Commit 0c8d3c22 authored by sim's avatar sim

[FIX] Celery auto-reload

parent ceb2c62b
......@@ -33,14 +33,28 @@ test -x "$DAEMON" || exit 0
PID=$(grep -oP '^\s*TESTSERVER_PIDFILE\s*=\s*\K.+' $GARGANTEXT_CONF | tail -1)
reload_celery_when_needed() {
[ -s "$PID" ] && PPID=$(cat $PID) && CHILD=$(pgrep -P $PPID)
[ -n "$PPID" -a -n "$CHILD" ] && \
((while kill -0 $CHILD; do sleep 1; done) && \
kill -0 $PPID && \
gargantext_reload_celery_when_needed() {
# Can't reference global variables from this function, so get parameters
# from arguments; PID is the pidfile of django test server
# Wait for testserver to start to get the correct pid
sleep 2
# Watch testserver and restart celery when it stops, provided that
# testserver is not totally stopped (to check this we check its parent
# process), and celery is running
[ -s "$PID" ] && PARENT_PID=$(cat $PID) && CHILD=$(pgrep -P $PARENT_PID)
[ -s "$PID" -a -n "$PARENT_PID" -a -n "$CHILD" ] && \
((while kill -0 "$CHILD"; do sleep 1; done) && \
kill -0 "$PARENT_PID" && \
$CELERY_INIT status && \
$CELERY_INIT restart) > /dev/null 2>&1
kill -0 $PPID > /dev/null 2>&1 && reload_celery_when_needed
# Start again...
kill -0 "$PARENT_PID" > /dev/null 2>&1 && \
gargantext_reload_celery_when_needed "$PID" "$CELERY_INIT"
start() {
......@@ -83,8 +97,8 @@ start() {
# Wait for a restart in the background and reload celery if needed. We need
# to export function and exec a new bash with nohup, otherwise current
# process would be attached to current terminal.
export -f reload_celery_when_needed
nohup $BASH -c reload_celery_when_needed > /dev/null 2>&1 &
export -f gargantext_reload_celery_when_needed
nohup $BASH -c "gargantext_reload_celery_when_needed '$PID' '$CELERY_INIT'" > /dev/null 2>&1 &
test_config() {
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