c);var h=c.find(".ui-notify-close");typeof"function"&&c.addClass("ui-notify-click").bind("click",function(f){e._trigger("click",f,e)});h.length&&h.bind("click",function(){e.close();return false});;typeof b.expires==="number"&&window.setTimeout(function(){e.close()},b.expires);return this},close:function(){var a=this,b=this.options.speed;this.isOpen=false;this.element.fadeTo(b,0).slideUp(b,function(){a._trigger("close")});return this},open:function(){if(this.isOpen||this._trigger("beforeopen")===false)return this;var a=this;this.isOpen=true;this.element[this.options.stack==="above"?"prependTo":"appendTo"](this.parent.element).css({display:"none",opacity:""}).fadeIn(this.options.speed,function(){a._trigger("open")});return this},widget:function(){return this.element},_trigger:function(a,b,c){return,a,b,c)}})})(jQuery);
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This diff is collapsed.
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This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
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