Commit 1b0d84fd authored by Romain Loth's avatar Romain Loth

WIP: better group removal in table

parent ba57e9ab
......@@ -206,6 +206,10 @@ class GroupChange(APIView):
# the others params are links to change
couples = self.links_to_couples(params)
# £debug
print("==couples from url =================================++++=")
# local version of "insert if not exists" -------------------->8--------
# (1) check already existing elements
check_query = (session.query(NodeNgramNgram)
......@@ -220,11 +224,20 @@ class GroupChange(APIView):
for synonyms in check_query.all():
existing[(synonyms.ngram1_id,synonyms.ngram2_id)] = True
# £debug
# (2) compute difference locally
couples_to_add = [(mform,sform) for (mform,sform)
in couples
if (mform,sform) not in existing]
# £debug
print("== couples_to_add =================================++++=")
# (3) add new groupings
......@@ -255,6 +268,10 @@ class GroupChange(APIView):
# the others params are links to change
couples_to_remove = self.links_to_couples(params)
# £debug
# remove selectively group_couples
# using IN is correct in this case: list of ids is short and external
# see
......@@ -431,7 +431,9 @@ function saveActiveGroup() {
GroupsBuffer._to_del[downgradedNgramId] = CurrentGroups["links"][downgradedNgramId]
// locally
deleteInCurrentGroups(downgradedNgramId, false) // "false" <=> no need to change subform states
deleteInCurrentGroups(false, downgradedNgramId)
// arg 1 "false" <=> no need to change subform states
// arg 3 no subforms <=> delete entire group
......@@ -671,26 +673,24 @@ function removeSubform(ngramId) {
// in another group see comment at the top of script
// special case: if removed form already was a subform it becomes independant
// (because the old mainform may be remaining in the new group, we set a
// convention: entire previous group goes "to_delete" at 1st sub remove)
// (because the old mainform may be remaining in the new group)
if (CurrentGroups["subs"][ngramId]) {
var oldMainFormId = CurrentGroups["subs"][ngramId]
// it must break the old group, mark for deletion
// it must remove the subform from old group
// TODO make temporary
// for DB
GroupsBuffer._to_del[oldMainFormId] = CurrentGroups["links"][ngramId]
GroupsBuffer._to_del[oldMainFormId] = [ngramId]
// local consequences:
deleteInCurrentGroups(oldMainFormId, true)
// => they are all removed from CurrentGroups
// => the removed subform and all others from the old group
// get a state (map/del/normal)
var subformInheritsState = true
deleteInCurrentGroups(subformInheritsState, oldMainFormId, [ngramId])
// arg1 true => the removed subform from the old group
// gets a state (map/del/normal)
// ==========================================
......@@ -723,42 +723,76 @@ function removeSubform(ngramId) {
* Effects of deleting a mainform from the current groups
* Effects of deleting a mainform from the current groups (client-side)
* => updates the global var CurrentGroups
* => optionally triggers assignment of a state to the ex-subforms
* @param ngramId of a mainform
* @param inheritState boolean => updates the AjaxRecords[subformId].state
* @param ngramId of a mainform
* @param (optional) subforms array of subNgramIds (removes individual links)
* if absent: removes the whole group
function deleteInCurrentGroups(ngramId, inheritState) {
function deleteInCurrentGroups(inheritState, mainformId, subforms) {
var wholeGroup = false
if (typeof subforms == "undefined") {
console.log("deleteInCurrentGroups: no subforms specified: removing *entire* old group")
wholeGroup = true
if (inheritState) {
// ex-subforms can inherit state from their previous mainform
var implicitState = AjaxRecords[ngramId].state
var implicitState = AjaxRecords[mainformId].state
if (CurrentGroups.links[ngramId]) {
var oldGroup = CurrentGroups.links[ngramId]
// deleting in reverse index
for (var i in oldGroup) {
var subformId = oldGroup[i]
delete CurrentGroups.subs[subformId]
if (inheritState) {
AjaxRecords[subformId].state = implicitState
// consequence:
// now OriginalNG.records[subformId].state
// is != AjaxRecords[subformId].state
// therefore the newly independant forms
// will be added to their new wordlist
var subsToDel = []
if (wholeGroup) {
subsToDel = CurrentGroups.links[mainformId]
else {
subsToDel = subforms
// deleting in reverse index
for (var i in subsToDel) {
var subformId = subsToDel[i]
// deleting in "subs"
delete CurrentGroups.subs[subformId]
if (inheritState) {
AjaxRecords[subformId].state = implicitState
// consequence:
// now OriginalNG.records[subformId].state
// is != AjaxRecords[subformId].state
// therefore the newly independant forms
// will be added to their new wordlist
// deleting in "links"
delete CurrentGroups.links[ngramId]
if (! wholeGroup) {
// remove 1 from links array (indexOf is ok b/c length always small)
var i = CurrentGroups["links"][mainformId].indexOf(subformId)
// if it was the last of this group
if (CurrentGroups["links"][mainformId].length == 0) {
delete CurrentGroups["links"][mainformId]
// deleting in "links" is simpler in this case
if (wholeGroup) {
delete CurrentGroups["links"][mainformId]
* Adding links to the current groups
* Adding links to the current groups (client-side)
* => updates the global var CurrentGroups
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