Commit 1231e529 authored by delanoe's avatar delanoe

[DOC] Answers to the questions.

parent 19e64834
......@@ -23,27 +23,28 @@ then == NodeB.parent_id == NodeC.parent_id.
### Each Node has a typename
Notation: `Node[foo](bar)` is a Node of typename "foo" and with name "bar".
Notation: `Node["FOO"]("bar")` is a Node of typename "FOO" and with name "bar".
- Then Node[project] is a project.
- Then Node[corpus] is a corpus.
- Then Node[document] is a document.
In Python code, typenames are represented as UPPERCASE strings (eg. "PROJECT").
- Then Node[PROJECT] is a project.
- Then Node[CORPUS] is a corpus.
- Then Node[DOCUMENT] is a document.
The syntax of the Node here do not follow exactly Python documentation
(for clarity and to begin with): in Python code, typenames are strings
represented as UPPERCASE strings (eg. "PROJECT").
### Each Node as a typename and a parent
├── Node[project](myProject1)
│   ├── Node[corpus](myCorpus1)
│   ├── Node[corpus](myCorpus2)
│   └── Node[corpus](myCorpus3)
└── Node[project](myProject2)
├── Node[PROJECT](myProject1)
│   ├── Node[CORPUS](myCorpus1)
│   ├── Node[CORPUS](myCorpus2)
│   └── Node[CORPUS](myCorpus3)
└── Node[PROJECT](myProject2)
/!\\ 3 way to manage rights of the Node:
/!\\ 3 ways to manage rights of the Node:
1. Then Node[User] is a folder containing all User projects and corpus and
documents (i.e. Node[user] is the parent_id of the children).
......@@ -57,20 +58,38 @@ In Python code, typenames are represented as UPPERCASE strings (eg. "PROJECT").
Global User is Gargantua (Node with typename user).
This node is the parent of the other nodes for parameters.
Node[user](gargantua) ( == Node[user].user_id)
Node[USER](gargantua) ( == Node[USER].user_id)
├── Node[TFIDF-Global](global) : without group
│   ├── Node[tfidf](database1)
│   ├── Node[tfidf](database2)
│   └── Node[tfidf](database2)
└── Node[anotherMetric](global)
│   ├── Node[TFIDF](database1)
│   ├── Node[TFIDF](database2)
│   └── Node[TFIDF](database3)
└── Node[ANOTHERMETRIC](global)
[//]: # (Are there any plans to add user wide or project wide parameters or metrics? For example TFIDF nodes related to a normal user -- ie. not Gargantua?)
Yes we can in the futur (but we have others priorities before.
[//]: # (What is the purpose of the 3 child nodes of Node[TFIDF-Global]? Are they TFIDF metrics related to databases 1, 2 and 3? If so, shouldn't they be children of related CORPUS nodes?)
Node placement in the tree indicates the context of the metric: the
Metrics Node has parent the corpus Node to indicate the context of the
├── Node[PROJECT](project1)
│   ├── Node[CORPUS](corpus1)
│   │   ├── Node[DOCUMENT](doc1)
│   │   ├── Node[DOCUMENT](doc2)
│   │ └── Node[TFIDF-global](name of the metrics)
│   ├── Node[CORPUS](corpus2)
│   └── Node[CORPUS](corpus3)
└── Node[PROJECT](project2)
## NodeNgram
......@@ -82,7 +101,6 @@ NodeNgram is a relation of a Node with a ngram:
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